Why do you think they changed the Sin'dorei?

One former Alliance Human Prince leading an army of undead, and undead would eventually come to form the bulk of the Horde’s population in the Eastern Kingdoms.

You can say that maybe allying with Orcs and Trolls wouldn’t matter as much in light of how it paled in comparison to the destruction caused by the undead, but the Horde not only consists of Orcs and Trolls but also, erm, undead.


Your envy of the Alliance Superiority feeds me.

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What happened to the Blood Elves was just payment for what was done to the Cenarians in Outland. (I haven’t forgotten about that) and to Theramore, both those that were killed in the blast and what was done to those who survived and were taken captive by the Horde.

We will finish what Sylvanas started. Night elves will be exterminated from the face of Azeroth.

People really want to pretend the scourge was its own race at first when the first half of the first scourge campaign is entirely a cult of human necromancers taking over Lordaeron in about two weeks. The alliance wouldn’t have been able to stop anything even with Quel’thalas moving troops.

Also active participation of Quel’thalas in the alliance would have accomplished what when it was entirely an internal police action, consisted mostly of the crown prince going rogue, and the dwarven forces were entirely recruited in the alliance roster through a coincidence that Muradin was deploying forces in Northrend too.

The bulk of alliance forces was besieging Grim Batol while Quel’thalas was still fighting the horde on its own territory

Comparatively Gilneas did actually less in the second war than the high elves

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Kael’thas would hate you.

Imagine thinking you want pre-BC Kael’thas and then hating on Night Elves, who he had absolutely 0 quarrel with and was unfailingly polite towards.

Kael’thas wouldn’t be a horde loyalist. He’d be someone who treats it as an alliance of convenience. As it has always have been.

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Leading a cult of human necromancers who took over Lordaeron in a week or two because they were basically thoroughly infiltrating the place.

And still despite this, Kael’thas rejoined the alliance of Lordaeron and was rewarded with further attempts at genocide.

Because an entire race of Addicts is unsustainable long term. The Horde can barely feed itself, how does one expect the horde to get their hands on a steady supply of arcane energy to feed on. and if a steady supply of arcane energy to feed on IS found then whats the point of the addiction in the first place. The Curse, is a damaging character trait long term that overpowers identity at worst, and is nonexistent at best.

This is incorrect. Grim Batol was not besieged until after the Second War. There was no opportunity for the Alliance to do so even if they wanted to during the time of the Horde’s invasion of Quel’thalas because the Horde controlled all of Khaz Modan. You may be confusing Grim Batol with Aerie Peak, as the Alliance had gotten bogged down there and it was one of the reasons the Horde took the opportunity to attack Quel’thalas at all.


He might just take exception to the Night Elves attempt to sabotage the Blood Elves remaining power sources in the Ghostlands, using diplomatic talks as a subterfuge to cover their actions.

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I mistook which dwarven city was the besieged target, but still. The alliance was bogged down for a substantial part of the fighting in Quel’thalas. Anasterian may not have been right to leave the alliance, but his frustration in the circumstances is at least understandable. Trollbane had similar grievances in terms of how much the horde wrecked in Strom while alliance forces were largely busy elsewhere.

The addiction framing is dumb, imo, and mostly exists because Buffy did it. The way the biological dependency is shown feels more complicated but I guess joking about drug addicts is easier.

That questline is basically a victim of WoW’s writing as much as Kael’s villain batting.

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Perhaps, if not for the fact that the reason Quel’thalas was exposed and a relatively soft target was because Quel’thalas had not gone onto a war footing and had refused to assist the Alliance in fighting the Horde beyond the most basic obligations to Lothar’s bloodline.

It should not have taken Silvermoon itself being besieged for the elves to commit to the Alliance. The reason it did was a combination of Thalassian overconfidence in their ability to defeat any invader on their own and their prejudice against humanity.


And yet in the end the overconfident Thalassians had to finish off the horde invasion in their lands by themselves and still faced down the Dragonmaw alone for a fair amount of time.

