Make it shorter. Less decay. Less honor required = EZ
Commit to the grind or gtfo
Make it shorter. Less decay. Less honor required = EZ
Commit to the grind or gtfo
Then what do you want? You want it to be rewarded by removing honor decay? adding a honor point currency that you use to buy the gear? Hmmmm. Sounds like making the gear easier to get.
They already increased RP gains by 2X and decay by 2X.
The OPs point is to allow gradual gains over LONG periods of time instead of forcing all the work to happen in 6 weeks.
If something takes 200hrs to do, it shouldn’t matter if you do it all at once or over many weeks.
It will still take 200 hrs. It isn’t making the thing any easier to do.
If you have a simplistic view of the world then yeah you could come to that wrong conclusion.
Commit to the grind or gtfo casual
I wouldn’t try for it even if they made the changes I’m suggesting because it would still take a long time to get the gear.
You are slow on the uptake there bro.
I never said I was going for it.
when AV released I no lifed that bg till exalted so that trinket was pretty easy and the ranks that came along with it were decent, then again I dont care about ranks on my rogue. My warlock ill be going for rank 11 which this time around with the changes they have already made to ranking, will be insanely easy.
because you cant handle pvp yet you are making excuses in a pvp conversation about why it needs to be easier.
don julios is a ring… but yeah… i also wanted that mount pretty bad
it’s just some of those AVs went on forever, and before they refined the honor system, I remember WSG being the place to rank grind, and AV to rep grind
I can’t remember if I cared about WSG or AB stuff… there was a CC trinket in WSG right?
No one asked to make it easier. You have a learning deficiency.
Then what are you doing here?
Arguing with a slow child.
I never understood why people like the mount so much, i found the wolves and kodos to be uninteresting.
It won’t even be a grind unless you want rank 14 in the first 2 months. You could rank up pretty casually and still get it.
You just have to make sure to maintain bracket 7 or higher. Which should not be overly hard to do.
There will still be people going hard. The system is still not great. But its far more obtainable for your average player now
explain why you are in this forum then. What is the purpose of you typing right now? What do you want to get out of this conversation?
I’m not going to explain how life works to you. You can to reread what I said and maybe you will understand once you grow up some.
Why’s dude flipping out on someone who shares his PoV?
What is happening here lol.
The rogue can’t form a valid argument so is trying to insult me to get me to stop posting. Just like 70% of people who post here.
ooh yeah, AB had the running boots, that’s right
I remember now why I have you on ignore, Frosstfire lol
Funny how you respond to all my comments then…