I’ve been seeing so many threads about this and wanted to give some feedback on my thoughts. This seems like a good enough place to do it.
I don’t want to disparage anyone who passionately wants the original AV back. I’m sure they have their reasons. It has became the stuff of legends. Those stories of 24-48 hour games sound magical. The million different quests and NPCs and ways to contribute were over whelming there were so many ways to contribute. So many choices.
But I feel like people are either remembering it through the fog of nostalgia or never experienced and just think it sounds amazing. Let me tell you something.
Those 24 hour games that people talk about so fondly actually sort of sucked to be a part of but I think people just aren’t remembering that part. It is like when you remember that time you were driving down to the shore for the weekend with your friends and you got stuck in traffic for 8 hours. 20 years later you all laugh about it but at the time you had to pee really bad and were losing your mind.
The quests were confusing, online help was less available back then, the NPC’s were very hard to kill. Your contribution seemed pointless and when you would try to get people to help you turn quest items in you would often be frustrated because people would ignore you.
Korrak the Bloodrager was the WORST. I played a game where we spent something like 3 hours fighting over that graveyard. I still remember drawing aggro from Korrak and how frustrating it was having him run up and wipe your group just as you were making headway. When they removed Korrak I almost wept tears of joy.
Know what was even worse? The flight masters. The quest was something that really only a druid or rogue could do because you had to sneak all the way behind enemy lines. On my server (before x-realms) only the horde knew how to do the quest. I looked it up and tried to get some alliance rogues to do it but none of them would take me up on it. Frustrating because back then those things were powerful. As if it wasn’t frustrating enough dealing with Korrak or endless fighting at choke points now imagine a Wyvern swooping down, picking you up, and throwing you. Over and over. I can’t remember if the flight masters are in 1.12. I think they may be but without all the other excess stuff from original AV they weren’t as bad.
There are a million other little things that I can think of too because no one really knew how to do the quests or if the other team knew no one on your team knew how to deal with them. If you were lucky some respected guild leader or raid leader would gather a group of people and work together to accomplish something. But it was rather like herding cats. All too often it fell on deaf ears and no one would help.
And at least the PvE stuff gave you goals to accomplish and if you could get something done you had some measure of satisfaction. The mindless PvPing for hours on end? Not fun. It was basically just run at enemy and die over and over and no one making progress. If you were a caster you were standing there AOEing non stop. If you were a healer you were just looking at your raid frames trying desperately to keep people alive. This is not enjoyable for hours and hours and hours when you don’t feel like it is accomplishing anything.
So maybe some of the people who really want original AV had some good experiences because they knew what they were doing and made good use of the NPC’s. Or maybe it is nostalgia and they really just want to recapture that feeling. Or maybe they never experienced it but heard stories and want to live it. I get it.
Now 1.12 was my favorite version. I played A LOT of 1.12. It was the version that everyone complained about as being imbalanced but that was only if you just wanted to rush to the boss fight and get the game over with. To be honest I’m not 100% sure what the honor situation is going to be with Classic and what people are going to do as far as honor/hour is concerned.
But I will tell you that if you want to have fun in AV 1.12 and not zerg rush you can do it. You can do it solo but if you have a small like minded group even better. You can take strategic points, you can wipe the enemy raid, you can contribute in impactful ways that you couldn’t in the original AV and you couldn’t in the version that came later when they added resources and removed most of the elites. Those elites are what make AV 1.12 so fun because you can use them to your advantage.
AV 1.12 is actually the most perfect form of AV as long as just a few players stay back to defend and take points and don’t join the zerg to the enemies base.
I understand why people want the original AV but I also understand that the reality is that people would get burnt out quickly after experiencing it a few times. That is ultimately why they changed it.
But please give AV 1.12 a chance. It really was the most perfect form of AV and is in fact the only reason I resubbed and am coming back for Classic after 9 years away from the game.
I know I wrote a novel but if anyone wants to further discuss what I remember about 1.12 and why I loved it so much feel free to ask.