Why does Alliance get 20%

Because in the beginning of BfA, Horde went out farming solo Alliance players in warmode using raids, which resulted in a great many bragging threads by Horde players declaring how farming solo Alliance players made them great PvPers and how Alliance sucks at PvP.

Of course Alliance simply turned off warmode. Horde players responded by creating a great many threads in the forum whining that there were no longer any Alliance players for them to kill for their weekly PvP quest, and that Blizzard needs to “Fix this now!”

And thus we got the faction warmode bonus differential. On request from Horde, who immediately turned around to complain that it wasn’t fair that Alliance were getting a higher reward, it should be like PvP servers in the old days, when nobody got rewards and almost all PvP servers were single faction only.


I am of the opinion Warmode being hailed as a success is overwhelming proof of how screwed up their player engagement metrics are (or, at the very least, how they choose to interpret them).


as if that would magically fix the faction imbalance. only problem is that it wouldnt fix anything

THIS. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Because hORde bIAS


It should be 0% for everyone, and then increase for a little bit every time you are killed. Because, I mean, if the bonus is there because you “could be inconvenienced by PvP actually happening”, then make it so you get the bonus from PvP happening.


Then when Alliance easily showed they could do the same with (AGAINST ALL ODDS) quest came up and Alliance were camping Zandalar flight paths
 Blizzard did nothing

For whatever reason they helped Alliance when they got screwed, but didn’t help Horde when the Alliance showed they could do the exact same

Basically it just showed Alliance were lazy and needed a carrot to do PvP and Horde just killed for fun. It’s why I respect the Horde more as an Alliance when it comes to PvP


Okay, I’ll concede this point.

I legit have this mask so I don’t have to smell you mutts. Also Gnomes/Mechagnomes, Darkiron/Dwarves and Kul’tiran? I’d take rotten humans over you


I turned it off because I was busy baking.


Nobody wants to play alliance and I don’t blame them

It was added when world quests gave max level player power in BFA to encourage the alliance to participate in war mode. At BFA launch, after the initial swell of leveling was done, war mode was almost exclusively populated by the dominant raiding faction in your region (horde), so blizzard buffed the war mode bonus for the underrepresented faction (alliance), at the same time as they added the Against Overwhelming Odds weekly. In Shadowlands, they removed the raid player power component for world quests (AP), and that caused a lot of players to turn warmode off. There are still more horde players with warmode on however, so the alliance still gets a bigger boost.

only a paladin would come up with a pvp equivalent of a reckoning bomb

I want people to turn on warmode because they like pvp
I’d rather warmode be dead because pvp is currently in a really bad state and pvpers have quit than have a bunch of pvers who want extra rewards for no work and run away to a sanctuary as soon as they see an enemy nameplate just to make sure they avoid all pvp interactions because they don’t actually want to pvp

Bonus honor for the underpopulated faction is whatever, but extra rewards like stygia and whatnot have to go

Warmode would probably be more balanced for both factions if the horde pvers turning on warmode for extra daily quest rewards weren’t turning it on tbh


Grumbles! I thought you quit! You’re back?

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I didn’t quit but I cut down quite a bit. I no longer has a sub though and pay through game cards and such. SL has not been easy.


Someone doesn’t use a mirror. A full bodied one would help in your clothing choices.

The colors do not go well with your gray fur. Other things aren’t
erm let’s just say the only one you could be sexy to is one of your own species.

Now if you need help talk to one of our male BE’s. They can give you plenty of help.
Although their counterparts now reside in and around Stormwind so just ask them as well.

As for the bigger %? It’s because of faction imbalance. No one wants to be Alliance.
Not even to play a Merc. The 20% is an incentive to get more Alliance to go into Warmode.

Honestly? It’s a bloodbath for the Alliance in Warmode. I learned that on my lowbie Ally.
Had to see for myself and it’s bad. I leveled a Rogue so I could have an escape route if needed. Which worked at times unless the Horde had a DH as a spy. Which was quite often.

Just like a Keebler Elf.

Where can I find the numbers at? Horde really have that much more players?

Not sure how recent the data is, but this is one place I’ve gotten information from.

WoW realm status - US WoW servers population (wowanalytica.com)


It’s not so much the number of players on each faction total, it’s the number of players on each faction with warmode turned on. there is no easy way to check that data.

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