Why does Blizz Tell me what is "fun"?

You’re ridiculous. At what point did I say I didn’t like the game? As customers, we provide feedback. We keep them in business.


You’re going off on some tangent. Try to stay on topic.

You’re sounding like one of those children I described

I’m all for the timer. Great change blizzard. Enough catering to the crying. It’s how we got BfA

You’re thread insinuates that blizzard intentionally makes the game less fun and you want them to stop. You view gameplay parameters as “telling us what’s fun”.

Then you come into the forums and whine :sob:


Seems like more and more people are exercising the second option. But sure, they can keep digging their hole deeper and deeper for their “vision”.


True. WoW is never going to be fully balanced, but it would be nice if Blizzard at least pretended to care about balance every now and then, if only to give us the illusion of hope. In saying that, it is fun when Blizzard drops in something woefully unbalanced and the community has to find a way to adapt to it or just die. Keeps you on your toes, makes you feel alive.

Which just begs the question of why are you so dead-set against people thinking outside the box? If anything, you should have more experience in seeking them out and seeing what can be done with various glitches?

Are you also seeing that you’ve never noticed the pure glee in players when they find a glitch in game and ask themselves “Now what can I actually do with this?” Provided it’s not a game-breaking bug nor a domineering aspect for the primary experience (and not too intrusive to be randomly frustrating), players LOVE glitches. Hell, I still miss the old wall-hopping bug which allowed to explore out-of-bounds areas during Vanilla WoW.

Are you telling me you’ve never went and did silly things with the glitches you discovered as part of your work?

And half the fun is finding out how you can do so.
The other half is experimenting with it to see what you can do with it.


Sharing my feedback and disagreeing with decisions is not whining. Just because I don’t agree with your opinions does not mean it is whining. You are simply dismissing any other opinion because you don’t personally agree with it. By all means, keep acting that way and see how far that will get you. Read what I say, not fill in the lines with what you believe I’m saying.


I think at this point Blizzard is trying to kill WoW


I don’t spend my time calling others children on a gaming forum. Not sure it is me showing lack of maturity here.

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Nothing is preventing people from doing this in Torghast, not even the “timer”. Sitting and waiting for cooldowns without a timer isn’t thinking outside of the box, it’s literally the first thing that comes to most peoples’ minds otherwise.

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The thing is, cooldowns are balanced (generally) over the course of a long term fight. They give burst dps in a short window, that spread out over a longer fight means less.

For example. I can two talent options. Both can give similar DPS, but one is better over an extended period of time, one is better in a short window.

They each have their uses, and sometimes burst DPS is better than sustained. To nerf the burst dps cooldown so that it isnt as effective would be getting rid of it in favor of spread out damage.

An example of this in game now would be the Ele Sham lvl 100 row. I have StormKeeper and Ascendance. Ascendance is on a 3m cd. SK is 1m. In a 15 second window, Ascendance will do a ton more damage. In a 5 minute fight, Stormkeeper will push ahead for me.

If I was doing a series of very short fights where every single bit of damage mattered, and I could afk for 3 mins between every single pull. I might go the Ascendance route at a certain point to push higher levels.

Because in my experience, people seek “outside the box” glitches for a specific reason.

I would warrant that the first thing most people try to actually do with any glitch is find a way to exploit it for an unfair advantage.

Within the context of this thread (completing Torghast levels). I feel even more strongly that people actively looking for bugs and how to apply them would be looking to use them in game breaking/unfair ways.

No, the childish way you started this thread and posed your opinion as “mean Blizz is telling us what’s fun and what isnt” makes it sound like whining.

It’s their game. They get to decide how and what we play. We’re consumers. We vote with our money, and thus far they’ve collected billions.

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They’ve been into this linear, everyone play the way we want you to stuff for a while. And I’m not sure why they don’t get that some like the pick your own adventure aspect.

Their game could use some variety.

He didn’t start this thread. If you’re going to belittle someone, at least get it right.


If this was true that the majority plays this way only 4 races in the entire game would be played at all (enough to cover all classes for both factions).

There wouldn’t be stuff like frost mage parses on mythic Nzoth.


Any damage tick every 5 seconds, regardless of the intensity of that damage, means that Warriors get ZERO benefit from Second Wind for the entire time the torment is active, as one example. That increases Warrior downtime because instead of running from pack to pack and passively regenerating health on your way to do things, you need to sit and eat.

Adds are being sent if you are out of combat, not idle, and right now the (probably bugged) spawn rate is about 3-4 seconds out of combat, not 30-45. You also wind up needing to eat after killing those mobs, again, unless you have bonkers anima powers and are already oneshotting everything.

There are locked chests where you need to solve a puzzle to open them. Are you expected to solve this puzzle with adds continually spawning on you?


This is a good illustration of them making things way harder than they need to be instead of just balancing anima powers.

I know WoW is pretty far removed from an MMO at this point, but the “choose your own adventure” aspect was the appeal of the genre for a lot of people when it was at its zenith.


Because its their game, get over it