Why do you think they changed the Sin'dorei?

For all the flaws in the Horde’s writing, it’s nowhere near as orc focused as the Alliance is human focused.


Of all the races of the Horde, the Blood Elves are the ones that have ever legitimately considered leaving the Horde for the Alliance. Or been invited to join. Once under Garrosh, and again in Suramar.

While they never actually went through with it for various reasons, it’s obvious that they’re not in the same situation as Tauren/Troll/Orcs.


Chronicle 2 actually specifically states that fighting against the Amani continued past the war, contributing to Quel’thalas’ dissatisfaction with the Alliance (can’t find the book right now but will edit the quote in when I can)

I meant in the context of the Siege of Silvermoon itself. The Amani were routed very quickly once the Horde left. Obviously Quel’thalas continued to fight the Amani for long afterward of course, as they had been for thousands of years.


I think the issue is that the writers had a story idea, one I would even called good, in that it had a clear resolution. The Blood Elves were introduced as a cursed, broken people in many ways. By the end they resolved their conflict with the Sunwell reignited, their traitor Prince was dead, and they were with a faction.

The issue is they didn’t really plan beyond that fact. An issue a lot of shows have. Once the season 1 (which is a good story) is done, they have to figure out where to go from there.


Garrosh mana bombing Theramore IS the reason. That was the chain reaction that sent Jaina temporarily off the deep end (with good reason) and led to the purge of Dalaran. If Theramore hadn’t been destroyed the Blood Elves more than likely would’ve rejoined the Alliance because Lor’themar was already negotiating their return (because understandably Garrosh was a racist nutjob and was getting blood elves killed because they weren’t as ‘superior’ as Orcs in his eyes).

Sadly…we can’t have a playable race up and join the other faction (at least not back then), so boom no more Theramore.

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You’re confusing the Blood Elves with the Nightborne.

Also the Nightborne were NOT invited to join the Alliance. They applied for membership. Unfortunately the person they applied to was Tyrande who could not get over the changes that Suramar had undergone since her childhood and wasn’t willing to move past her own suspicion and so showed them to the door.

The Blood Elves received no such invitation at Suramar, and it was Liadrin herself who invited and sponsored the Nightborne into the Horde.

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I think when they wrote the storyline for BC, they still weren’t expecting WoW to last very long. They weren’t thinking in terms of leaving plot points open for years of development; instead, they were constructing the kind of neat story with an ending that you might get in an RTS installment.

If the Blood Elves had been introduced a couple of expansions later, I bet their mana addiction would still not be cured. (Same with the worgen curse, actually.)


Honestly that is probably for the best it was concluded when it did, because Blizzard tends to be more focused on big, flashy moments and areas that can be justified to be full of hostiles to slow you down as you do world quests.

Wasn’t there also an issue of male players requesting a “pretty” Horde race because their girlfriends refused to play Horde? I swear to God I remember reading that somewhere.

Yeah, there is something along those lines.

But even without it, High Elves going Horde seemed a more sensible direction.

Yeah, I remember that too, lol.

Those women are WEAK.


They are just jealous of the thicc Horde thighs.

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Kael’thas should not have died. He should return to the blood elves and kill Lor’themar the traitor who made peace with the alliance against his peoples wishes.

The only betrayal of Lor’themar was in BFA when he drew the Blood Elves into another senseless war. There are less than 10% of Blood Elves left, killing more in a war is not the interest of the people, I am sure.

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Killing alliance scum is always the right thing to do. Sylvanas gave us that but Lor’themar betrayed us for their pathetic friendship between Jaina and Baine. Horde now is in the worst shape ever. They are a laughing stock without self respect. And a vassal state of Anduin. To hell with the Horde lead by peaceknicks. We need awar again as soon as possible.

Specifically in Korea, IIRC.

That sounds pretty boring and meh to me.

I am angry. Angry about elves.

People keep saying Blood Elves have less than 10% left.

Its been years since WC3.
Come on boys and girls. Its baby boom time.

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