Why do YOU dislike BFA?

The content is just not fun. Its just more WQ. BFA has no dpeth, no heart, no soul.
The classes are garbage to play and they all feel the same.
Very little customization . The story…LAMO…The story is ridiculous.
I mean there is so much wrong with this expansion and the damnable thing of it, it didnt have to be .


I hate the time gating content, the garbage class design, the fact essence achievements aren’t account wide so I gotta grind MORE rep on an alt just to get the same thing, oh and how we don’t have any tier sets anymore so we have to pray RNG gives us different azurite pieces for diff specs we want to play. I’m just sick of it man. Azurite gear is the WORST idea they have ever come up with. I hope they never go back to this garbage system again.


Trees be lovin it to mon. Havin a great time.


horrendous class balance in PVP. resto druids and unholy death knights, as well as fire mages are just terribly broken and way too forgiving to play. I can absolutely delete people with my 350 ilvl fire mage just because of greater pyroblast not scaling with gear and being % based. also the best in slots are somehow not obtained in PVP like Gethikku which is a low drop chance from Kings Rest being BiS for warriors.

At least in legion you could actually PVP on your alts that weren’t simply fire mages.


This. I grind up some Titan Residuum - enough to buy three pieces. All three are the worst in slot. Garbage. I can’t use it. I worked for a month and got literally nothing after pulling the handle three times. RNG is NOT cool after a currency grind.

Mythic chest RNG. I can’t tell you how many of us got bracers or a belt or boots four weeks in a row. Again, the RNG is too R. The NG being a little “smarter” might work out better. If someone got boots last week, give them something different this week. I mean, how many variables do you have to program for that roll? Doesn’t sound like aerospace engineering levels of complicated.

This. 100% this. You rep gate it and then you time gate the rep gate, and we’re sick of it.

Earth shield is an iconic skill and should be baseline. I still cannot believe you took it away from us and made it a talent on the same line with a meta we have to choose. You stole earth shield from shamans, and it was literally the ability you start with from day one since the first shaman shaman’ed in Vanilla. Gone. I cannot properly communicate to you how frustrating that is…and whoever made that decision should be forced to level a shaman from 1-120 in resto, only healing dungeons, without earth shield, and without heirlooms…as punishment for this horrific decision.

Don’t make us wait over a calendar year to get flight.

Mob Density is out of control and makes flight - once we get it - a guarantee that no one will ever set foot on the ground again. Keep the roads clear. Let people traverse the zone to their destination on the roads. That is all. Leather barding doesn’t work. It doesn’t. I dumped gold into it at first, but it doesn’t work. So…yeah. Let me ride on the roads without having to carry a train of mobs behind me, and we can be friends again.

The Phasing is OUT OF CONTROL . If I’m in a group with someone, don’t phase me away from them. Ever. Just stop it.

Role Gear is no substitute for Class Gear, especially in an expansion when you’ve totally neutered the classes.


Having to farm azerite to open up stats on gear items that in the past were passives founs in our spell books.

To me the best way I can put it is as follows .

Bobbing for Azerite is Boring for All


Still hanging around the forums of a game you quit though.

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You hit a lot of little issues I had on the nose they seemed big the way you wrote them out but I didnt have too much of an issue.

Issue I had was gearing system. Both Azerite gear is not good and raid gear was trivialized with catch up mechanics. Heroic raids are harder than M+10 but yet still get 400-410 piece regularly. That is what killed it for me. Raiding just felt pointless so my reason to remain kinda just became moot. Challenge to reward raiton is just kinda messed up atm.

Class desgin was a big one for me. But how many hundreds of post have gone over that very topic.

I think the thing that I am most upset about is that BFA does not know what it wants to do. It felt to much like experimental expac that just didn’t work. Island expeditions were designed to work off a similar formula as Diablo 3 dungeons. didn’t quite pan out. Warfronts was suppose to be able to relive a kind of RTS feel which didnt pan out to well. They spent so much time developing things that really lacked a kind of focus the game needs currently.


GCD - gcd changes seemed to have the most negative effect imo, in terms of how classes play.
Gear - Ugly gear outside of a few sets. The lack of tier gear and gear variation being the biggest sins of the loot system.
Leveling and flying - Making the leveling system so meaningless that blizzard doesnt even think that is enough to give you flying, so they make crap up and tell you that they want you to “experience the content”. That is just a PR line to hide the fact that the leveling experience is terrible now, because blizzard continually ignored content that was added in each xpac.
Azerite system - A ton of “options” with only a small few of them being remotely competitive.
Alt unfriendly - The neck and essence system makes alts a massive pain in the butt, makes you not want to even deal with it.


The RNG is annoying. I stopped playing my mage altogether that I’ve been playing since TBC due to this. Frost does nothing for damage until you get a proc. I’ve gone upwards of 10 frostbolt casts before I got a proc. That’s at least 2 wasted glacial spikes. That is not fun gameplay. Basically spamming frostbolt until something else happens and then go back to spamming frostbolt.
Every dps class feels like something is missing. Legion did a lot with making specs fun because of the legendaries. Azerite traits offer some of that back but wait til next xpac when we lose all of this stuff. Again. It’ll be right back to classes feeling like crap and waiting for 2 patches before they feel less than alright but better than ok.


Because most the things in it aren’t worth doing.

Isle expeditions = still don’t care.

The azerite, essence system is a complete joke still, and an alt killer unless you no life like Method, Limit or that one guy that has a job but is always magically on playing.

Also having my best pve essence locked behind me doing 3 different types of bgs = dumb.



Whoops, thought the title was “like” instead of “dislike”. My bad.

I’ve enjoyed BFA for the most part. The only thing I really could complain about is Pathfinder. I’m not a huge fan of that system (having come from Cataclysm, this expansion is my first exposure to the system). Having to slog through a zone designed for flying in order to GET flying was brutal. Now that I can fly, I don’t really have many issues with the game anymore.

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I dislike AP grinding, and it being gated to only one character.


I do appreciate your transmog, though.

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For starters, I don’t. So there’s that.

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Mostly the gearing systems.

Benthic Gear sucks for Raiding.
Azerite Gear sucks as a whole.
Not having Tier sucks.
Essences not being account wide, or hell, even class wide sucks. Having to grind both DPS and Healer essences instead of the one just unlocking for all three specs is beyond stupid.


The stupid, awful, nonsensical story from the prepatch on is pretty much the only reason I loathe it with every fiber of my being.

It’s just Legion without Legendaries. I wasn’t a huge fan of Legion. Exception was Class Halls and only found the DK Class Hall story even remotely interesting.

And like Legion-- The story reads like bad fan fiction.


Basically had said this to myself months ago, also known as “Legion 2.0” lol

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