Also the high elves didn’t owe humanity a damn thing. Setting up the mage school in Dalaran was the main deal. Cleaning up the human mages’ mess after they refused to heed every warning was already going above and beyond. The council of Tirisfal, basically established to stop pink orcs from summoning the legion again, was going above and beyond. The sanctuary of Caer Darrow, built to protect Dalaran, was going above and beyond.

At some point the blood oath was spent a couple times over.

Anasterian should have trusted his first instinct and taken the human mages’ toys away.


This is incorrect as well. When the Alliance intervened in Quel’thalas, it prompted the Horde to abandon the campaign, as Capital City was their primary strategic target and they were in Quel’thalas for basically two reasons: Because Gul’dan was interested in Elven magic, and because they were hoping to get the Amani to fully commit to the Horde (which for the Amani was conditional on the destruction of Silvermoon) both of which were considered less strategically important.

The bulk of Alliance forces did turn to pursue the retreating Orc army, leaving the High Elves to face the Amani, but that could barely have even been called a battle given how easily the Elves were able to defeat the Amani once they no longer had Horde support.

It was very much a case of the Horde’s Thalassian campaign failing because of Alliance intervention. And you don’t need to take my word for it either given that afterwards, Anasterian finally fully committed to the Alliance himself now that he persoanlly understood the threat that the Horde posed.

The fact that humanity needed to call in ancient favors to get the Elves to bother contributing to the defense of the planet against a Burning Legion proxy is not a point in the elves favor.


The fact that humans kept bringing the Burning Legion back to Azeroth despite repeated warnings and structures set up by the high elves to insulate them from their stupidity isn’t exactly a point in favor of humanity not deserving to take a huge slice of humble pie. If the oath had meant something to the humans they wouldn’t have waited until they needed something from the elves to remember it.

The relationship between high elves and humans after the troll wars had become, honestly, supremely one-sided. The distrust was earned.

The Horde made its way to Azeroth by way of the Guardian of Tirisfal, a byproduct of that very structure that the Elves had presumably set up. To say nothing of the fact that the Burning Legion’s interest in Azeroth was in part due to their Highborne ancestors that they had deliberately sought to preserve the legacy of. I don’t think that they have any room to be throwing around accusations of reckless magic use.

It was an oath that the Elves had made to the humans. Because at one time, the Elves actually were thankful to humanity and considered themselves indebted to them for saving their colony from extinction. It was the Elves for whom this oath apparently had less and less meaning over time.

To be fair though, it’s partly because it was an oath to the descendents of King Thoradin specifically, and over the years his geneology had gotten really muddled and nobody even knew if his line was still around by the time of the Second War. It surprised everyone when Lothar mentioned that he was the last of Thoradin’s heirs.

I guess that the Elves just thought that enough time had passed that they didn’t really owe anything anymore.


The guardian was a human compromise and went expressly against the council which was the high elven institution they were supposed to listen to as an express condition of the high elves not taking humans’ arcane magic away.

The guardian was human stupidity fully in action, it was the delusion that a king of the human magi could be uncorruptible. It was human arrogance, personified in a single human mage.

The Council of Tirisfal was not exclusively a High elven project. They were not some kind of Thalassian overlord with control over magic in the human kingdoms, they were a joint venture between the Council of Silvermoon and the Mageocrats of Dalaran intended to safeguard the planet from magical threats.

It’s also kind of ironic that you’re accusing humanity of being the arrogant party here while simultaneously claiming that the High Elves should have “taken away” humanity’s ability to use magic, as though they had either the power or the right to do so.

The Elves taught humanity arcane techniques to harness magical powers, but magic doesn’t belong exclusively to anyone. If you really want to go into questions of magical birthrights though I would point out that humanity’s titan heritage more than outweighs the Quel’thalases Highborne legacy.

It’s not like humanity hadn’t already been using magic beforehand, the Vrykul themselves were even proficient in rune magic of the same kind that the Elves used. By the time of the Troll Wars humanity had simply forgotten most of that magic, in part due to the rise of Holy magic in human society.


Quel’thalas left the Alliance the minute the second war was over. The elves never were alliance patriots. Only Alleria and her crew of fanatics are. We will kill them all in due time and make them pay for their human potential treason.

The elves aren’t horde patriots either. You’re basically just into a different flavor of human potential (this time with orcs).