Why does Blizzard hate Beast Mastery

It’s not really unplayable. It just requires way more gear and skill to be viable than other classes. That may be splitting hairs, but it’s probably the reason Blizzard is hesitant to fix the spec. It seems to be scaling at a half decent measure in SL. Unfortunately, by the time most BM Hunters are geared enough to survive the burst of other classes, those classes already have heaps of high item level pvp gear.


Ive never seen that in raiding. And I raid almost 100% as BM. I think the only time my pet has died is from trash packs… like the rats after huntsman or some such. Now stuck in the floor… Ive seen that quite a bit.

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Why is it that people, when talking WoW history, almost always just remember the last raid of the last xpac and expand it to ‘That’s what it’s been like for 3 expansions!’.

No. Just stop.


If you go back and look at Legion and BFA BM was the go to spec for PvE. Sure MM was around and so was SV. The majority of people where BM because of how easy it was to have consistent damage.

Why does Blizz hate BM?

There’s always the “fun detected, fun nerfed” argument. I don’t think that tells the true story. The truth is that in the 90’s both Blizz and BM lived in the same subdivision under the same Homeowner’s Association. There were complaints made to the HOA by both parties about the other’s parties, an inground pool BM was building (lots of costly hoa fines and rework), and eventually it escalated to a pack of corehounds “accidentally” getting loose and taking a massive dump on Blizz’s prize winning rosebushes, nearly killing them (rosebushes are almost indestructible), allowing Square Enix’s rose bushes to win the HoA’s Best in Community trophy for the next 4 years!

They made peace through their lawyers, but Blizz never forgave BM for the rosebushes.


They refuse to buff the spec, the worst spec in the game and they won’t buff it?

To be fair I think they just hate Hunters in General, they screwed over all the people that used to play SV just so people that don’t normally play hunters might play it some (which looking at stat’s people have posted didn’t seem to work too well go figure), screwed over MM by shoehorning some of the spells (mostly in name only) into it and watering down their choices and spec.

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I don’t think they hate BM or hunters in general but feel that we can be last to fix, because we don’t give up.

I am very loyal to my hunter. I feel responsible for my pet (I know its just pixels, don’t come at me). I have played a hunter since vanilla. I have been BM, MM and SV (range) I even tried lone wolf for a season but could not get into.

I don’t feel alone with my pet and much more daring. When things get boring, I go explore with my pet. I can always find things to do. I do raid and M+ casual.

I also spend time working on my rotation and reading ways to increase my dps, because I will always main a hunter with a pet by my side.


Come on in, have a seat, Survival would like to have a word with you.

Hot take. Beast Mastery should have been a dual wield melee spec - not Survival.

Personally I’ve never really taken to BM. Feels too much like auto-pilot. I don’t feel engaged at all. Normally I’d say they need to give it a modernization pass, but last time they did that, one of the specs became a less effective Outlaw Rogue, so whatever you do Blizz do not make a modernization pass I beg of you. It’s fine. Really. I’m sure there is melee you could be buffing that’s way more worth your time.

BM could use improvement, but it’s not THAT bad.

Me: 4/10M, 1400io, 2000 2’s, 1900k 3’s, 2400 RBG.

It’s definitely the only spec I can play well while raid leading.


BM is the bottom of the dps atm. It needs really high ilvl just to be ok with lets say a ret pallly, nvm about going against a fire mage or a boomie.

I personally really hate arguments like it’s an easy class and therefore low dps. It’s a bad argument and it’s exactly the type of thing that creates a huge divide in the community. I wonder what will be like if the design team were to switch focus from the numbers game to raid mechanics instead. Atm the game is all about getting that high level item and doing as much dps as possible whereas I really wanted the game to get away from that.

Hunters is a three damage spec class. The choice of specs should be close but as of right now, it’s mm or nothing. Bm can sort of do mythic+ up to maybe 12key but anything above is hard af to keep up. SV is … well … like I said, mm or nothing.

Imo, Blizzard needs to take a hard look at their class designs because their raid mechanics are not designed around that. All the roles are expected to do the same job no matter their difference in skills and damages charts.

