Why do you insist on ruining and invalidating any sort of achievement, accomplishment and notoriety?

At least the titles won’t ever be obtainable.

What’re we talking about? The T2 HD remakes are not time sensitive. I can’t think of anything I saw in all of that information which said something time sensitive was returning, which is the only form of accomplishment in this game which means something.

Half this stuff came out 15+ years ago, stop trying to gate keep 15 year old content because you’re a “dEdIcAtEd pLaYeR” content should be available to all players regardless of time played.


FOMO and unobtainable content are lame in hindsight. Bringing back certain rewards which have been unobtainable for over a decade, as part of a 20th anniversary celebration event, seems like a perfect way to reduce the frustration that comes from unobtainables.


I remember how difficult it was to get all those TCG pets and mounts or those from CE´s, ya that is some tough job. /s

Seriously, these rewards are not about difficulty, they are about rewarding players for being a loyal customer and if someone is still here 20 years later, then his or her reward is indeed a unique pet, mount or title that new players will not have.


If they were handing out glad or CE mounts, that’d be one thing.

It’s a anniversary pet.

This years anniversary event will bring back previous anniversary event rewards for players to get such as the core hound mount and baby blizzard bear.

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As far as mounts go, I don’t care if they make them available now. I mean, anyone who is worried about their “Clout”, that is what the achievement history is for.


no, just no.

ITT: “Ha HAH! I beat cancer… They better not find a cure for cancer or I’ll be very mad!”


Which is a good thing! I’m glad they are bringing them back, cant wait to chill on my corehound!

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What are you even on about?

Literally all you had to do for the molten corgi was run molten core on 10th a no?


Many TCG or CE mounts / pets are still optainable tho. Codes for them still exist, sure they cost a fortune but you can still get them, as many sealed editions do still exist. Bringing them back seems actually fine to me, as they never became unoptainable and don´t truly reflect a specific achievement.

A friend of mine got a TBC collectors edition in 2017 and he did not play until 2015. :sweat_smile:

But the anniversary stuff, or things like TBC achievements should stay with those that played back in the days.

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All I did to get those was “be there at the specified time”

It wasn’t an achievement.


Nothing they do invalidates my previous achievements. I’d like to see more new and unique rewards given out for these events, but people getting stuff I earned years ago doesn’t bother me a bit. :woman_shrugging:


if your ego is bruised over pixels in a video game, im sorry but i dont care and you should not either. it aint healthy. play games for fun. if its not fun, quit. very simple.


as a vet player i welcome it.


As i’v said in another post some of us were mid career 15 years ago and legit could not play even if they wanted to because they were sitting in a warzone like myself while you were feeling all snug with your animated bear cub pet feeling all fuzzy about it and now 15 years later you want to validate how special you must be to have been being present for such a great occasion. Please… get over it.