Why do you like/play Survival Hunter?

I’ve never really be a “hunter’s hunter”, but I’ve dinked around with them over the years. I really wanted to like them because collecting pets is really enjoyable.

The pew-pew bow or rifle thing has never really click with me, so my hunter was maxed for the expansion and then parked for the duration,

During Legion, I was really excited to hear about this new melee hunter. It amused me greatly because back in the day, the munter was a sort of meme (like all loot is hunter loot) before memes were a thing. But I was interested in the concept.

That being said, I really hated the spear mechanic. And the stupid monk like stabby-stab animation annoyed me. That is history. But now that we are at the end of the expansion, I’ve given my hunter a proper go. And, I gotta say, I like it. The bomb chucking, the hand crossbow, it’s really cool. Almost like a vampire hunter or something.

I like is so much that SV is a STRONG contender as my alt come Shadowlands. I know that OG hunters want the old SV back, but me, I hope they don’t do that.


1- Tons of utility, traps, move, pet, tracking, small stealth.
2- Feels different from other generic melee (played a warrior for a long time)
3- SV hunter fit the fantasy of the “First hunter”. Not focusing on today’s hunter in life, aka sit and one shot to take down your prey. All on the base level, weaken the enemy at range, lay traps, come in close to finish it.


Ah yes because Mozart’ing dots was really fun.

The spec was designed to be melee for in alpha and beta, hell hunters could use shields too, hunters getting AP from dex only like rogues. They couldn’t balance it and didnt want to it was easier to just push all the stuff into ranged ap and give us bows. Polls come out all the time and melee rangers is far more a popular build in DnD than people think.

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And was quickly scrapped. SV had been ranged from the beginning of Vanilla to the end of WoD. It had some early talents that affected its melee attacks, but these were not for being a melee DPS. They were for when the Hunter was unfortunate enough to be caught in melee range, so that they could do more damage while working towards backing off so they could use their ranged weapon again.

Do you have a link to any of these polls? What the heck even is a ‘melee ranger’?


Maybe he’s talking about actual Polish people coming out and saying it. It would make more sense than what he meant, to be honest.


Follow my topic: All hunters should be equally good in AOE, and here is my Proposal Blizzard Staff for Survival Hunter - #5 by Mightyvun-ragnaros

Im discussing a possible change for AOE as a Survival

  1. I don’t in BFA but I did in Legion. It was very mobile, cc master. Mongoose Fury window was unique and Butchery felt awesome.

  2. Currently, BFA ruined SV for me and Harpoon and Flanking Strike leaping around is all that reminds me of Legion.

  3. This is what I want https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/g9utgf/survival_hunter_reforged/?

  1. I’ve played SV since Vanilla and never felt like I wanted to change specs. In Vanilla, SV had the most melee utility and I felt like this meant I was a threat at any range.
  2. I think I’m more tied to my character than I am to the mechanics of the class. If I had to pick, I’d say it was the mobility.
  3. I never wanted to be over-focused on either my pet or my weapon; SV was the “generic” hunter, which was closest to what I wanted. I don’t at all mind that the spec has become melee (as I mentioned, SV had the strongest melee utility from the start) but I would like to see more melee buttons on my bar.

yup im with you. if you look at my account you will see a big gap in inactivity from legion up until now. once they made the announcement of sv going melee thats when my thoughts about them and the game started to change. once legion was released i quit raiding with my guild and we were a top 300 u.s. and then i slowly backed away from the game and eventually quit for almost 3 years.

i only returned now with the hopes that "garbage no focus builder close your eyes and spam while pet does all the interactive fun of doing your damage " bm can F off and die and mm can at least be the “best” hunter spec for shadowlands with also the hopes sv goes back to ranged.


I’ll save you the time… Blizz has already said they are not making big changes to classes and specs. Good luck if you think adding a 4th spec or changing SV back to ranged isn’t a big change.

  1. MM casting turns me off. BM I’m okay with but I prefer playing melee. Also, hunter was my main when I started playing the game in MoP. I have tons of memories with this character.
  2. Mongoose Bite spam is fun. Same as how spamming 5 Stormstrikes consecutively is fun for me.
  3. Big Tauren and his pet bestfriend smashing people (without the emo parts of being a DK).

I played Legion and SV Hunter was better there. The removal of Flanking Strike, Mok’Nathal, Fury of the Eagle and, correct me if I’m wrong, but we had 2 charges of wildfire bomb and can still have the Butchery ability. The changes made the class easier while making it feel like crap.

