Why does Blizz Tell me what is "fun"?

Congrats! They aren’t hurrying you!

Adding in a mechanic that will make it difficult to take a 10 minute break every single pull does not mean they are hurrying you.


You think I haven’t seen all their posts twenty times? What they intended and what they’re doing aren’t lining up.


What are they doing in Torghast that you feels hurries you, and means you can’t play at a comfortable pace?

Losing a significant chunk of health per second when not in combat, adds being sent, etc.


1% of your health every 5 seconds.

A single add being sent if you are sitting idle, not in combat. Every 30-45 seconds.

That’s just one stack lol


Is it possible you haven’t discovered the joys of breaking games and the rules they’ve set out?

Boy, you’ve been missing out on SOOOOOOOO much!


That’s also getting into the difference between somebody running top tier content in the game versus the average player.

If it’s that big a deal maybe consider putting it on the higher end levels, but I don’t think the rest of us should have stuff imposed on us just because the min/maxers will do whatever is required to get every advantage they can.

Considering Torghast is supposed to be a sort of “endless dungeon” type thing, I would say the options are not failure vs taking a long time but succeeding.

It’s doing it quickly vs doing it slowing but getting maybe 5% farther, with the 5% being variable depending on how powerful waiting for cooldowns are.

Which if cooldowns are that powerful then we return to my earlier point: Maybe cooldowns need a looking at.


And people will just pull the weakest mob in the room to stay in combat if they need to, they are already doing this.


I have worked years in QA. I feel comfortable saying I have more experience in breaking games than most players.

And you still have to break games within the rules of the programming.

I get it

What would be the benefit in trying to figure out Torghast if I for example save my timewarp for each major boss.

It’ll mean I probably have more than enough DPS to nuke down each boss but it doesn’t really present it as a challenge.

Saying ‘let us play our way’ isn’t valid when the content is asking them to compromise for the lowest common denominator.

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Cooldowns could be 1% more powerful, and thats all it would take.

Even casual players are heavily influenced by things that offer a 1% or less gain in dps.

Hehehe, tell me, when was the last time WoW was “balanced” exactly? because WoW has been a roller coaster from word go.


And the point is they need to stop balancing the game around that ridiculously small amount of players because they will never eliminate that way of thinking, it just ruins the game for everyone else.


Balance is incredibly tough to achieve in a mmo. Especially one with any options on gearing/talenting out your character.

If anything, they’ve been balancing the game around the super casual player.

They make the game. You decide if you want to play. If you aren’t having fun and continue to play, you may have some serious issues.

That depends on what else the option offers.

If you have 2 passives and one is 1% better then sure, more people will take the one that is 1% better.

I don’t believe we’d see a widespread sitting and waiting on cooldowns for every pull if it was only 1% more effective to do that, though. People aren’t going to want to sit around not doing anything for half the run.

You’d mostly just see “Well it’s almost off cooldown so let’s just wait 20 seconds”, which Blizzard has already said they don’t want to remove this in the first place.


I mean… it’s Blizzard’s game, they made it, they produce it, they sell it, and they get to say what’s fun for it; WoW is their idea of fun.

You get to agree with that and play, or don’t agree and don’t play. Or don’t agree and continue to play, but… they do get to say what they think is fun in their game whether you agree with it or not.

Thus all the people rolling 130 times on the same piece of benthic gear looking for a socket because they read it’s BiS.

Have you seen the playerbase!? They make everything easy and still people whine and cry. LFR is a cupcake difficulty and still people ask for nerfs. Any content that requires an resemblance of a grind is met with immediate outcry and anger. They think every decision has to be catered to their subjective needs or else it’s “blizzard hates us” “blizzard just doesn’t care”

If anything they’ve earned being treated like children

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