I don’t consider an achievement to be worthless because I still had fun completing it back in the day. Or in the case of the mini pet, logging in and claiming it.
Why do you insist on ruining and invalidating any sort of achievement, accomplishment and notoriety?
It’s only doing that if you use achievements as e-peen points.
If you did content for the pleasure of doing it and getting some specific reward you’re after then the sense of accomplishment shouldn’t be affected by how others get that reward years later … the fact you feel so butt hurt over it is lame.
Not upset at all, but ok… NEXT!
It isnt an accomplishment to log on 10 years ago and get a bunch of free stuff.
Scarab Lord was an accomplishment, The Insane was an accomplishment, a trivial raid that gave a free corehound mount isnt an accomplishment.
You need to look up the definition of the word.
You just compared pixels that you got for logging into WoW with an Olympic gold medal. Call me crazy, but the level of effort doesn’t seem comparable.
I didn’t want the slime cat either.
I love the cat mounts. they are my favorite type in game.
One made of jello and bones isn’t tho.
I want beautiful, furry, ferocious looking felines.
Panthers and tigers both short and long haired versions of them. preferably long haired versions. With nice saddles and saddle bags, with bed rolls for my adventurers stuff. Can I have usable saddle bags please?
I never did care for the “dead” and “roadkill” esthetic for mounts. I’ll skip them every time.
Here’s the thing in my mind… if I enjoy a hobby and a fresh, new kid on the block loves it just as much as I do and looks at my goodies and trinkets with aspiration, why would I NOT want to say… “here good fellow, love it just like I have.”
Why is there so much hatred around spreading the love. And, you don’t have to give anything up. You get to keep your trinkets and doodads. They just get their own as well. Come on, stop the nonsense. Notoriety comes from achievement dates and rating anyways.
Show off your PvP titles and Vanilla tabards if you’re so keen on showing off that you’ve been playing the longest. If you don’t have those, join the club of wannabes. If you’re offended and think you’re better than the rest of us, check yourself.
I barely check my own battle pets, let alone check what some rando player I’ll never see again has following them.
The mental gymnastics people go through to attempt to keep things from everyone else can be pretty impressive though.
Same here
If another player likes the mounts, pets and mogs I’m using I’d love for the person to be able to get the ones they want.
Seem like a great way to trap another soul in the WoW world lol
Its a good thing. Simply being born early enough to have been there for the 4 year anniversary isn’t an achievement. Let new players have some way to get many of the cosmetics we have had for years.
Besides the vast majority of these things are rarely if ever used. I think I’m the only person I’ve ever seen with hatespark out since he was released. I can’t remember seeing anyone on the core hound mount.
Why are we trying to keep unused items locked? If I don’t see you use them than I’m certainly not aware of your “achievement” and if its just for yourself why do you concern yourself with others having the same reward. Take pleasure in knowing yours was the original.
Dang now everyone will have my coveted Baby Blizzard Bear.
I’ve never seen one out in the world, and I’ve been playing since cata.
Why don’t the owners ever have them out so others can see them?
Right! Let’s embrace new blood. They will keep the game alive in the end. Running them off is no good for anyone and being grumpy Mc. grouchie pants about random old items is silliness and gives long-term players a bad look.
I welcome the new tank that is learning the dungeon routes, the dps that clicks with their mouse, the role players, the casuals, the noobs. Ran into a tank the other day that hasn’t played since Cataclysm. What a cool experience for them. Frustrating… yea maybe a little, but sometimes we have to stop to smell the flowers and appreciate our fellow players.
Come one come all. It’s a game for everybody. Anyone who says otherwise is investing too much personal worth into this. It’s a community first, a competition second. I know I’m ranting, idk, I just have feelings about these threads always popping up.
Ever since the Albino Raptor incident, I let go of caring about mounts.
I would say this is a great example I love that players can still get this because when I see someone with it I know we have a shared experience. If I ask about standing there for days on end just spamming moonfire to kill a pirate that spawns every 5 min they will know what I’m talking about and we can have a laugh over wasting our time like that.
Appreciate your own journey and you will find satisfaction in what you do. If you always look to see how someone else did this or that, chances are you might be disappointed. No reason to do that to yourself.
Huh? That was part of the journey, not being able to get that mount and then having my friend show it off to me who I played beta vanilla WoW with.
I wonder if he still plays.
OHHH ignore me, then.
I misunderstood
I think the worst I heard was the guy who bought the fel drake a couple of weeks before it was released as a twitch drop. I can’t remember the price off hand but it was several thousand dollars.