"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

This is the closest thing I’ve seen that approaches anything that makes sense. The only thing. With this in mind, however-m+ in it’s current iteration also isn’t the end all of progression. Most raiders use m+ as a supplement to raiding and also m+ players use raiding to supplement their M+ progress.

The idea that you should pigeonhole yourself into a single type of content and never have to step out of that box is really silly. WoW isn’t a linear experience and it shouldn’t be one.

I don’t understand the idea of ‘Nope I don’t like doing m+ or raiding I only like to quest so therefore I should have the gear that I want from it!’

If you don’t like doing those things, then don’t do them. However, expecting more than what is available (which is better than it E V E R has been for solo/casual/whatever label players) is wrong thinking.

It’s bad for the function of the game.

also on the flipside of this, if mindless content provided good upgrades, it would pigeonhole the rest of the playerbase that doesnt want to be doing said content to go for the upgrades.

also just a comment to this, arenas have been around almost the entire lifespan of wow, they were introduced in BC. could say that for rbgs, think those were cata

Generally, trying to please everyone results in pleasing no one.

In this case, since they can’t implement a solo progression path to high level gear in a vacuum, it also becomes an effectively required thing to grind for everyone, which the dev team isn’t trying to do. (look at their reasoning with TG and the Maw, both intentionally not good for grinding so people wouldn’t feel forced to do them endlessly)

As it currently is, there’s a pretty awesome progression paths that goes well into the power levels or organized group content. People have just reached the end, which happens in all progression paths in the game.

Did you know that most players in unrated bgs are not afk? How about a point that addresses those who do try?

Capping gear in unrated pvp to what unrated pvp awards is not unfair to anyone. If you want that ilvl to matter, go do rated. Let people who want to do unrated pvp be treated the same as every other form of content, and not have to do higher end content just to be competitive in a form of lower end content.


This is half of the issue. The other half is that doing mindless easy content for upgrades that are competitive (or on par I can’t tell what these people want) with actual end game content—end game content dries up.

People will skip it in favor of playing flappy birds for bis.

Okay. I already made this point.

You receive rewards whether you win or lose in random bgs. So it literally doesn’t matter if you win, or if you are killed endlessly.

You still get rewards.

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They are. In every form of content, you participate in the gear you showed up in.

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How about Blizzard scale all your gear down to ilvl 200 when doing world quests, torgast, and the maw… since as you said “why do you need more than a 200 ilvl?”


Heres some advice quit arguing with stupid people. Cause i see some responses here and I’m thinking, " I’m glad some of these mf’rs aren’t in charge of anything".

Why are you so condescending? Genuine question. I’m a teacher and I would never talk to someone I was trying to debate with like that, or trying to convince or educate.

This this this this this.

I don’t fully disagree, but even I’ve grown tired of Torghast. If it provided gear other than legendaries, I’d run the heck out of it. :slight_smile:

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The idea that you should be able to tell people how to enjoy themselves is far more silly than enjoying one type of content enough to spend all your time on it. lol

I’m a day one player. So… :wink:

This is a valid point, but doesn’t really apply to this situation. Why? Because Blizzard has designed the game to accommodate players of many different styles - from transmog hunting to pet battles to bgs to arenas to mythic+ to raid among many others.

Since they’ve split the game so many different ways… it is important they think about each of these categories in terms of ‘how does that player engage with the game long-term?’.

Right now, they’ve failed a few categories of people in terms of long-term engagement. And this thread is about letting them know that’s the case.


That’s already more gear that Mage tower, which seems to have been quite beloved.

I can see where you’re coming from. I suppose my big beef with Torghast is only being able to equip one legendary at once, but I do appreciate being able to build multiple. Especially since one day, we will be able to equip more.

It’s been said that text is the coldest form of communication. In candor, though-I’ve lost patience with you because you seem to think that because something that is a terrible idea is actually a good idea.

No matter how many times that is explained to you, you’ve taken the stance that you are going to ignore explanations and attempt to split hairs wherever you can find them.

There’s TC which has the mount and is more involved though!

I disagree with you but I’ve never insulted you or been condescending. I’ve poked holes in your argument. That’s me being candor.

You haven’t explained half of the questions I’ve proposed, but you still call me dishonest and a child. I don’t think I want to hear any more “explanations” from you.

Yes! I’m slowly but surely working on it. It’s hard. But it’ll be worth it. :cold_sweat:

TC makes the most sense to have gear drop from IMO. But then people complain that it’s too long and too hard for “casuals” :man_shrugging:

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Except that you haven’t poked any holes in any explanations. You’ve taken the stance that since you refuse to do end game content, that the rewards for that endgame content should be trivialized to suit your reticence in playing the game for the core function of the game.

No. I said that I was going to explain something to you like I would to a small child, and that you are arguing from a position of intellectual dishonesty. I did, and you most definitely have been.

I’ll be a villain for you if you need me to be, but at least be accurate.

I think gear drops from TC would be a great incentive tbh. I also wish that people stopped assuming casuals couldn’t do content because of difficulty, and recognized that the reason most casuals don’t do other content is out of time constraints/personal choice.

But I agree with you. I was also hoping for more transmog and titles to accompany Torghast and TC. Perhaps they’ll be added with future patches.

You’re not a villain to me. You’re just sort of rude and I don’t feel interested in debating with you after you’ve been condescending to me and other posters, so I’ll leave you with this.

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