Why do you think Locus Walker told Alleria not to trust the whispers of the void?

Was it because the Void is very good at lying?

Or do you think the nature of the “all paths are true” meaning that the Void has a better grasp on reality and is more likely to get things right based on the fact that they see all potential paths?

If the later is true could we assume that Locus Walker was telling Alleria to believe all whispers as lies, because any of them can be true, and that is the real reason the Void leads to madness, the Void is telling mostly the truth.

Also, if the Light only sees one path, how can we trust that that one point of view is the correct point of view if it’s obscured or limited? What makes the Light’s point of view “right”?

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Locus Walker told Alleria that because from his perspective neither the Void nor the Light have the entire truth. Even if the Void reveals some truth here or there, it’s fragments of truth without the full context or ramifications there-of.

Likewise he refers to the one truth of the Light as a sort of lie because it lacks the full context of the Void that the Light rejects.

He’s encouraging Alleria to find her own truth, to navigate what information she has as if all are lies to keep from believing in half truths that would lead her to believing lies.


What if “all paths are true” is true b/c they are interdimensional force where they literally do see all paths are true. The endgame is the same in every single parallel universes. The question herein lies is what is the endgame? It certainly seems that N’zoth was not bothered by the notion of dying so maybe the void doesn’t mind the notion of death and probably knows that death will conquer all?

EDIT: If you switched out the Void with Doctor Strange, would we really be hesitant to believe his predictions? I doubt it.


See that’s the thing, N’Zoth’s whispers imply that the Hour of Twilight happens regardless of what we do to stop it. So the Old Gods know they win. Morozond believes that the only way to stop this from happening is to break the Timeway because that’s the only way to break the Threads of Fate which are already pulled to one singular end point through multiple End Time events. Morozond may be doing more to help the Light win by subverting his own Dragonflight, and risking everything to ensure at least a stalemate.

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It’s because in Legion they were setting up a bunch of plot hooks that they decided to later ignore and deliver the steaming mess that was BfA.

Blizzard basically gets a grade of zero when it comes to prophecy and foreshadowing. Their usual method is to toss out a dozen or so plot hooks to give themselves flexibility, and then pick one and quietly bury the rest. I would give it basically no thought whatsoever, much like the whispers of Il’gynoth.

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In that regard I don’t think BFA was bad. I think we see it as a mess because the execution of tying BFA into the bigger picture was poor and has left us all scratching our heads.

I think they had to deal with Azerite for an expansion and the set up for Shadowlands.


Personally, I like to think of it similar to Battlestar Galactica when the cylon Leoben was being “interrogated” by Starbuck,

Leoben Conoy: “To know the face of God is to know madness… I see the universe. I see the patterns. I see the foreshadowing that proceeds every moment, of every day. It’s all there. I see it, and you don’t. And I have a surprise for you. I have something to tell you about the future.”

Leoben, “All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.”

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if there wasn’t loose ends, then there wouldn’t more expansions. Just b/c things are left open ended, doesn’t mean they won’t come back to tap it later with a nice bow. Just sayin’.


Exactly! When it comes to the Bronze Dragonflight experiments to alter time without breaking the Timeway they experience the same result of LOST’s “whatever happened happened” changing minor details doesn’t change the whole. Creating big changes or breaking the Timeway entirely is the only way to ensure that the Old Gods do not win.

Which I hope they explore more now that Shadowlands has introduced the concept of Threads of Fate. I think Shadowlands may end with the Timeway breaking and the next expansion could simply Titled “Threads of Fate” where we reweave time back into a linear construct while time jumping and changing details of the past

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Just how many patches do you think Shadowlands will have?
And talking about shadowlands and the void, is it canon to say that the PC still has the “Gift of N’zoth”? Wonder if somehow the PC is the void’s way to invading the Shadowlands again.

I hope it’s still canon. They promised that it would be relevant if you kept the gift or not. I hope N’zoth’s “all eyes will be opened” comment actually means something. I think it has to be in regards to the Titans. How our eyes will be opened to the treachery of the Titans.


