Why does Alliance get 20%

and horde only gets 10% in Warmode?


Because Faction Imbalance Is a problem.

A problem that could be removed instantly if they just Got rid of the Faction Divide.



Because we’re much prettier.


Faction imbalance. Not enough Alliance players so they get more incentive to do wm.



20% more awesome!




I mean let people play with whoever they want regardless of race.

I never said anything about any friends.

Literally just let people play the multiplayer game together. It is not rocket science.


Incentive to give the lower represented faction a reason to turn on war mode.


to keep the game from dying.

you’re gonna need to put some armor on those exposed areas before you can make that assertation

Personally my opinion is that warmode should not give any bonus rewards. You didn’t get any bonus rewards from playing on the old pvp servers so why should warmode do it? If people want to world pvp they will do world pvp via warmode. The bonuses are an afterthought to them.

It is also a problem in relation to OCE servers. As most OCE servers are alliance dominated. However since the warmode bonus is based on client population, the alliance get the full bonuses from the imbalance while not having much of the risks.


Because there are only about 6 of them left.


If one alliance player turns on war mode because of a bonus, the goal of the bonus is working as hoped.

Also never got the “it wasn’t like this back then”. Things are different now. People change. Things are needed to address faction imbalance.

Personally I’d like them to increase the bonus substantially: draw more people to world pvp. I Am hardcore horde and this bonus would never benefit me. But if it brings more people to try war mode on, I’m down.


because horde out number alliance 3 to 1 XD well on my Server connect anyways. don’t know the grand scheme of things

Not exactly. Imagine that as the number of players doing things in the alliance is getting thinner, due to the alienating way that Blizzard has done things in the alliance, one of the solutions to keep the faction existing, at least in name, is to allow members from alliance become complements in horde groups, such as waiters, instead of carrying out faction trade to play in the horde.

The alliance would be reduced to a faction of horde addons. Servants or beggars, pleading for a place in horde groups, such as second-class players, for an endless stash of desaphores and jokes from players and devs who love to make fun of ally.

Humiliating for the alliance? Yes, but the devs don’t want to do anything that would change that, as good changes include doing things that might hurt the horde’s sense of superiority.

It’s not as if something in the lore or in-game, being done in the last 5 years, has been able to promote any valued being of the alliance.

Junkgnomes? Obese humans? Purple Blood elves? Fail.

After all, both devs and horde members love to make fun of the ally.

One of the solutions to encourage players to do wpvp in the alliance was to create a bribe in the form of more xp and rewards for making content in the open world, with the warmode active.
And this was done, because many players in the alliance, did not see any advantage of doing wpvp in realms of majority population of the horde, leaving many players in the horde unable to take advantage of wpvp for lack of people interested in doing this in the alliance.

But the horde members themselves also don’t want to play in the ally, even with the bonus offered.

The bonus doesn’t pay for the hassle. Even if it was 50% more bonus.
Wpvp in warcraft, is something unbalanced, unfair and retarded.
Eu mesmo, nunca ativo o warmode pois nĂŁo Ă© divertido sofrer ganks ou ser interrompido durante uma quest ou disputa por raros.
Myself, I never activate the warmode as it’s no fun getting ganked or interrupted during a quest or rare contest.

Have Mercy. :clown_face:


Yeah, except they turn on WM just long enough to get their special reward via zerging and then they turn it back off. They don’t actually want to PvP.


Six and a half. You forgot the gnome.


Better question is why does the game want to entice non-pvpers to do world pvp?


Because a lot of people in the horde started complaining about not finding people from the opposite faction to do wpvp.

And the devs’ solution was to use bribery.

100% more Sunzsu.

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