I like the aesthetic of a heavily armored damage dealer.
The rotation feels good, especially during execute phase.
The transmog is pretty good.
Also I’m a Manowar fan.
The idea of every other PC being reliant on pacts or energies with external forces to fight cosmic threats and I’m just an unga bunga boy who can match them blow for blow just by not skipping leg day
Well, honestly. Bert came into my Barracks room and randomly my Arandarang, pressed enter and told me to level her. Bert was higher ranking than me. So, I listened. I developed a love for the warrior which is different than my love of hunters. But still to this day, I mostly play hu ters and warriors.
Love the flow of fury and smash smash smash. At least that is what it feels like.
I have played a Warrior as my Main since Day ONE…and have played him since, no matter what…but I must say, I am really not thrilled about where warriors are in the beta, and it is only a couple weeks before the XPack lands…I am not sure if I will actually for the first time ever play my warrior. I may go hunter. I really don’t want to, but they must do a better job with where warriors are at…too much bloat in the trees, the trees are too expensive, get ride of Slam, make some of the talents innate abilities, rather than have to use a point to chose them via the tree. I am feeling frustrated honestly, and I have always been a no matter what warrior, but I just am not feeling it after all these years. I need a hug!
Seeing a topic from 2019 and reading the responses until now was a lot of fun.
I started wow towards the end of Vanilla, (as a night elf warrior). I played on and off since then. Skipping some xpacs along the way. Quite during cata and came back in legion.
Warrior just feels fun. In pvp it was simply the easiest to pick up at early stages. I still have my marshal gear and other fun things in my bank. But the class in general really called to me.
I always play tank characters in games, but also really love the classic barbarian motif. Warriors in wow are like a mix of Barb/Fighter from dnd, which I really like.
Who doesn’t like seeing that big juicy MS crit on an enemies skull? Or when tanking, knowing I am helping my friends. It is also the classic non magic character which is also appealing. It makes me think of what soldiers would be like if they lived in a world of magic and war.
I play warrior cause PVP turned into a zugfest and warrior is the best zug of all
For me, it’s a long story. Bert made my warrior, Arandarang. I always wanted a warrior. Warrior was my first lvl 60 in Vanilla that was not a Hunter. But I had to find motivation to play her. So, I drew my motivation from my Faith- that’s why I say Prot spec on Aran. The full armor of God includes the sword and the shield. Also has anyone read or heard Pilgrim’s Progress? In that story, the main character, Pilgrim is given a sword and a shield. So, once again I had more motivation to play prot- which was to imitate Pilgrim, and to “put on the full armor of God”. Bert was upset when I specced protection, but lvling on Barthilas, I could not find any tanks. Not even a bear druid, or a prot paladin. So, I ended up tanking a lot, and spent a lot of time in Maradon.
Bert and me, ended up tanking Molten Core, Onyxia, and into Blackwing Lair. It was so much fun. Stressful too. But in the end it was worth it, because working together, Bert and me saw things we never would have seen other wise. Now, the situation is different. But Jesus said to “sell your cloak and buy an extra sword”, so I suppose I could draw motivation from that to do fury! Tanks abound. But I still enjoy tanking. My goal is to tank a Mythic dungeon on Aran.
PS* another reason we played warriors, is because we were in Japan, and the lag was so bad, we were advised to play non casting characters.
Varian and Broxigar honestly made me start my first warrior.
I may posted here before. I don’t remember.
I’ve played Warrior off and on. I delete one to make a paladin, delete that, make a warrior, repeat. Then play Hunter.
On paper, I like the idea of warrior; but in play I can’t get into it. Same for MM off of hunter. Be it unfun, bloated, tank anxiety or all the above and unsaid.
The post is why you play warrior. So um.
What little i’ve played, It not bad. SL warrior was fun with night fae. The burst with Ancient Aftershock and Avatar was crazy. TWW Pre patch fury is neat. So much rage.
I wish I focus on Warrior more and gave it a better shot then going hunter or even paladin. A warrior is a beast and a weapons master what’s not to like about that. Just what I said, can’t get into it.
I like to zug to the zug.
It’s the most fun feeling, the feedback of smashing things is more satisfying than sending off magic into the distance. I also don’t like the idea of casters just taking hits to the face - having to needlessly CC trivial mobs gets annoying.
I’m also a fan of the idea that being the least ‘magical’, you can still bring down gods and beasties with your own strength.
“Not in the face…” I can hear them begging now.
Haha “noooo not the money maker!” Friends and I would always joke that if an elf’s eyebrow was damaged (or shaved), their spell aiming would be thrown off
Sunk cost. Because I switched from mage to warrior around mid-WotLK - don’t even remember why - and have since unlocked everything with that character.
I’ve always been addicted to the methodical giant crits of Arms Warrior. I just love it. Big numba make happy brain chemical.
Its fun not having to define every single thing occurring around you, sure you’re doing it anyways in a sense but the warrior kit is so limited that you can just focus on what the kit is capable of outputting and go with the flow. Other classes have so much more opportunity to influence the flow for their allies that you have to define where the fights are going on a much deeper level if you want to excel at them, all the while still noticing the exact same things the warrior is watching.
Its sort of why warrior and hunter can be decent target callers in lieu of dk, the dk adjusts the flow and calls targets, the hunter and warrior are privileged to be able to focus on being the fastest to see what everyone should eventually notice.
The better question would be: why don’t you play other classes?
Answer: they’re not Warrior
heroic leap
by far one of my favorite reasons…
honestly… I can BARELY find it in myself to play anything else