Why do you guys dislike Retail WoW?

I know?

Too cartoony and childish. Flying demon hunters shooting beams, panda kung fu, dragon people flying around, welfare epics. A lot more but just off top of my head


i havent seen a single person that has ever actually said this and meant it. delves are one of the worst things about retail lol

Ok, well you can get mid level key gear solo in delves. You can craft mythic gear and even choose the stats you want on it, they stole eso’s crafting. It’s pretty easy to get into.

Not forced to do other content at all. M+ can m+, raid can raid, pvp can pvp, solo can solo.

The only grind is upgrading gear, and it’s annoying capped. But I managed to do that before anniversary servers launched so it’s honestly not that long either. I completed season one with the highest ilvl possible in 3 months.

I’ve played games with level sync and I hate it.

Are you meaning to reply to me? Did you not read the whole conversation?

I am replying to you. They listened since you last played retail. That crap your talking about, gone.

Like it’s a new version. Nothing like bfa-slands.

You think my crafted staff isn’t forever bis? Just stick a new spark in it recraft. Boom it’s forever bis.

It changed.

Garrisons and chores are also gone.

The stuff I can craft now make lhh look like crap.

What are you talking about.

I said I want PVP gear to give Decent ILVL in PVE and you msg me

I said its vastly easier to get PVE gear through M+ then it would be through PVP so its not forcing you to do PVP if you don’t want to as the guy that was replying to me was saying he doesn’t want to be force to do PVP. and you say

To me… Like what are you talking about. Its hard to find the meaning of your replys as you keep saying something that I am saying but treating it like I am saying the opposite thing.

It does have a decent ilvl in pve, the trinkets and itemization are just trash. Cool verse, and greyed out abilities. That’s not why it’s bad in pve.

That’s no different than tbc. You loose crit, ap/hit/spell power for resil.

You aren’t parsing swp in brutal gladiator.

no roleplaying elements
all time spent feels completely meaningless


im a no addon andy and im better at the game as a result. I actually look at spell animations and have awareness for my surroundings. The game is better with no addons. If you disagree you probably are bad at the game and are addicted to addons telling you your next move.


I came back to the game in Sept and play retail full time and agree 100% with many of the things said here. Leveling is too fast and trivial. Leveling use to be a real accomplishment. Retail WoW is a dopamine machine on fast forward.

Dungeons are way too easy and fast. A tank should not be able to pull 4+ packs of mobs. DPS should not able able to off-tank and live more than 2 seconds. Boss fights are a joke even on heroic. Why does trash hit harder than the bosses?

How does blizz not realize all instance damage needs to be buffed by 15%? Tanks are pulling entire rooms AND the mini boss. Instance damage & mob HP should scale with the group ilvl.

Was in ‘Operation Floodgate’ the other day and it was actually depressing how easy it was. As a healer im just standing there doing almost nothing. Zero challenge. Then a little popup “you defeated XYZ” and Im like, that was a boss?

I play healer. Lets say something went sideways and I die. During the walk back the group can easily keep progressing because the instance is so ez they dont even need a healer. Seen a tank solo bosses before when there was a group wipe due to AOE or whatever.

There is no danger there is no challenge there is no sense of accomplishment.

The only way for an instance to be hard is if your gear is bad. Maybe I should go to the AH and buy worse gear. I might actually do this.

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Did you stop at normal dungeons and never try mythic? Cuz that’s not what dungeons are lmao.

Everything one shots, tanks need externals for tank busters or they die, interupts need to be used on CD or healer can’t keep up, defensive must be used on unavoidable or death, dispells needed 24/7, peril making high keys ultra punishing forcing god comp at +12 and higher.

I hse default UI in Classis - always have done, always will. My only addons are for reversing Blizz’s changes to the Vanilla UI - I wish I had some more of those.

1st. not talking about what it is compared to other expansions. That was from a list of things I want changed in retail.

2nd. From what I can see its still only goes to champion. Max champion is absolutely not “decent” its trash. Especially when you compared the difficulty difference between 2100 and a +12 M+. This is a conquest piece of gear that is locked to 1 piece a week at the start of a patch. VS Mythic + which is spammable and gives you hero pieces and Myth from chest. Decent would be let you get hero and still lock Myth to PVE content. M+ still remains the best method for PVE gear which gives the freedom the other person wanted but doesn’t completely waste your time pvping.

people like you are why guilds continually wipe becuase you parse grey on every encounter.

and im not one of those parsers and in the grand scheme of things it doesnt really matter, but to continually parse grey on almost every encounter post MC, and even in MC you did terrible.

you are a shining example of why people need addons. you are a completely worthless warrior. those kind of parses take talent lmao


hahahahahahahahaha yeah man youre a god tier gamer

Atleast its better when you switch ilvl on.

Edit: Anyone who think’s I’m being mean by log checking, reread his ending sentence :point_down:

Addons are there to help you. No, they don’t make you a worse player. That’s like saying using headlights to drive at night instead of relying on the light of the moon as the dev intended makes you a better driver. It doesn’t. It shows you actually shouldn’t even be doing the thing in the first place.

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He doesn’t believe in addons so logs are fake. Only thing that matters is what he thinks not facts.

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i had a friend that wanted to play hardcore, but refused to use addons.

he never made it past mid 20s. i made it close to 50.

we arent friends anymore

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I play no addons HC. I have one level 60 now, and am still levelling more.
No addons is the fun way to play, not neccesarily the most efficient :smiley:

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