Why does anyone get butthurt over tanking as a service

Yeah, here’s your articulation of what you’re feeling:

“People in this world should allocate their time and resources to me and my ambitions with gaining nothing in return because I feel you should have to do these things to be a good person.”

Sorry but the respect of a green parser isn’t something valuable to me.

Like “Oh I literally need nothing so going here for no benefit is a net loss and poor allocation of time I could otherwise spend more productively, so I will make it productive.” All it tells me is this person knows their worth and realizes they shouldn’t cater to people who feel they should do it for some BS moralistic reasons like “In the spirit of being a good member of the community.”

As is theirs, however what defines “fun” varies from person to person. If I’m getting nothing from allocating effort, I am not having fun. If I wasn’t getting anything personally beneficial to me from WoW, I wouldn’t play it.

What a coincidence. My game time isn’t for being beholden to preposterous standards set by the playerbase who seems to think I should do things for no personal benefit just so I can “be a good person.” Especially with most random groups I’ve seen where I’m having to drop consumables that cost a good amount of gold since dying is more of a gold loss to me because my healer clicks from his spellbook.

Oh no, I won’t get to play with quality players like Awenn of Remulos who green parses in Molten Core as their best average. . . What ever will I do?

Yeah sorry but I’d rather lose out on the opportunity of playing with a guy who in MC has:
4 gray parses
4 green parses
1 Blue Parse

and no parse on Ragnaros.

Yeah I’m waiting for you to dig into my parses, please do. In fact I am praying you do. Any group would rather have my rogue, or my mage alt than you.

Here I’ll even supply you a link:

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We could argue for days on this. I think my posts have stated my thoughts on tanks charging a fee. In the end I feel and think that it is wrong. I think that this game is designed with a triad in mind: tank, healer and dps. Not mercenary, healer and dps. There will be people willing to pay for tanking services and good for those tanks. If at any point in this iteration of WoW Classic the population subsides for other roles, I suppose they can start charging for services too.

Someone did post that we are in an open market, we are free to disagree and do whatever else baring ToS.

To me this is a game about exploration: a journey in a sense. For me, and I know others agree too, tank services aren’t part of it.

I leave it at that.

Yeah clearly you’re too inept to read. I wasn’t going to the run nor participating. I was expected to spend 20 minutes of my time to do something for free because someone thought me having a key meant I had some moral obligation to open every UBRS door free of charge.

hows he gonna recover from that LOL

btw your rogue parses are insane

Indeed we could argue for days on it. End of the day it boils down to personal ethics and opinions regarding them. I funded my epic mount by running with a 4 man mercenary squad and we just grabbed a random DPS, pocketed all the boes and split it between the four of us and spammed runs until they got what they wanted. If they were a tank or healer we just told them to pretend to DPS, didn’t need a spec or consumables, went smoothly. I’d contest I’ve easily gotten half of the casters their Briarwood Reeds on this server.

As you can probably discern, I am very pro-free market. If you can market something, do it. Do whatever you feel to make your effort and time worth it.

For what it’s worth, no negative feelings and nothing I said was particularly meant as negative toward you. I have a very direct way of talking to where people think I’m either mad or confrontational since I just get right to the point in speech. The only person I’ve actually treated with genuine ire is that green parser hunter who acts like I’m missing out on some big opportunity not playing with him. I respect your disagreement and opinions even as ridiculous as I might find them. Have a wonderful day.

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And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the proof positive of my position. In technicolor.

You’re in the wrong game to be comparing iLevels and reading parses my friend. Done Rags twice, by the way. Not sure (or care) where you’re getting your parses from. But everything you say here undermines the type of mercenary elitism that is more often than not goes with the attitude that sells “tanking services”. Not always, it’s just a high enough correlation to be useful.

Thanks for that. You know what they say though - throw a stone into a pack of dogs and the one who yelps the loudest is the one you hit.

just leave it man.

Probably lecture me on how he plays for fun and not performance, but if I don’t do something well I don’t have fun. Must be a symptom of extreme autism.

Thanks for the compliment. I like to do my best whenever able. Makes me feel like the 27 days played time I’ve spent in BRD pickpocketing are actually being spent productively.

respect, brother

what the hell do you mean “elitism”? if a tank is geared, has nothing to do and wants to make money it’s not elitism to just offer your services in trade chat like anyone else. unless your expectation of tanks is to just be public servants and spend all of their time running strangers through dungeons for no incentive.

