Why do YOU hate seething shore so much?

Personally, I like the map… its always really action filled for me with epic team fights.

However I always see people say “oh no not this map” when they q into it, and a lot of my pals say they hate it.

I just wanna know why u guys hate it so much?

Me personally I much rather play seething shore than AB or Deepwind (too much traveling for my taste and people never call out incomings)

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Overall I have mixed feelings about this one.

One of the reasons I dont like it is that there’s no way to know you’re in peril until suddenly it happens… ie you’re instantly overwhelmed by a large group of enemies who drop-in at the node you’re at.

Other node maps allow you time to see the threat coming, make calls for reinforcements etc.

In an RBG it requires a lot more coordination between all team members, as the outcome of fights at nodes can change suddenly (from the point above), which can often lead to frustration as too many are talking over Discord at once.

On the other hand I like it as a healer for the amount of places I can break LoS at most of the Nodes. The steep cliffy areas near the ocean are good for knocking DPS into the sea when I’m being trained.


Lmao, you’re high if you think Seething Shore is on the same level as Arathi Basin. As for your gripe about people never calling incs, that really has nothing to do with the map - that’s purely a bad player issue.

I’ve never heard of a pug complaining about Arathi Basin, but the complaints from pugs about Seething Shore have been pretty much constant since it was released.

Sometimes players click “join battle”, see that it’s the Seething Shore loading screen, and immediately leave as soon as they zone in. You can tell this is the exact sequence of events that happened because you often see this while waiting on the airship:

If so many players dislike Seething Shore, then there must be a reason :man_shrugging:


Could you cite your source for the implication that a majority of players dislike Seething Shore?

Are you a sad panda that’s against drugs? Like those people who believe that egg frying in a pan is your brain on drugs? Oh, I see, you’re one of those people…

I don’t afk this one, and I neither hate or love it. If you could see me at my keyboard I would be sighing and rolling my eyes. :roll_eyes:

Fights over nodes can last ages and it feels entirely chaotic tracking where crystals will spawn as well as your teams corresponding positions. Sometimes you are just spinning the node for several minutes and it’s dull, but you have to keep at it because you can’t just give the enemy points.

Enemies players can drop from the sky to ambush you with little warning. Individually you have very little control and need a team to be on the ball if you have any hope of winning.

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How is this different from spinning the flag at blacksmith?

I don’t hate Seething Shore. I hate Battle for Gilneas, Temple and Wintergrasp.

It’s very different. Blacksmith is a permanent node. You can easily call inc and expect to get eventual assistance. If it looks like BS will be overwhelmed you can peel out and push elsewhere or defend elsewhere.

Nodes in SS are more expendable but each is still 1/15 towards victory. You are encouraged to spin as long as possible even if no support will ever come to keep enemies from going to other crystals. Especially because of how the GY mechanic works. Diving down into almost any location has big implications.

Sorry if I’m not explaining it thoroughly, but I loathe shore and don’t blame anyone that instantly leaves. AB has always been great though.

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I think your explanation is good. I am just not sure I agree with it. Fighting over Azerite for a few minutes doesn’t seem much different to me than fighting for the flag at a node for the same amount of time.

I think that’s actually why I don’t mind Shore, because I feel I can have a lot of impact on toons by stalling for inordinate amounts of time. It is not unusual for me to be alone at a node, or with some random, who manage to keep 5 people occupied.

I know people don’t like the unpredictability of the graveyard and how people literally fall out of the sky - but I think that adds a level of excitement that a graveyard respawn doesn’t offer. I like that throwing a sheep or blind on someone as they travel to another node really penalizes them. My priest enjoys throwing people off the edges.

I feel like my personal performance has more of an impact in Shore than it does in other maps, because it is a map that really rewards good (and focused) play. In Arathi (which I love), I don’t get the same sense of accomplishment because it feels like a lot of time is spent responding to this.

Proactivity vs reactivity.

Yea I made a post about Seething a month ago. First I think it’s because they don’t know what to do in there and lose. I had a win streak in there of about 50 games in a row then lost 1. If you win 99.99% of the time that kinda makes the BG easy fast and you are kinda happy to be in there.

Oddly that post where I tried to help people understand Seething they still were annoyed. Oh well. Can’t help people I guess.

Overall it’s a good map and I think when you do RBGs of it you get a better appreciation and idea of what to do to win or lose there.

It’s one of the best PvP maps and better then other BGs.

People usually dislike what they don’t understand.

The fact is that Seething shore has a higher skill cap and awareness required so players aren’t interested in developing those PvP skills and getting better. Every player in Seething shore is more important than other BGs. It’s just a better team BG where every players decisions matter more.

So Seething is one of the best BGs and best maps for PvP


I think Seething Shore is great in a moment-to-moment sort of way, much like Halo 2 has a lovely 30 second cycle of gameplay that always feels great.

SS has trouble with long-term decisions. In AB if we take BS and flip the Alliance GY all to farm I can take a guess at whether mines or LM will get attacked next. Seething Shore doesn’t quite have those same moments where you look at your map and know your decision now will have mattered in five minutes.

The achievements for Seething Shore and Arathi Basin are a good example of their game-play styles. The only difficult SS achievements are Seething Shore Domination (collect from every node) and Perfection. In comparison Arathi Basin has Resilient Victory, We Had It All Along cough, Arathi Basin Assassin, Disgracin’ The Basin, Let’s Get This Done, Overly Defensive, and Arathi Basin All-Star, all of which subtly change how you go about making decisions.

I just hate the word Azerite now


There’s something about that loading screen that turns my stomach. lol
Other than that, I’ve come to enjoy it by :

staying on the move
chasing nodes
avoiding zergs

In a nutshell, the fun and wins increased when I changed my approach from strategy to simply going with the flow. Don’t think, just play smart and let’r rip ftw … :slight_smile:

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Nothing wrong with Seething Shore. There’s a lot of small fights, and it’s always a fast game.

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So is your issue a communication concern? It is not Seething Shores fault that plebs don’t know the names of nodes for callouts.

You can do that with nodes in SS too.

And why is this a bad thing? If I alone can keep 3+ players from heading to a new node why is that a negative? It’s PvP, it’s objective-focused, it’s challenging. Where is the down side?
It’s also no different than stalling a node in any other BG.


Love the map, honestly, but hate playing it for the same reason I hate most battlegrounds. Your team will almost always fight in the open field and ignore the objective. A map with shifting objectives just makes the problem even worse.

I actually really enjoy seething shore.

The majority of the map is far too open, and the objectives where the fighting is at is constantly changing. This combination requires a lot of movement, and as a ret paladin my mobility is tied to a stupid horse every 45 seconds.

Running from one area to the next as a immobile class is miserable, I prefer maps with multiple static objectives and terrain features, it makes it easy for classes like mine that pretty much walk everywhere.

Outside of ret I don’t really hate it.

This map would be better if they made you spawn on the ground instead of having to jump off the ship because it scatters the team all over the place unless you coordinate where people should be (not going to happen in a pug). Once one side is wiped out the bottom its hard to catch back up.

It’s also too big for a 10v10. It’s at least a 15v15 map.

I prefer WSG over this any day. Seething is one of my least favorite 10v10 maps.