Why do YOU dislike BFA?

I liked BfA, not as much as Legion but it not as bad as many say it is. That was until 8.2. I hated 8.2 but now I have flying, I “enjoy” what BfA gives.

Now the RnG and time gated is BAD but that carries over from Legion and others so can’t blame just BfA for that.

well, you pretty much covered most of my own peeves…other than the nerfing to mat farming which was the catalyst that made me quit BFA pretty early on. Im not working 5 times as long for the same mats. Not happening. Get the numbers worked out BEFORE dropping the content next time.

But then yeah…screwing my work for my water strider. Its an ugly mount Id never have wasted a second grinding for except for its ability.

screwing my hunter pets taunt. that one was seriously annoying. I just dont play hunter at all anymore. There were better ways to tweak the stinking thing without ruining the class.

Pathfinder…hate it. wont do it. ever.

AP grind. done with them. permanently. wont be purchasing any future expansions that have it in any form.


For me, it’s just a lack of intriguing quest storylines. I’m not specifically referring to the main storyline, I’m talking about side quests that tell interesting short stories.

One in particular that I remember on the Alliance side was a questline involving a missing girl so you have to search for clues in Elwynn forest. You end up discovering, through his notes he left behind, that this adult guy was infatuated with this little girl. Ultimately, he ended up killing her so you have to track him down and get justice for this little girl. By the time you find him, he has already been dead (forgot how he died) but he is now an undead in duskwood. You kill him, get his ring, and bring it to SW to obtain the ‘Seal of Wrynn’.

Not sure if that questline still exists or if it’s been changed with all the quest revamps they did after cata but I just remember feeling bummed out that I never got justice for the little girl because he was already an undead by the time you encounter him.


The interesting thing is. the players did it this time. Right now she been off planing and trying to win war. It usually the other way around. Well at least it change for once. Nope all she does sit back and do nothing and get blamed for everything. Now i know how my oldest sister felt like.

All they had to do is burn a tree to set things in motions. That a new take on a old idea.

There are no repercussions for not doing endgame content which makes BfA feel stale with no sense of urgency. I fully admit that I haven’t raided much this expansion, but there is absolutely no reason to do so.


Came back for a bit to try out 8.2. Cancelled my sub after the garbage. I also still hope the devs will see the light. So I stop by and check it out. Unfortunately they keep doubling down on bad.


I actually liked BFA since launch until 8.2 came and ruined the expansion for me. The time gate, mob scaling, etc. Its content also made me realize that Pathfinder should not have been added to the game bcuz if there’s content a player doesn’t like then they shouldn’t have to play it in order to fly. I haven’t done any 8.2 content for a month now and all I’ve been doing is log on to my toons to check mail. Other than that I’ve been checking out forums, playing other games, do more of my daily exercises or doing something else when the time I use for WoW is available.

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I don’t hate it, but I’m certainly am not excited about it either.

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BfA has fun themes. The story is ham fisted and stupid. You can’t just say things like “morally gray” and kill popular people and pretend it’s good writing. That’s what GRRM and D&D did with GoT and it was just as ham fisted.

BfA would be enjoyable if:

  • you could fly at 120 for gold full stop.
  • classes had halfway decent toolkits - hunters were fun at 60 imo
  • scaling is cancer and should be removed. It sucks the life out of life
  • GCD ruined combat in so many ways.

Rep grinds and the story being below subpar.


BFA like the sandwich mom always makes. It bland and taste awful. But school lunches are worse. Till someone comes along with a better sandwich. I guess i am stuck with this so call food?

BTW: Fingers cross they are in final stages for a new mmo. No ones is talking about. They mange to keep a lid on it. Let see how it goes. Made in conjunction with PlayStation. For pc so far.

BFA is the first expansion since Wrath that’s actually held my interest for longer than a few months, so to each their own I guess. :woman_shrugging:t4:

But personally, when I’m not enjoying an expansion I simply quit until the next one comes out. I really don’t understand the logic behind people who talk about how terrible the game is and how much they hate it on the forums. Why continue paying for a game you don’t enjoy?


Will anyone ever shut up with the class pruning. We literally have more abilities than ever.

All you do is repeat. Think for yourself.


Neck system. its annoying to deal with.

Is this satire?


For me it’s definitely the lag. Trying to do anything in the new zones but lagging to death for no reason, even though home/world latency are normal, is incredibly frustrating and saps any enjoyment the content might offer.

Also Blizzard appalling approach to the issue by never acknowledging it, never talking about it and doing absolutely nothing to fix it.


I don’t think theres too much of any thing in BFA that’s why people probably don’t like it.

I like the zones and quests. I think the dungeons and raids have been entertaining. I don’t like the rng or getting repeats of the same gear week after week.

I didn’t mind pathfinder part two, but must admit I haven’t been back to either new zone much since getting flight.

I really liked the artifact weapons in Legion but find the necks to be a bit underwhelming. The essences are making them better though.

I don’t think BFA is the worst expansion, but there certainly have been some better.

The weekly chests should be removed instead.

Just the AP grind again. It was terrible in Legion and it’s terrible now. Other than that, no real complaints, but that might be because I’m hilariously easy to please when it comes to many things.

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