This is a mixed list of Ideas I came up with or that I have heard and liked
Its also so I have all my thoughts gathered in one spot.
Cosmetic/General -
When selling a Bind on equip to a vendor you automatically get the transmog for it instead of being forced to equip it.
Allow more open transmog options (example let fury warriors transmog 2 hander weapons to 1 hander)
Add an option to hide ALL players transmog
Add color saturation for dragonflying mounts. (Why you choose the worst red)
Stop giving lore reasons why we can play certain sub race variation. It is not needed. It is cosmetic for the player to be able to play it. The lore shouldn’t need to bend for this to happen. Otherwise we might as well add some lore why I can use toys to look like a naga and why the game doesn’t address that.
Be able to play both Classic and retail at the same time.
Controversial suggestions time.
Raiding -
Change mythic raiding to cosmetic only and change it to be 10 man or less.
Combine Normal and heroic to make it 1 difficulty.
LFR stays the same (they will never get rid of this anyways) - Purpose of these changes is to help with Ilvl inflation while keeping the hard content. And making mythic less of waiting for 20 people to not mess up all at the same time.
M+ -
Make dungeon time shorter
Get rid of key deranking
Make it so PVP gives decent “PVE” ilvl gear again to entice more people to play and bring the MMO feel back should go to around at least a 444 piece for 2400+. Or Just get rid of the need for any gear in pvp and allow you to set your stat weights. The middle ground just makes both sides mediocre. (It is better currently then it was in season 2-4 shadowlands though)
More of a joke suggestion with some sincerity but straight up pick a spec from every class and just disable pvp on those specs. Blizzard can’t handle balancing this many classes. Also it will make it easier for new players to learn pvp. Also can change it per season.
Fix the XP elimination bug already. I have known about it since at least shadowlands launch. Probably been around longer then that.
Increase XP earned in BGs
Achievements -
Don’t make achievements for the pure purpose of wasting as much player time as possible.
Major / in my dreams changes -
Adopt a job system like final fantasy. Steal the good ideas. Until Dragonflight Blizzard was looking for any way to allow all classes to be played on all races.
Delete the certain vocab from your dictionary. “Pathfinder”
Delete shadowlands
Add a prestige leveling system. This will be purely for cosmetic rewards. Will reset you to level 1. All your stuff goes into a locked “bank” that you regain access to at max level. You can use this for open world upscaling challenges like Lord of the Rings recently made. You can also make speed leveling achievements. There is many possibilities with a system like this. And just have a little number that shows somewhere how many times you have releveled.
These are purely things I would like to see I am sure many people will disagree but in my eyes this stuff would make the game overall better.
Yes please. If dungeons were made to be like 25 minutes long, maybe three bosses, this would be awesome. First boss first that can be pulled with heaps of trash, then trash, then second AOE boss about 12 minutes in, then trash, then third AOE boss about 22 minutes in.
Unrelated but no more ST bosses you can’t pull trash with people play M+ enjoying their AoE builds, and it can feel awful on some specs to have to do ST in your AoE build (MM loses 15% ST damage taking the AoE build for example)
In my years of playing this game and really any game… I found that no matter what you ask for there will be dissenters. Even for things that you don’t think should have dissent, like options.
however those people are weird. I think we should have more customization and the less restriction. more specifically take away transmog restrictions, Like weapon types. If it’s not too terriblely difficult to implement… Hairstyles from other races being available to all. Even if “unlocked” in game.
More hair colors. I know it’s coming but no race/class restriction
How about no? Not sure what peoples obsession is with with making mythic 10m, I guess they wanna kill their guilds.
Again, no
Get better players? wiping is how you learn the encounter, having less than 20 people makes even less room for error
30-35m is fine for a dungeon, if you’re taking the full timer to clear or nearly clear something, it’s not the game that’s the problem
No one actually cares about pvp, it’s a mini game, it won’t change anything, you can’t force someone to pvp, no matter how good the rewards are. If pvp had any actual impact on the overall game, more people would do it, there is a reason why even with the bonuses in war mode people don’t bother with it. It’s boring
Feel free to have your opinions.
I will stick with the whole having to rely on 20 players not messing up to try new mechanics is not a very fun process, on average everyone will have to play correctly 21+ times in a row to get to the next mechanic. It would also allow them to better design tiers being able to design it off a lower amount of people. It is by far the worst part about mythic raiding. As I wanted to check which perspective you are coming from I checked your simplearmory it seems you are a heroic guild as you have no mythic boss kills at all these tier. You have no CEs, you have 2 mythic bosses killed last tier and currently don’t have AOTC, meaning you never get to the really annoying mechanical bosses. Where you have random kill mechanics that kills someone who was 2 steps to the right and you have to restart the pull. So I don’t see why you have such a strong opinion on this when you have never really engaged in the content? As someone who Mythic raided in 5~ish tiers it gets really annoying. If someone who goes for CEs or late mythic raiding tells me they like the way it is I will understand their point of view as they have experienced it. I would disagree but I would understand it. But a heroic group is just not the same since your group is fluid and you can change the amount of people you have at any time so you get the best of both worlds.
Disclaimer I don’t Mythic raid anymore due to the time commitment mythic raiding takes. This is just an opinion I have noticed from myself and other people who have raid mythic. Would it hurt current mythic guilds. Well yeah of course you have to get rid of half your roster. It doesn’t mean it won’t be better in the long term for the format though.
A big thing with this as well is it can promote even harder difficulty with the weak point not being oh lets hope all 20 people do the mechanics correct.
Having decent rewards that aren’t better then actually doing the content is not forcing people to pvp. But enticing people to pvp.
It is not about the clear rates its more about curbing the effect of people not wanting their time wasted so they only choose the most optimal specs to bring a long. Will it fix it 100% no but it will mitigate it. Also I just prefer shorter dungeons. (I don’t personally have the issue with not being chosen cause I just make my own groups or make a friend make it)
Rest of your opinions you didn’t really give an opinion just saying “no” so really a waste of a comment.
not a good idea
instead of going back to lvl 1 with no gear dumb by the way have it be like going back to lvl one but have it like 60/1 the one is the prestige rank and let players keep the gear equipped
You think the prestige system is controversial though? Surprising on that one. Yeah the details can be ironed out. Not arguing that but having a new system that is cosmetic based aka opt in can’t see why that would be bad in peoples eyes.
One of the few on the list I am surprise people would be mad about the general idea of it.