Why does blizzard prioritize fixing fun stuff instead of bigger problems?

I am struggling to understand blizzard’s design philosophy. Why do they keep nerfing fun things like plvling friends allies or customers through islands when there are better problems to prioritize? Like all that leveling stuff is more fun. Its not like you actually enjoy leveling the 5th time plus through the same endgame leveling. Those other specs are locked out from endgame via leveling though. I dont understand why they want to fix players getting to endgame faster when they can fix stuff like transmog or clipping or dungeons having too much mobs or bad rng making you feel like you are wasting your time and do more rewarding activities. I just dont get the prioritization on stuff like this. What is the logic? This is a game I must remind you and the plvling seems like a great way for players that spent time in Legion show value even when not in current endgame.


Short answer…they don’t view WoW as a game anymore. It’s serious business! Most every design decision these days comes from that perspective.


Sorry exploiting things isn’t going to be shielded by “fun”.

Exploits are exploits. Blizzard fixing exploits as soon as it comes to their attention is a good thing.


Because Fun in no longer allowed. In Game or on forums.

Everyone is watching to make sure nobody has any fun. I am an old man, but these guys got me beat with the “get off my lawn” attitudes…


Ask yourself - Do the fixes to “fun” increase the “time played metric”? If so - then there’s a simple and direct answer.


There are a ton of guides on how to Plvl using the games current lvl standards. No-- you’re not going to make in a few hours. But if you aren’t interested in Lvling and you’d like to get to end game quicker-- Boost are available and you can use your gold to pay for it. :rainbow:

What exploits are those exactly?

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The one that just got hotfixed.

Quick and easy fixes allow them to build goodwill quickly.

Unfortunately, they also squander that goodwill with bonehead decisions like the current EXP one.


Most recently was where Horde could farm the new world boss for loot over and over by reloging thanks to a bug. Those that abused it will have everything taken away and punished depending on how much they abused it.

Because it’s easy to close a JIRA ticket without actually thinking about the impact. That’s cheap and easy and looks good on a report saying you closed X bugs this week. Having a meeting and actually having a team decision about how things should work and how players would feel and the best course of action could cost at least 10-15k more particularly when the final decision is to do nothing at all. So you don’t… you just do the simple fix and close the ticket.


No you are not right.

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what exactly about it is an exploit?
you know nothing about how the twinks work or you wouldn’t call it an “exploit”


Fast leveling is not an exploit. The hunter is right. Stop being a stale hostess donut.


How is that? You can only boost to level 110 currently.

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Powerleveling has always been frowned on. That is why when you group w/ someone drastically lower level than you their XP gains are drastically decreased.

Likely it’s more complex to fix the issues than the ‘fun stuff’, but I don’t see the need to nerf things like they are lately, personally, as well. There’s a lot of good stuff they took away that made the game a lot of fun. Hopefully the bad stuff will be fixed soon, but… I’m not holding my breath. I’ve had fun this expansion but miss Legion and how much more fun I had. I’m sticking it out to the next one though, hopefully the mistakes will be mended.

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Good question OP. Plenty of “examples” of fun being nerfed. Blizz recently stated with this subject “theirs” different ways to approach" so hopefully a reasonable solution for the community.

Oh yeah. All those lucrative level 111 boosts. Blizzard’s biggest money maker by far.

Hah, I group with 111s because they’re still in god mode thanks to Blizzard’s broken implementation of scaling.