I think I suggested at least divide classes into three categories; Burst, aoe and Maintain. Burst is obvious, so is aoe and Maintain is just classes that is responsible for consistent damage to push bosses to certain burst phases. Same can be said for healing. Tanking can be divided into Physical and Magic and a medium. Also give specs a sliding bar so classes can be varied.

Talents should augment the individual’s ability to switch between categories (with a bit of a penalty for switching to other category and a slight bonus for sticking to their own category). This way, parties can be as flexible as they can be but mostly with this system, specific class/spec problems can be more focused because everyone is not expected to do everything in every fight.

Like a mm would be Burst and bm would be Maintain; bms will push the boss to a burst phase and mm will burst them down.



You parse even better than I do, so I have some questions, 28 percent verse, is that your pvp setup or you raid like that? You like the dire beast leggo for raiding too or just pvp?

Yeah I have mostly pvp gear, and high vers is definitely not optimal statweights. But I raid lead and do most of the soaking mechanics so the extra vers does work out.

Dire beast is for PVP, it’s pretty good and I will use that instead of the feign death leggo if I know I won’t be targeted much.

It works well in PVE and is comparable to Rylaks. This may not be the case once total crit % goes up from gear and ppl are hitting 50% crit.

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The answer is pretty simple, PVP.
PVP is always the problem when balancing in this game. If something is op in PVE, it’s typically OP in PVP. When a mage is doing big crits in raid, it’s cool and fun but no one complains cause well… a spell hitting a boss for 30,000 when the boss has 3,000,000 HP isn’t really a big deal. But that spell also hits players for 30,000. Then they come on here and cry mages are one shotting them.

BUT that’s easily fixable, for stuff like that you can just kick the spell…or spell reflect… or LOS it and so much more.
Let’s say blizzard buffs BM so they’re viable in pve, by viable I mean they’re now in the top 10 and not the bottom 3. Well that also increases their damage in pvp. Players have 10 diff plays to stop that mage from hitting them for 30k, but it’s really hard to stop a BM hunter shooting you, kiting you, while their pet attacks you. Not to mention all the other utility hunters have they can do while on the move.
I imagine balancing that is even harder.
I like PVP, I really do enjoy it but it really is the reason this game is so unbalanced all the time. Even if PVE didn’t exist the balancing in pvp would be terrible. They’ve never been able to get it right and I think when it comes to some specs like BM they’re just dumbfounded.

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Accept you can you know disable the pet. Kill it CC it. It pretty much renders the BM hunter useless. Just like every class there is a counter. Problem is people will whine about how the pet does all the work. So on and so fourth.


I’d be happy if they lowered the CD on Barbed Shot by 1 second. That’s it, that’s all I want. They lower it by 1 measly second, and BM is great, I can keep 3 stacks up without having to absolutely micro-manage the timer.
Ya it sims well, but irl all it takes is a single boss mechanic (looking at you shriekwing) and I’m back to spending 15 seconds or more trying to build up that rotation again, praying to the RNG gods I’ll get a proc.
Everything else about BM has been fine for me, though I don’t do M+ or Regular raids. I imagine it’s much worse for them.
But if I can’t consistently maintain 3 stacks in LFR, it needs a touch up.

Also I think there’s a little hyperbole around pets dying instantly. I cleared Torghast Twisting Corridors level 7 a couple days ago on this BM hunter. Yeah my pet died once, but I managed to get it back up before getting pwnd by the boss on level 18.
Absolutely everything else has been a manageable. I like BM, and while Venthyr has gotten better, I’ve been in there since the start. Flayed shot just works to well with my rotation to go elsewhere.


you want a class where the majority of dmg is passive to be best spec for raids and arena? seems to be every patch where mm is nerfed bm gets a buff to appeal to people that love pets

They don’t just hate BM. They hate the hunter class as a whole lol. All three of our specs are underperforming.


Wrong. If you just command your pet to attack and stand there doing nothing you will not do half of my damage. That means it is not really “passive”, for anyone who have half a brain at least.

You can’t even possible play a BM well without good auras, to begin with.

This myth that BMs are “easy” to play so they “deserve to do less damage” is sow by terrible players like you, with nothing but LFR progression and terrible parses on M+ (I sincerely hope this is not your main character, because if that is the case you’re such a terrible player, your logs are a shame and you should avoid talking about balance being so bad at this game).