I enjoy juggling Mok’Nathal stacks with Mongoose stacks. Flanking Strike was a hard hitting button when there is no Mongoose stack. Fury of the Eagle was very good for AoE giving you a chance to recover focus for the next Butchery and bomb combo. I won’t lie tho, the spec was punishing. Incorrect ability use coud lead to losing Moknathal’s 12% attack power buff (at 4 stacks) and you had to reapply it again. Missing to use Fury of the Eagle just before your Mongoose Fury stack runs off means waiting for another Mongoose Fury phase in another > 15 seconds. But the weaving of ability was very satisfying to play, BfA SV leaves alot to be desired.

The only thing I did not like with SV Legion was the DPS. I was parsing at around 95 percentile for SV Hunters and was still playing catchup with my raidteam who were mostly in < 80 percentile for their specs. I felt cheated.

Shadowlands doesn’t seem to be better but we do get Kill Command back.

Man you’re just chomping at the bit to whine at people who give feedback, aren’t you?


Pointing out that Blizzard has already commented on this isn’t whining. It’s hopefully preventing additional posts leading up to Shadowlands launch that continue to say, “maybe they’re bringing back ranged SV in Shadowlands.”

Why? To prevent people from giving feedback? You’ll just make up more excuses for every other time too.

Early expansion: “Shut up about X! The expansion just started so no changes are coming!”
Mid expansion: “Shut up about X! It’s the middle of the expansion and they aren’t thinking about that!”
Late expansion: “Shut up about X! They aren’t in the changes phase yet!”
Alpha: “Shut up about X! If Blizzard wants to change X they will say so!”
Beta: “Shut up about X! It isn’t Alpha anymore so there won’t be any more big changes!”
Pre-Launch: “Shut up about X! It’s too late to change anything, the new xpac is already finalized!”

Sorry bud but it is always a good time to give feedback. Even if Blizzard won’t do anything about it in SL at this point, it is important to express what we think about the content they are putting out, rather than just shutting up about everything and never giving any feedback ever about anything.

  1. i don’t; i really hate most melee specs in WoW yet in other mmorpg’s i play them just fine

  2. that it used to be range

  3. a RANGED spec. i would MUCH rather see SV as ranged and BM as melee and yet i’d STILL play BM versus me not playing SV. it’s about the sheer outlook on the 2 specs it makes NO sense on why a SURVIVAL hunter is not ranged whilst we have an iconic BM hunter who is from my knowledge strictly melee and BM being Melee makes more sense due to shooting while having a pet attacking unrealistic as you could literally shoot your own companion thus killing it and getting yourself killed.


Here comes another thread going into RSV vs MSV since ppl going off topic.

Or replying like this one:

  1. I play survival when I get bored of ranged.

  2. having an off-spec that’s different.

3)From what I understand, Survival Hunter class fantasy is your Troll headhunters and Orc Raiders. It’s not an undead thing, although scything things down can be fun.

  1. I like SV’s poisons and everything about Wildfire Bomb with the Wildfire Infusion talent
  2. The mobility because of disengage and harpoon it can clear giant distances almost instantly which is hella fun in bgs.
  3. A harpooning, poison shooting, bomb throwing, no nonsense, extra queen who is 110% that chick.

I enjoy the melee spec. Fighting with a pet tank. Just find it a fun change of pace. I’d call it melee beast mastery.

Ranger doesn’t and has never meant “uses a ranged weapon” in D&D. Some are, it’s one of the archetypes you can do. Most aren’t, cause ranged weapons suck across D&D history lol.

Hell, even outside of a video game context it’s that way. Park rangers? They range an area (to protect it, hunt, whatever).
Aragorn, for example, is a ranger.

A pew pew man is an archer.

His comment was fine, and I’m pretty sure you know that. You’re just not willing to be charitable or attempt any sort of understanding because you’re always mad whenever you come to the forums.

You guys all come here and post and rile yourselves up every single day and it’s wild. Yes, you all got screwed, it’s dumb, unfair, melee’s unpopular, whatever. It really doesn’t matter how correct or justified you are or that Blizzard’s hurt your enjoyment.

Why purposefully make yourselves unhappy every day? It’s genuinely like 99% of your activity on the forums.
Chill a little dudes. You’ve voiced your complaints, they’ve heard it. They don’t seem to care very much.
Blizzard’s gonna listen and make changes when it finally starts hurting them financially (which isn’t any time soon because all current wow players are all way too addicted to quit the game given they put up with BFA).

Stop makin yourself mad all day every day cause the only person it affects is you.