Why do you guys like old AV so much?

and then you arrived at the bridge/ double tower chokepoint which was virtually impossible to break through due to the sheer amount of NPC + opposing faction stalling you + GY proximity… resulting in 7 days long AV.

didn’t help that the big boss who were meant to help you could be taunted past everything and lured into vann/drek, who would kill them without much effort.

People often say this like it’s a bad thing. That’s the whole point of AV, it was the original and best pvp zone. If you want a quick skirmish, join WSG or AB. If you log in and all you want to do is pvp, you joined AV.

The 7 day AVs are a fear-mongering wives tale, and multi-day AVs were not common, which made them memorable.


But you can please a higher percentage. I guess youre one of those bull headed “me me me me” vanilla players. Shameful.

I agree that the duration of AV’s are grossly exaggerated, but my point remains. Long AV battles are not a negative, they are the goal. It’s a whole different experience than the other bg’s.

For instance, with WSG there is a cycle. You travel to entrance or a battlemaster, you queue up and you wait. This could be short but most likely it will be a long wait. Eventually, you play a game. Fifteen or twenty minutes later you queue again… and wait again. This repeats over and over and you are anchored to this portal/npc. All you can do is jump up and down, run around in circles, watch tv… and wait.

With AV, you have to wait… maybe a real long time… but you are free. You can go do quests, you do anything you want. When you finally get in… you are in. You get to pvp almost as long as you want. No queues, no waiting, no hovering around the battlemaster trolling trade chat. Just pure pvp.

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Please allow me to rush to his defense. He was not one of those bull headed “me me me me” vanilla players.*
*he did not start playing till WoTLK and was a supporter of the wall of no

Oh absolutely. The longer length enabled all of the mini-games/objectives to be accomplished so everyone could feel they contributed, regardless as to if they were there at the very end. Early AV was able to be played in chunks of time, compartmentalized.


the multi day stuff mostly happened on weekends.

Was fun though to spend an afternoon in AV just for the fun of it.


LOL I’m about as far from a Vanilla player as you can get without starting in Crapaclysm.

I just don’t trust Blizzard when it comes to WoW game design at this point.

Man i’m glad someone finally said it. I enjoy the memory, but it’s a big reason why i’ll avoid AV come August. Even after 1.12 AV games can still last several hours. I’m good man, give me my WSG and AB. I like Classic just as much as the next guy, but man some of these people have lost their minds. “Oh man I LOVED running around for 2 hours for a single quest! It reminds me of my favorite childhood activity of stepping on a lego over and over again until my feet bled” Some of the people here act like the game had 0 flaws.

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Yeah that is what I find weird about some of these die hard “Keep Vanilla Vanilla” posts I am seeing. There are definitely many changes over the years that I hated but there are also some quality of life changes that were made that people on the forums at the time were begging for. Will be very interesting once the game has been out for a few months to see how people are feeling. The keep it all the same folk seem stubborn though so I suspect that even if they realize they were wrong about something they will never admit it.

They probably don’t realize they’ve been depicting naked female anatomy since original beta either.

I like the version with the summonable NPC’s and the potential for hours long BG time. It was cool coming home from someplace and being able to jump right back in the same AV.

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The good news is this CAN still happen.

The bad news is unless people choose to fight and do turn-ins, it will be a rare occurrence.


Someone in the beta forum posted that something is broken in AV because the game they played went on for 5 hours.

rofl, that seems fairly average to a little low . I hope the AV allniter concept returns