This sounds like more of the current issue with PvP gearing in general though. To have fun in PvP, you gotta accept that you’re going to lose. Being upset over the gear gap is fair.
More players on Horde in Warmode ?
I thought that was a gimme.
20% is to entice players of alliance to go in.
They see us using it they camp us til we log how about nooooooo
I used to enjoy pvp but the gap is so huge a fresh 60 is useless. I afk farmed honor on my toons to honor cap multiple times because I can’t kill crap and I get blown up in 2 shots. These days my fresh 60 alts go to m0 right away.
Yeah I don’t disagree with you there. It’s an issue that the devs don’t want to address and it’s a problem. It’s antifun for folks just wanting to PvP.
pretty much this. I did enough in legion to get the squire pet. I did underbelly to get the rat mount. Thats it.
Oh, i did enjoy Ashran, which makes me i think in the 2% that did.
When I afk farmed did I feel bad that the people that wanted to be there had dead weight? Kinda but when you have nobody to do m+ with (now I do) how else are you supposed to gear. Watching Netflix while being in a meat grinder was a way of life for a few days
I was referring to the lack of rewards leading to Warmode being emptier than it already is being the player-made problem. My fault for not being more clear, then.
But your comment underlines the inherent short-sightedness of people complaining about the lack of people in WM (and other faction to gank on the old pvp servers). Depending on other players to be your content leads to your content going away of its own accord.

There were at least 10 to 15 alliance threads complaining about war mode every hour. The alliance is great at throwing fits and getting stuff. That is why I respect them so much. They got the will and no self-respect to get things.
The Horde did the same during 9.0 and got even their wish faster. The Alliance was winning once and they took it away because it would have lessened the fun Horde-players had. The other way around it’s - for some unknown reason - acceptable.
Horde-players need to switch back to the Alliance to make it playable at this point.

Yeah I don’t disagree with you there. It’s an issue that the devs don’t want to address and it’s a problem. It’s antifun for folks just wanting to PvP.
Greed for faction transfers ruined the structure they had.
It’s why I love mythic plus. Gearing is much simpler than pvp and isn’t as frustrating
It’s pretty easy to get pvp gear
and then you play horde on MG. it was murder in BFA. Didn't bother with SL WM

It’s pretty easy to get pvp gear
I’m not feeding the meat grinder
If thrall and Jaina can do it, so can you.
it was implemented this way to encourage people to 1. play alliance and 2. for alliance players to turn on WM.
if you don’t already know alliance in NA at least is the minority faction overall. it hasn’t helped though. only other way is to literally get rid of factions at this point and bring in cross faction content. i mean really they already gutted tf out of wpvp it’s not been as lively for many years already and when you do see it usually it’s one or the other. people ganking someone or people just out geared af and killing you. trust me im on tich and i constantly die as a horde by one of the 2 on a regular basis. kind of hard to do anything when im a fresh 60 getting killed by 1 or more alliance that are obviously geared tf out.
they won’t address the issue though it’s been ongoing for SO… long.