sigh This argument again. When WM came out in BfA Horde players complained that there weren’t enough alliance players to kill in WM. So Blizz gave alliance players incentive to play in warmode, DESPITE being outnumbered in every zone and getting gang ganked everywhere you go. Then the Horde complained about the rewards the alliance got.
Until blizz addresses the faction imbalance, the alliance will always need incentive to turn on warmode to get ganked while playing.
Also, the values do change depending on how many ally players have it turned on every week. It’s gotten as low as 15% instead of 20.
Alliance get a slightly higher WM bonus to bait the few fools willing to do it to be cannon fodder for the swarms of Horde also activating it for the free bonus/perks while still being 99% safe.
Yes faction imbalance has always been a thing going back to wrath it became more noticeable.
That’s when faction changes became a thing back in wrath up to the end of mop. Pvpers would swap sides each season for easy kills which would cause leachers to swap.
But then they introduced allied races and reworked racials killed off human racial.
Also basically buffed every horde race for pvp/wpvp no reason to change always have advantage.
The swap stopped completely been a running cluster fudge ever since.
As others have said, the bonus is based on how many people in each faction are using warmode.
Alliance gets bigger bonuses in warmode because fewer alliance use warmode.
If all the horde suddenly stopped using warmode, then the horde bonus would increase.
It would be player-made whining when PvP utterly ceases to exist too. I honestly don’t care though, I’ve willingly PvPed like four times in this game ever.
Horde wonder why we don’t use gankmode. Anytime alliance toons use war mode we are swarmed and camped. So why would we ever use it. Horde get free 10% bonus with freedom
Cool I guess but when all the geared players are horde and alliance teams get stomped 90% of the time that’s when you realize pvp is a lost cause for alliance. If I could Merc as horde I would