I’m more inclined to think it was either N’zoth foretelling his vision becoming everyone’s vision (i.e. his manifested “truth” per Ny’alotha becoming the truth in our reality), or a reference to the world finding out the true scope of what’s going on with the six cosmic forces at odds and our reality (and planet) basically being the game board through which they’re vying for dominance.

When it comes down to it, the world at large - and perhaps more importantly the core mortal lore characters - still only have a tertiary and incomplete awareness of numerous things we players have learned through Chronicle (and will presumably learn through the Shadowlands book.) Just the fact of Azeroth being a titan was only disseminated not very long ago to other mortal lore figures by Magni during Legion and BfA, and even so they as yet may remain unaware of things like the Old Gods’ functional purpose or their masters’ aims in sending them to our world and countless others. We’ve yet to have a “revelatory” event in-lore during which the movers and shakers of the factions and neutral agencies might learn enough about the bigger cosmic stakes enough for that knowledge to become cohesive and actionable, and “all eyes being opened” may well be a reference to that eventually happening whereby Azeroth’s “decision-making” denizens find out why their planet is so often the focus of cosmic events and potentially start making moves to do something about it.


You don’t trust the whispers in the void because it will tell you things that are almost true, that you also badly wish were true, in order to manipulate you.

Weaponized confirmation bias is insanely powerful. For evidence of this see: The Internet


I hope it’s this.

Problem is, Blizzard has a bad problem of closing open ended plot threads with zero actual development;
Saurfang’s promise to Garrosh
Sylvanas’ promise to ‘change koltira’s mind’
Bolvar’s questionable actions in Legion
Heck, the whole question of Kel’thuzad’s phylactery ended up being worthless because he’s actually just dead and in the Shadowlands.


To establish a hold of trust, I would presume.

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The Light and the Void both know things about the future the other doesn’t, but neither has the full truth and they have different methods.

The Void might have more pieces of truth than the Light, it might not, but the Void’s problem is that some of those “truths” are mutually exclusive, so one “truth” might actually be a “what if” scenario rather than accurate knowledge of the future. Plus we’ve seen the Void twist people’s minds throughout the expansion.

While the Light sees one path, it has pieces of information that the Void doesn’t, and without the clutter of “multiple truths” to make people second-guess, it’s easier to see when the Light gets something right. The naaru have demonstrated some capacity for prophecy (their role with the Blood Elves, Velen’s vision of his son’s fate and recently I’ve come to think Xe’ra had some idea she’d die on Argus - she refers to carrying Illidan’s soul in her core as “(her) last act of service to the Light”).


I also think it’s a lie the void tells us, that they see all paths as truth. They are in fact working towards a singular goal, the Hour of Twilight. All paths cannot be true to them, if it were they’d simultaneously be working towards paths that include their complete and total eradication. And they clearly are not helping that along. All paths all truth is just another lie they tell you to get you to fall deeper.

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Sounds like the answer to me. The void seems to tell you half truths at best, or things you wish are true.


As the Dreadlords put it the Void Lords are so obsessed with their Thousand Truths that they fail to notice the lies the Dreadlords sow in their midst.

The Void may or may not have started with a literal Thousand Truths yet the Dreadlords have directed them to a specific possibility: The Hour of Twilight.

Murozond aiding N’Zoth’s Hour of Twilight indicates that the True Hour of Twilight is not the Void Lords’ Hour of Twilight but the Nathrezim’s Hour of Twilight in some manner!

Technically Revendreth’s denizens along with the Night Fae use the term Twilight for their own Spells so Denathrius winning would still be the Hour of Twilight as far as the Nathrezim are concerned!

On top of that the Nathrezim according to their Enemy Infiltration - Preface Journal gave the Void Lords their Magics which considering Revendreth has Mind Flay in their Spell Casting is all of the Void’s Magics seen in game.

Every mental assault from the Void is the Nathrezim’s Death Magic perfected by the Void!

With the Twilight being nothing more than Death’s manipulations and Magic it is no wonder all Void Entities are directed towards it’s victory! The Nathrezim won’t let them consider anything else!

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