Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

Well that is your opinion and it is wrong.

There is no difference between allowing gear progression over time if the time investment is at least the same.

You won’t get the gear when people who play more than you get it. YOu will get it later and it will be worth less.

So it doesn’t cheapen the gear at all. It just lets people get it who want it later even though it probably isn’t even good by the time they get it.

It doesn’t cheapen the gear in the slightest or make it more available in earlier phases.

Most people won’t even invest the time to get the gear even if you could do it over time.

You are crazy if you think this change means everyone will have R14 gear. It would still require hundreds of hours to get minimum. Most people won’t bother when they can just go to raids and get gear.

The only people who would bother farming it out over time are people who just want the gear for how it looks or if they are completionists.

What is the point getting R14 gear in P6? Guess what. I did it in 4 days. I got the gear in 4 days in P6 during TBC prepatch. So it was super accessible and it didn’t matter cause it’s P6.

Use your brain. You people are seriously like talking to a child or a brick wall. You can’t even grasp simple concepts.

You know what bro, you are literally the most cringe Neanderthal on this entire forum. Your condescending tone and inability to have a reasonable discussion without spewing sewage is insane. You got the gear in 4 days because of prepatch. No, my opinion is not wrong, it’s just an opinion. I’m just going to go ahead and say your opinion is wrong because I disagree with you. Regardless blizzard is not changing the system. You aren’t getting the gear. See you in the BG


Any post that claims a person is being forced to do anything in a video game is automatically invalid. I didn’t read it, but I didn’t have to. Either play the game or don’t.

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Why does it matter if people farm the gear out over time and unlock it in P4, P5, or P6?

The gear is not even good by then and isn’t much better than raid gear or is worse than raid gear?

Why do you care so much?

Please explain why your opinion is correct? You can’t…

We are also talking about future seasons not this season of SoM. Again you are acting like a dull brick wall.

Ok, you want an answer?

Because the rank gear is not intended for everyone.

That’s it. That’s why you aren’t getting your system

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How is everyone getting it just because you can farm it over time? You think everyone will invest hundreds of hours to farm it?

You can’t be serious??? You are just playing dumb.

I haven’t been posting in this thread but the only one who is saying that people think R14 is an amazing achievement and about skill is you.

Everyone else is just saying “Hey some people have the time some people don’t and not everyone needs to get to rank 14, that’s ok.”

Every time the rank 14 stuff is discussed there is always someone who for absolutely no reason comes and talks down to/berates the people who decided to do the grind.

I did the grind in Classic and, thinking about it, Covid with being forced to stay at home let me do it. I will not be ranking to 14 this time but I have friends who plan to and I support them 100%

I was about to ask you how you got ur gear… Man, oh man, this explains so much.

So you weren’t good (yes, I said good but we all know its a time investment) to farm the gear out right like everyone else that work so hard on it.

I hope you play on a pve server, cuz I never want to run into you in game.

I got it to mock people who wasted 12 weeks farming it. LUL.

Getting R14 isn’t an achievment. It is a sign of no life.

I’ll be on PVP server BTW farming dumb horde players like you.

Here is a new flash… you didnt need to that. All you had to do is open ur mouth. People already know you are a moron.

No it is funnier to see people try and figure out how I have R14 gear when I didn’t rank. Funny to watch your rusty gears try and turn.

Here I am saying I can play while at work… So, I most definitely have the time I can invest in it. And you are telling me I wont get it.

I’m sure you will see a lot of people hitting r14 in the 6 weeks. What will you say then? make fun cuz they put in the time needed?

You didn’t get to mock anyone because the game was already over. Everyone else already had their fun and you did it for the looks lmao


So you = everyone now?

You have a high opinion of yourself.

I just love how he keeps just making even more of a fool of himself with every post. Its priceless and amusing since I’m bored at work. I should be playing PoE instead. lol

No I did it to mock losers who got R14.

How is him not = everyone any different than say a gladiator title?

That explains a lot…

But nobody cares. You literally didn’t mock anyone because the game was over. People’s ranked to 14 knowing that prepatch made it available to everyone. You literally didn’t win

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no dumbass, we’re trying to tell you there are thousands more with the same mentality. But you somehow can’t get it through ur thick skull.