Why do you not get any fishing levels in Stormwind anymore?

That…doesn’t really make much sense. Sounds more like it’s antiquated, as I initially suggested. Kinda like the old weapon proficiencies, fishing seems like its skill levels could just be removed at this point if they aren’t going to actually be used for anything, y’know?

Heck, First Aid got completely removed as a profession even though its skill levels still actually had a purpose lol

That depends on your level at 56 you should be in BFA or SL where the count runs again.

it is what it is. anything to get those mau’s up i guess.

But there are still perks from fishing to be had, like giving all of your mounts water walking, and using the fishing raft toy, plus leveling exp from fishing dailies.

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I have noticed a slight, but not super pronounced, difference in the ratio of junk to actual fish when fishing in SL, especially when I am doing a fishing daily. Although unlike having max skill in the past, I can still catch junk at max level, which I find incredibly irritating. That started in BfA, though, with all the mess from the level squishing.

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Oh sure, fishing does have perks…but what’s been done with the actual skill level over the past several expansions? Most of the stuff with any sort of skill requirements predates Legion (I think the Underlight Angler may have been the last time skill level was actually a requirement for something), and it all got (sometimes roughly) adjusted when they changed how profession skill levels were categorized. Ever since then there haven’t really been skill requirements for anything other than simply having the skill trained. Even before that point though, there wasn’t a lot of info on what effect skill level actually had on fishing (especially true once El’s Anglin’ got abandoned). It’s kinda just…there, because it’s a profession and a profession ‘needs’ to have skill levels I guess.

This is what skill level used to be used for, and probably still is for most of the pre-Legion zones. No idea how the junk ratio scales with skill level anymore, but I have a feeling Blizz didn’t really adjust everything properly when they changed the skill levels lol

No argument from me about the possibility of poor adjustments!

I just started a new character and like the original poster could not figure out why fishing in SW was not leveling with each cast. I trained all areas available and it took me a couple of days to figure out that if I went right outside the gate to the pond in Goldshire, I would get a level each time I cast up to a certain level. However, the only way I could determine my vanilla fishing level was read the chat notification of level. It is my understanding that in order to get the quest at Darkmoon faire then you need a skill of 75 in the vanilla professions. Although, that may have changed, since I have been offline for a year.

You dont need to have any fishing level beyond just being able to fish, to pick up the fishing quest at DMF. However, you gain no levels fishing there, as with Stormwind.