Well I mean I explain why each faction gets the buffs they do not just “faction imbalance”, that doesn’t really tell you anything.
They merely codified what Horde players started; there are Hordies that do the same–albeit more quietly–you don’t often see a singled-out Horde outfit being QQ’d here on the forums, even though they are looking to do the exact same thing (WoD-era WSB, anyone?).
Personally, I am glad they are around whenever the few times that I WPVP these days: the specter of their presence keeps you out of my hair long enough for me to do what I am looking to accomplish.
Because we are cooler
Seriously though, it’s to promote the use of warmode. On most servers there are more horde players who use warmode than alliance players
Faction imbalance is RNG, just with a higher ratio to roll Horde.
You’re simply full of it if you’re claiming you don’t have Warmode “shards” that are Alliance dominant.
Therefor Warmode bonuses should be dynamic.
“Then people would just reroll” good point lets just remove the trash system.
Ignoring oce for a moment, most people don’t like to do world pvp. It’s why pvp realms end up favoring one side. We used to have threads of horde begging alliance to turn on war mode.
You’re not being treated like a “second class citizen” for not getting an experience / reputation bonus.
They do. There is server by server data out there that show percent of each faction.
When they went to Warmode it became apparent that PvP was so unbalanced they needed to fix it. So they added additional incentive for Alliance to PvP. It hasn’t worked that well.
I know personally when the reward was lucrative enough I’d turn wm on just long enough to get the reward and then turn it right back off.
Because otherwise it would be even emptier than it is already.
Because Horde is 80% of the game tbh. Imbalance issues
I blame demon hunters
This too. I play overnights EST. Aka with the Oceanic crew. Pretty much all allys in every zone. I am also on Stormrage. The Oceanic crew is why Alliance start dominating BGs and WM at about 3am EST
During the Day and Prime time vs Overnight are two differant populations lol
This should be based on who is in the zone at a given time. Usually when I’m in WM outdoors it’s nothing but Alliance. So where is my bonus?
Because World PVP is pointless and no one plays it.
Yes, now hug the feral savage Worgen… really just give that big hairy doggo a squeeze… If you don’t, I’ll have you hug every LF Draenei in SW instead…
Thank you everyone.
Why throw the baby out with the bathwater? WoW was always about two factions. Just put in some better racials or raid bonuses for Alliance raiders, or extra roll tokens etc, and this will sort itself out pretty fast.
Because horde overpopulation results in far more than 10% more ganks. Probably more than twice as many in some cases, not such a sweet bonus when you think about it.
How would this help fix the faction imbalance for world PVP in war mode? That is what is being talked about here?
And that bonus isn’t even enough to get alliance to turn on warmode or make horde faction change.
Apparently bonus needs to increase until it has an impact.