the one we get for farming bones? the 9,999 bones one or a different one?
getting all those bones wasn’t hard, just time consuming.
Psure most people that wanted it got it during remix while farming for bronze and pets.
I had bags full of those pets when my remix toons transferred over.
I couldn’t even give them or the bones away. Everyone already had tons of them
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Because the rest of us want it and just because you got it 14 years ago doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t have it.
No the unarmored ivory raptor that I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist whatsoever anymore. I think if you have it it still has the same model, but I’m not sure, I haven’t actually seen it in game in years.
I’d rather let the collectors keep the old low rez versions.
I personally would rather have new versions with better modeling and better textures/displacement/normal maps, etc,etc.
No, it was the early vanilla one that they ended up adding armor to, then removed the unarmored ones. Basically you had to get your epic mount extremely quick in vanilla, this was before BWL and BGs came out, I’m pretty sure MC wasn’t even out yet.
I just liked it because it was white with pink eyes and had no extra junk on it. Matches my current mog.
ohh, the one with the party hat on it’s nose?
Yea, I didn’t even try for that one honestly.
psure thats the one you thinking of anyway.
ahh ok.
No offense, I still love my cat mounts more
I ride my priestess moonsaber ALL the time.
When I’m not in druid flight form that is.
Yeah I think I like my Arcadian War Turtle more. Has one of the best animations in the game.
Welcome to world of warcraft since cataclysm. Everything you do is invalidated by new things to do. You slayed the dragon? Cool, here’s another dragon with slightly better loot, have fun.
Here’s another expansion to invalidate the entire expansion you just played.
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Are you crying about a mount that was given out in an LFR style MC raid? It wasn’t even hard, why shouldn’t others be allowed to have it.
I somewhat agree with the OP, but for very different reasons.
I just think it’s lazy to keep recycling these old rewards, how hard could it possible be to just come up with new rewards so that everyone has access to a bunch of cool new items? I can’t tell you how many times these Twitch events or whatever have come around and it’s giving away something i have already had for years, which means i have nothing to gain from participating in the event, everyone else is happy they’re getting their hands on some old thing they missed out on back in the day, while a bunch of us old timers twiddle our thumbs lol
It really isn’t about trying to keep these old things away from people (this is where the OP and i differ), i have long advocated for things to come back into the game, it just sucks when you’re forever missing out on getting new stuff during these events/promotions.
The need of the many > your personal needs.
It is that simple.
And precisely no one needs any of these things. So drop the high horse when you fail to understand the negative implications of something, or in your case I’d hedge my bet it is more a case of being uncaring towards others … or the overall health of the game for that matter.
Logging into a game, during a specific time and doing some meager activity to get some sort of pet or mount isn’t an accomplishment by any normal persons standard, mate.
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Please fill me in on the “negative implications” and how it affects your personally in RL. This is a game.
And new people are coming in every day. I didn’t see you lamenting the same situation during MoP Remix, so what gives?
If your sense of achievement comes from owning what other people can’t have that’s pretty unhealthy. And pretty weird that you think others don’t strive to achieve anything just because they lack that mentality. It takes nothing from me if other people also have something I “achieved”, and that is probably my most generous use of the word achieve in a while.
Some people are going to be really upset when they learn anyone can just walk into trivial old raid content and still get drops.
you mean like buying superbowl rings from the pawnshop?
psure the players that have them won’t be sitting around the locker room mad about how the ones at the pawnshop took away their greatness or whatever.