Why does Blizzard hate Night Elves?

They have had only had fatal defeats since vanilla, what makes you think that they would get a victory after 15 years?


Which other race:

Has been all but stripped of their cultural identity
Has lost their original flavour
Has lost their home (Gnomer doesn’t count)
Has been disconnected from their direct history where relevant (gnomes and dwarves have been involved in Uld- stuff, for example)
Has had their leadership not just ignored, but crapped on
Has had their leadership made woefully neutral (Malfurion stands around when Horde fight Tyrande)
Has had their leaders MIA for big game events



I legit just listed it in my post, and most of what you stated applies to them too.


You forgot about losing most of their population to the horde


The NEs have it worse.

If the baseline is: Be sidelined and ignored, then given the list I presented to you, the NEs are worse off currently.

Just because others have it marginally better, doesn’t mean the NEs are fine.

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This is very hyperbolic. They do not hate the Night Elves, it just so happens that you make a great target by being on Kalmidor. They have a goal in mind of what they are trying to do with the story and that clearly involves Sylvanas playing 4D chess while we are forced to play the dumb soldier type.

I suspect you will finally get your light to shine in the form of Tyrande being an antagonist.


Our time to shine when they mark Tyrande as a villain for simply wanting justice and making us kill even more night elves


Sweet! Be ignored for most of WoW (a period of 13+ years) only to shine as villain.

Can’t wait to shine in that sweet moonlight.


I’m convinced the Nelf playerbase will never be satisfied until their mary-sue Orion and Ariel knockoffs destroy the Horde, rule over the world and have the Alliance kissing their feet.


Goblins. They got absolutely demolished in their transition from WC3 to WoW.

Night Elves haven’t lost anything.

Yes it does. Don’t make exceptions just because they’re inconvenient.

Night elves were all over the place in Val’sharah and Suramar. Tyrande and Maiev led the reclamation of Darkshore. Shandris was present in Nazjatar. Night elves aren’t being ignored.

Gnomes have had an irrelevant “leader” up until BFA. Trolls and orcs frequently don’t have any leader at all! Need I mention pandaren?

EDIT: Gallywix too! He wasn’t even in the game even after he joined in Cataclysm!

Night Elves also had the unique benefit of having more than one leader at a time. Malfurion is neutral for balance reasons; vanilla WoW only had one official leader per race.

This has been largely true only before BFA. Night Elves were destroyed by vanilla. BFA brought their edge back. The devs don’t hate night elves.


I mean, draenei, have lost much to Horde, too. But they haven’t lost their cultural quirks or flavour. Unlike NEs who have been losing it since the day they were introduced to WoW.

Sidelined? Marginally better? what have ALLIANCE gnomes been during these past expansions?

I’m still seeing them squatting around in Ironforge, their home is still in the process of being “Reclaimed” for the last decade

and why don’t they count? Gnomes have been in the alliance since wc2, they didn’t even get a chance to be seen in 3 because they were beaten by races lesser than other sentient races.

I’m not seeing us following an Illidan Gnome, in any expacs either.

What cultural quirks or flavor have you lost?

Your compulsive nudity, or your strange tree-worshipping?

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Why should we be satisfied when we only lost since vanilla, every single battle. Wtf?

Night elves have absolutely nothing left now.


As it turns out, the power of trees and bows suck. Who’da’thunk it?

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That is basically all they ever make the Horde do. You want to have story, then you gotta play the bad part. That is how blizzard does it, the bad actor gets the most attention.

Trust me, it’s glorious. I for one cannot wait until we get Tyrande’s 80s cartoon villain monologue.

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Tyrande can’t be a villain though if she just seeks justice.

Even if they make her an actual villain, she would be a good one because she actually has good reasoning to become a villain unlike Sylvanas.


They were given a unique twist that bolstered their flavour. WoW introduced a new sect of these goblins. Unlike NEs who were given a blanket paintjob in WoW.

They have lost their savage edge, tribal aesthetic, nocturnalism, and military prowess. In addition to losing actual territory, btw.

It doesn’t count because they didn’t have Gnomer in the first place. It wasn’t present in-game then taken away. What a disingenuous thing to imply. I see the cut of your reasoning and I don’t like, nor respect it already.

Not Night Elves who had anything to do with Darnassus. The Gnomes and Dwarves are all directly tied to IF. Hall of Explorers, Explorer’s League? Brother to the king of IF?

Balance reasons? Because no one in Grommash Hold besides Thrall attacks you? Varimathras stood by while you attacked Sylvanas? Again with the dishonest arguments.

I don’t think I am interested in debating with someone who twists actual facts in such a way.

Tyranduh, if she becomes a villan, will do so because of her own arrogance.

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