Why does blizzard not respond to appeals?

Right which is why I asked if there was a way to post in game/forums that Blizz DOES monitor, but of course that got shot down, so that leaves Discord or reddit I suppose. Either way I’d advise people to just not trade gold if it involves SoD, far too much risk to get suspended because you can never know where their gold came from. Blizz expects a person to know both sides of the trade, yourself and the person you trade with.

They don’t, they simply know that that is where a large portion of criminal activity takes place. Reddit or FB would receive the same response, but Discord is what was used/mentioned.


Of course Kozzae, but you’re not allowed to discuss these trades in forums or potentially in game.

Heck, you can state the terms of the trade in game and trade your gold for gold elsewhere but if that person is using gold that has been flagged by Blizz you’re paying the price along with that person. It is why I think it needs to go from unsupported to outright banned to protect people from being scammed or suspended from these trades.

Agreed, there is no safe place to discuss these trades and it just puts the person at a greater risk of A) Being scammed. B) Getting Suspended.

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I’m not sure if they were discussing the trade, or advertising a service. You are not allowed to do the latter of course, arranging a trade in game though?

It was based on the blue response I got a little bit ago, where Blizz does not support posting in forums about gold trades and that the same would be disallowed in chat channels. I know advertising services is totally against the ToS. My inquiry was more of a curiosity if that Discord and other non-Blizz sources are a ‘red flag’ then it is trying to find where IS a safe space for trying to do a gold swap.

Honestly? Nowhere, they don’t want them done because they are often used as scams or by criminals. But they aren’t against the rules… At this time.

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Kind of my point, it needs to just be banned now.

That’s not really our call. That would be the Game Developers who decide policy.


Not so much a negative thing about discord but the criminals they are fighting use discord to their advantage and your disadvantage. Plus blizzard has zero way to see what goes on in discord.

So if it is a legit transaction it should all be talked about inside world of warcraft.

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But even that’s not safe unless it’s 100% vetted and even then it’s a risk to not be suspended.

That’s what I’m getting from this conversation.

Not banning it leads to more people scamming and more problems with regular players getting suspensions.

The community would be better off not doing it ever, given the lack of guidelines to ensure a clean trade.

Even a trade with a friend might look clean but if some of that gold was dirty from gdkp, still a chance you get stiffed for their ambivalence.

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I agree that people breaking TOS will use Discord to their advantage, but people looking to do unsupported trades not against TOS can also use Discord to their advantage. Discord is a far safer place to do gold swaps from retail to classic than in game. I hope you can at least see that.

gold trades are not safe


I made and set terms for my trade completely in sod and had them stated them again as a copy in discord to ensure I knew who they were and hope ng I was making more proof that this was a good trade. I was bnet friends with them before any trading happened so I knew who they were in both places and so I knew I wouldn’t be scammed with someone saying I traded the wrong person, etc and I still owe them.

Part of the community issue is that we’re out here trying to not get scammed by ppl and we’re trying to ensure it looks like a trade, because it is.

With policies in place, we were only afraid that it would look like rmt and we’d get scammed as trades are legit. So I tried to make sure it was a legit trade with the same person and not get scammed.

My point is the same, just banning trades or setting up a way to become bnet friends to track it cleaner are way better options than not communicating a change in interpretation of policy. Id be happy with either.

There is no way to do unsupported trades safely. And since said trades are being used by gold sellers to launder gold, I would stay very very very far away from them. If it isn’t a supported trade, and it’s not someone I know very well, I’m not doing any trades.


Trades are unsupported, I know. They’re not safe. Both of those things are not going to be interpreted by anyone as you can get suspended for making them.

The trade is not the issue.
The origination of the gold or the account you trade with possibly being stolen are the issue.


Heres the thing if blizzard wanted a legit way to transfer gold like this they would have a system to to do it since they dont there are cockroaches that will take advantage of players looking to work around the system there no way to know 100% where the gold is coming from just because player B says the gold is legit doesnt mean its legit and player A is finding out the hard way. Untill players stop looking for the easy way to get gold iligetimately there willl be cockroaches that will take advantage of them.


Correct, you can say the same thing for win trading, buying gold, any of it. But people do it.
My question is how would you enforce it? It is literally giving someone gold. for nothing at all, and then vice versa at another location. You can’t stop that. All you can do is look to see if their is any illicitly gained goods involved, and if so? Bring the hammer down.

But those things are not always going to be seen by the player, even if they have wcl records and a guild. Protect your players by just blanketing it and saying it’s banned, or creating a supported version.

This wave and interpretation of the policy set people up to fail. They set an expectation of what you could do then changed it. It’s okay to trade, but no not like that. It was a new behavior on the part of bad actors that was fronted as something that blizzards policies says is okay.

I won’t ever make a trade like it again. I care more about future players getting screwed over for no reason when something looks legit and isn’t and a simple blue statement or policy change can stop it from happening.

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