Why do you not get any fishing levels in Stormwind anymore?

I know for certain it has not always been like this - when did they stop new characters from gaining any levels fishing next to the fishing trainer in Stormwind?

I clearly recall sitting there fishing at the start, getting junk and no levels until I started catching actual fish at which time I would level up. Does anyone know why that was changed, and what the possible logic of it would be? I mean, if you fish and catch fish, why would you not gain some levels?


Have you trained vanilla fishing? or just fishing?


Train Cata fishing and Shadowlands (if not already) just to be sure. There has been issues for some time. And fishing to 300 is so outdated in how it is all set up.

I think I read somewhere that it happened when they changed professions, and now you have to actually level fishing in the zones it’s meant for

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You don’t get them in any capital city any more. Not IF nor Darn.

I don’t have SL fishing, but I do Have Cata and still don’t get Skill ups from SW, IF, or Darn.

Fishing is Vanilla fishing. The reason it shows as 3 is because I did a fishing quest and went outside Stormwind to try there (where it did level up 1).

Yes, that is the reason for my post. I said I dont get levelling in SW and wondered why.

I don’t know exactly when it started, But I noticed it a few months ago.

I just tried it and I got shadowlands fishing +'s on my refer-a-friend account



So it’s linked SL finishing now and no longer linked to Vanilla. Thanks for this info.

Not sure if it is SL or others as I have them all trained. It may be anything but vanilla, but only testing will tell.

I have a few characters maxed on Vanilla fishing and they aren’t getting anything for any other expansion.

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im going to guess this is to do with the starting of shadowlands being phased into org/sw and thus fishing there only grants shadowlands leveling now.

I think it started with SL. IIRC, before this, if you were fishing off Darkmoon Island, you’d only get skill points for Vanilla fishing. Now, you get them for both Vanilla and for SL.
People have asked about this before, and I am pretty sure that the consensus was that it was a bug they never got around fixing.

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The real question though: what does fishing skill even do anymore? Feels like a relic of the past. Maybe train the ability to fish in each expansion, but other than that leveling it up doesn’t seem like it’s done anything since WoD.

its part of the grind of a mmo…mmos involve grinds. if you are grind averse then mmo’s are the wrong genre to get into. i understand the question but its part of a grind. that’s the simple answer.

What…the kefuffle are you talking about?

I asked - why my character was not levelling their fishing up in Stormwind when they had previously been able to do that. How does that equate to your comment at all?

Do you just spin a dial and pick any random put down?

uhm which reply are you talking about? the first one has everything to do with it. org/stormwind are in the same phase as the shadowlands intro hence any fishing you do would be in an SHADOWLANDS PHASE if you have expansion installed since the npc is sitting there in the main city to start the quest. therefore the area would be marked as being in shadowlands. which is why when you fish in stormwind/org it gives you shadowlands skill ups.

It used to be. Now, not so much. The skill levels come the same as they always have, but they don’t actually do anything. My question was about why they still exist, not so much any sort of complaint about having to do it since, again, it doesn’t really matter whether you do or not. From what I can tell, there’s no difference anymore between having 1 skill and capped skill.

eh sorry about that I clicked on the wrong comment. flushes with embarassment

yes but it is still a grind which is probably why its still in the game.