What influenced your character creation in WoW?
What made you choose certain features/customizations over others?
I honestly didn’t customize them. They were made before the changes. I really didn’t care how they looked
Uhhhh I guess cus I like the way they look? Lol
DK: I thought Male Dwarf was a really, really cool aesthetic and wanted to go for that.
Everything else: booba.
I like to make the color schemes of my characters match the gear they wear. So kind of an aesthetic choice.
When I played a human for a bit I made them like a self insert lol.
I read in a book about a boy who was enhanced by machines to the point where he was a super weapon and brought peace to a tyrants rule.
Actually back in WoD I decided to roll my first DK and thought about which race to choose, while highlighting the female Night Elf selection, my (then 7 year old) Niece commented on the female Night Elf looked like a bunny person and hopped like one. (My niece is also the reason I view Elves as Bunny people).
So I selected my Reaper Bunny that you see today
NOTE: I did try other races but ended up permanently staying as Night Elf.
I don’t even think all that much (given I am a Dh).
I think this looks fitting for a Demon Hunter given we are after mobility and traditionally Nelves outfit is more agile.
Chose voidelf because im sick to death of the spell pushback you get when attacked by melee, I don’t even like the race that much
Classes/Races = Need one of each.
As for the combo, I try to go a race that the class is either a natural pick (ie: NElf Druid/Troll Shaman) or the complete opposite and shouldn’t work according to lore (ie: Undead/VElf Holy Priest) if the game allows it.
As for customisation… It’s purely emotional. I go through it all one by one until I like what I see.
I have a simple philosophy…if I am going to star at something for hours on end, I want to enjoy what I see. That’s why ALL my toons are female.
As a guy, I don’t want to be staring at another guys @$$ running around on my screen for hours.
They just happen.
Maybe this one is female, male, etc.
Maybe their relationship is this or that.
Art, it must BREATHE for it LIVES.
Being honest, I am a big guy who loves to eat all kinds of different and interesting foods so I kinda look/act like a pandaren, lol. I named this guy Bolin because of the Legend of Korra tv show for his good heart, innocent nature, and fun personality, similar to myself. A little personal of an answer, but each of my characters has parts of myself and things I like all packed into a great awesome character!
With this toon, her current aesthetic is matching the new belf body jewelry, and I like how her hair frames her face. She’s always had this hair colour since I wish I had it IRL. Many of my toons have some sort of backstory too, like how they are that particular class but I tend to keep them to myself since many are on non-rp realms.
I usually just choose what i think would look good based on the character that i create. I am an altoholic i need one char for every race and class… When i create characters they almost sort of develop personality in a way. Like even tho i don’t officially RP I kinda could if i desired it… I always have some small little story in my mind so i guess you can say i rp but mostly internally… lol. Character creation is an addiction for my brain…
Male Trolls have amazing casting animations and look damn good in robes.
I mean… just LOOK at me. /hairflip
I just go with whatever feels right. It’s not really any more complicated than that.
This is also how I try to explain to people why I don’t enjoy watching most team sports.
Particularly AFL (Aussie Rules Football). I’m from Melbourne, and it’s practically religion here.
Man… those shorts are just… too short.
A berserker Lombax-like creature is the automatic choice in surging Allied Races.