Its a perfectly fine thing to do, for one I’d gladly pay a geared tank for a run instead of waiting all night for one, and often the tank is fine with just vendoring the blues/greens no one needs as a “tax”. This benefits the tank as well especially on pvp servers where its difficult to defend themselves in a prot spec out in the world.

Nothing to be butthurt about at all.

wish everyone thought like you buddy :confused:

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so you were expected to run for 20 minutes… you once again are not special just cause you have a key.

Except I’m not, this is a game largely hinged on performance. You mentioned earlier about it being a social game, that’s a two way street. People on Faerlina who need a dps that have grouped with my rogue ask me if I want to come along because they know it’s going to get cleared. There aren’t a wealth of people who enjoy grouping with people who are shown inept by data. This is why Raider IO is such a big controversy on retail, because people do not wish to group with people if they are not certain the run will get completed.


From here, here you go, clear as day for you to see yourself.

Yeah, sorry. When you’re actually good at something, ineptitude is something you don’t want to be bogged down by. And it isn’t like I haven’t seen both sides of this spectrum. When I was 12 my MC guild constantly made fun of me for doing no damage because I thought spamming scorch in Molten Core on a mage was a smart idea and hated elitism too. Except instead of crying about it, I made myself good enough that I never was going to be a garbage player again.

In WoW this translated to being good enough at the game I was clearing Black Temple before Sunwell, and in Dragon Soul my crowning point was raiding in the top US guild (Blood Legion). I know what my worth is and what I am capable of. In the workplace this translated to being such an effective worker I make 23 dollars an hour at age 26 in an area where median income my age is about 12 dollars per hour.

Also you have a fundamental misunderstanding on the elitism. People selling tank services don’t also demand a group that will clear in 30 minutes. They realize they’re largely grouping with gutter tier players which is why they have the fee, because they’re more than likely going to spend more time in there than necessary in addition to death a few times. Repair costs on a tank aren’t particularly cheap, even as a rogue in leather fully broken gear for me is about an eight gold repair bill. Imagine a plate user.

Yeah and there’s always a correlation with people who provably can’t perform well at the game complaining about elitism whenever they can.

No, I just found your post moronic and decided to give you the time of day explaining why you’re inaccurate. Truth be told, I don’t particularly care for you and by extension what you do or how you perceive me and didn’t draw any injury from your perceived “stone tossed.”

But hey, if you want to pretend like you actually damaged me for your ego go right ahead. In fact it might be more damage than you’ve ever done in MC with logs like that.


do you have a key?

i have EVERY key.

and i love it, and others love it, cause i don’t like some neckbeards try and be a toll master to dungeons.

hes already dead!

Never claimed I was special for having a key. However if I have a valued commodity, I’m not going to spend 20 minutes getting to UBRS and back to what I was doing for some rando I’ll never encounter again.

However on that token, they also aren’t special that I should just forfeit what I’m doing and trek all the way just to open a door for them for nothing then trek all the way back so I can resume my original ambition.

Like I said, if they had a warlock summon available for me I’d have done it for free, but they didn’t, nor did they have a mage to return me to Orgrimmar so I could fly back to Felwood. This was literally expected of me to just use my hearthstone, die 5 times on the way to UBRS through the massive Alliance zergs in Kargath, then somehow make my way back to a flightpath safely, then travel for ridiculous amounts of time before I could return to what I was doing.

Again as I’ve stated. If the player isn’t gaining anything from an activity in their minds, they won’t do it.

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Dude, you’re firing on all the wrong cylinders. I posted about the silliness of tanks selling services, and you’ve gone to parses (I’ve done Rags twice, which shows the accuracy of that site, BTW). If I did zero damage in raids, none of it impacts on the point of this topic. I suspect it’s just a platform for you to show out, but in doing so all you’ve done is prove my point. And you’re on Faerlina. I mean, holy cow. The hits just keep on coming.

i’m even going to double down here. my alt is also a 300 eng with every seaforium recipe. if it’s a door, i can have it open. free of charge.

edit- actually with 1 charge… of large seaforium