I loved the expansion but the writing at that point… you could tell they really didn’t know where to go after Arthas.
I read your suggestions, and apart from me not playing Retail, I have one comment:
No thanks. I hate PvP and forcing me into what I hate, to play what I like is a bad idea.
More choices, more freedom is what we need, not less … like the transmogging of almost everything into everything.
PVP gear giving decent pve ilvl IS giving more choices and freedom of how you gear what do you mean lol?
Are you confusing decent with bis lol?
That if you need to do PvP in order to be allowed into a dungeon, you force people to do PvP content.
What are you even talking about. Gearing through M+ is insanely faster then the 1 piece of conquest gear you can get a week that also requires you to get higher rank to increase its ilvl.
Don’t hate it, it’s pretty decent. It’s an even more meta oriented community though, if that’s hard to believe.
Playing a tank or a healer is often not enough, you have to play the correct ones.
You lost me, as I said in my initial remark, I do not play Retail.
I stopped in BfA - and there I hated things locked behind things not connected to the first, as for instance you needed to run dungeons in order to advance your Alchemy.
I love the Classic system of levelling everything simultaneous with leveling.
Let me lay an objective frame work for you, classic cata is closer to bfa, than bfa is to tww. They are nothing alike, the only thing from bfa in tww is their dungeons sometimes.
Pvp gear is crap in pve, and vice versa. Professions are braindead easy, and are great. And needed. Lots of changes since bfa. Most good.
Okay, even in BFA mythic+ Gearing was much quicker then anything you can do through pvp. So your argument of we need more freedom not less false just super flat. As this gives exactly that more freedom.
i cant really disagree about the cheese.
Ok well in tww, pvp crafted blues you can just buy on the ah, are better for pvp than mythic gear.
Pvp gear is so much better for pvp, even the lowest quality it’s not even close.
You will also never use anything but pvp trinkets in pvp, they give you +15% damage and health.
buying new account in classic and buying boosts will level you faster than buying new account in retail and spamming rdf or questing.
there are warlocks at every dungeon spamming to summon you “check service channel”
i dunno if you’re even playing classic or not if you think that dungeon in classic are not being about race already/ skip as much trash as posible skip most boss’s and there was even logging skip for scholo/strath to avoid playing the dungeon itself and go to last boss’s & everyone was doing that.
are you really playing classic? no one does socialize anymore, people group > clear the dungeon and it will be super rare if they even said a single word, no one in game does socialize anymore and most people only chat/talk in discord even though some of those who socialize in classic discord are not even playing classic.
classic gold buying is far greater than retail, classic that advanced into cata is all about buying gold buying gdkp’s while classic fresh anniversary is all about buying gold to buy dungeon loot and raid loot in secret.
it never does.
-in original epics was people’s dream because they was hardly finding raids or able to fill raids or even progress.
-in classic loot is all about rng however with the HR culture abusers always get bis asap, and real money traders always buy gear.
-in retail loot is all about time
in all versions of wow, loot does nothing special except it give you slightly power difference and that is the thing about rpg games anyway while in all versions of wow “loot is all about time / luck”
numbers mean something in retail specially in arena, crits always matters, but sure classic have so much rng with dmg which is bad for the game…that is not a good thing to mention about classic.
there are thousands of portals / summon service being sold everyday in classic.
i agree with you on this point but isn’t this the same thing in classic, if you are in bis tier 1 gear, won’t you replace all that gear once aq gets released?
speaking about nerfing old raids, you surely didn’t play in the original vanilla, because over 2years of 2005~2007 tons of nerfs been happening with new patchs, and now in re-release, having the whole game drop on last patch note “doing mc/bwl with the classes revamp that happened during and after naxx” means the game is easier version which is worse than nerfing the content later.
achievements is just a board in game you can look at, it means nothing and it is not part of the game play, if you hate it never look at it, who cares anyway! only very few dumb people think that achievments is something you need to do.
in the end, people only look through their own prospective but if they look deeper they will find that…
everything they hate about retail exist in classic to a degree, and those things that is not in classic doesn’t mean classic is better because classic have worse issue’s.
for me retail became what it is after years of fixing many issue’s, “personal loot for example existed to get rid of gdkp / to get rid of selfish HR culture / to get rid of abuser LC…etc”
i still do believe that retail haters are just those people who can’t adapt or those who just want to abuse something that retail is not allowing them to abuse.
If it’s a supplement to Questing, then I agree. As you might gather from my relplies, I balk at being forced to do things in certain ways. I like to be given the freedom - which includes the freedom of NOT doing certain things, like PvP
thats actually part of hte problem with retail. there is no gear identity and everyone has welfare epics that were handed to them, and after some time they are worthless again because the seasonal pve progresion changes.
its a terrible system
Proximity kills makes doing a “Pacifist” almost impossible. Scaling makes it hard - if not outright impossible to do a naked challenge. The linear questing makes levelling a chore instead of an exploration … that said for me the levelling IS the game. That’s why I play solely HC nowadays.
Achievements … character specific achievements … are a wonderful thing as is the tab where you can see all you et, drank and so on. But this was ruined with accounwide Achievements rolled back to Wrath.
OP, a lot of answers will be dribble.
You’ll see answers that already exist in classic as well, but classic players are best described as players with horse blinders on. That’s why they like it so much.
Very simple creatures that are scared of achievements and moving faster than base running speed.
Forever bis exists in vanilla, wild growth spaulders, onslaught girlde, choker of the fire lord are mc gear that beats naxx gear. That’s not in retail, wish it was. Imagine if getting KSH got you a cloak 100 ilvl above the rest.
We are talking about the reverse, PVP gear having “decent” ilvl in pve not PVE gear having better ilvl in pvp.
Its not, for example on warrior. LHH(Crafted) is bis all of classic, Onslaught girdle(MC) is comparable to bis that drops in Naxx and quick strike(MC) ring is bis all of classic.
That is irrelevant. We are talking about how we have classic today. Some changes were made to made classic a better feel as somethings are in fact bad. Chronoboon, group UI change and most recently dual spec were all good changes for classic.
This is just a bad comment. “its fine that the system is bad because you can just ignore it” Instead of “yeah they can make it a good system that people want to interact with”
I have literally done multiple tiers of cutting edge and gotten gladiator. I can adapt, but its just boring most of the time.
Again, I don’t understand what that has to do with my suggestion, being able to get decent gear from PVP would still be less efficient then getting it through PVE. So the choice is still there.
I agree.
I honestly can’t stay the graphics. It looks horrible.
Pvp gear is trash in pve. You can get heroic raid ilvl gear playing solo. Yes solo. Delves are cool.
Crafted will fill a lot of your slots, you can choose you secondary stats in crafted.