Why do you allow griefing?

I think they just enjoy the forum banter that goes on about it.

Yes it is vague. It’s an EULA. It’s meant to be vague so that they can decide what is and isn’t punishable depending on the exact circumstances. That doesn’t mean you can’t report it. The activity may very well get actioned because of that. Or it may not. There are always variables involved.

I’ve known some who have been given short bans for consistently killing quest givers in a zone. I’ve also known others who haven’t. It depends on many things. It’s not black and white.

The point is, the behavior can fall under that category to be reported. The action taken, if any, is entirely up to Blizz after that once they look into the details of the circumstances.


yes this is a true thing, my wife has had the same issues and we used to think we had it bad when a priest mced us off a cliff in mc etc lol shows how muchj the humaN RACE has devolved over the past yearrs

You would have never guessed that world pvp used to be a ton of fun aye

I think this will clear up some of the confusion.


Eh, people have been camping quest givers in this game since Vanilla. It’s not new. :slightly_smiling_face:

They have an easy solution, they just haven’t implemented it: make only the quest giver NPCs neutral and unable to be targeted.


reading is hard, op is talking about questgivers getting killed


Yes and they have repeatedly said that they have no intention of doing that.

I understand what you are saying, you have said it before. What you want to do and what the game permits are two different things. Hell, I’d love to be flying in BfA right now but the game doesn’t allow it.

You alternatives are currently this:

1 - wait until they go away
2 - quest somewhere else
3 - play another character
4 - don’t play at all

But as people have said numerous times, it’s been this way for many years, many people before you have asked for the npcs to be made invulnerable and Blizzard have never agreed. You can be frustrated about it but other than putting in a Suggestion that the NPCs be made invulnerable and hoping enough other people do the same to get them to change their minds is about all you can do.


I… I think your reading comprehension could use some work, friend.

To quote the TC.

Nothing about TC’s post mentions PvP or Warmode at all, in fact TC is complaining about 120’s killing QUEST GIVERS, which can be done in or out of Warmode and in the case of the latter nothing can really be done about it.

Guards are, and have been, a complete joke for years now, quest givers are easily killable with minimal effort, its even to the point that many Flight Master’s are easy pickings.

I certainly think that if Warmode is off that you should not be able to attack quest givers and that guards really need a major overhaul.

Players should be absolutely terrified of guards, not minorly inconvenienced. Its so bad that with most guards, take Vul’dun’s Sethrak Guards at the temple for example, when doing Warmode PvP we just kinda ignore them and keep killing players and then just run away until the guards despawn because they are really just health sponges that do little in the way of damage or incapacitation.

Guards in game have been an absolute joke for years, they do spit for damage and hardly do anything to inconvenience anyone who manages to trigger them.

Anyway, back on point, I would say that is indeed considered griefing Lenkah, especially if its outside of Warmode, and would absolutely be reportable. Sorry you had a bad experience. I don’y think Quest Givers should be immune to attack but I certainly think they should scale higher so they can never be one shot and that guards in the area should be far, far, FAR more deadly.


Except that’s not a blanket get out of jail free card. It will always depend on circumstances. As I said, I’ve known people who do it and have been hit with a short ban. I’ve known others that do it who had no action taken against them.

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That doesn’t make it right.

  1. The term “griefing” has no official standing with Blizz. It is a player created term that basically means “someone did something I don’t like”.

  2. If Blizz wanted certain npc’s to be not attackable, they would have made them that way.


And I do agree with this. I don’t think they need to be invulnerable as the guards in ESO are, but I think they should be Elite at the cap level of the game and should come with some pretty hefty stuns and fears to make life very difficult to people intending to causing issues at other faction’s questing hubs.


I never said its a blanket get out of jail free card. I said that killing NPCs is not considered griefing. Of course extra circumstances will possibly change the results. Whatever happened to those people you mentioned is between blizz and those people, so Im not going to analyze it because you and I were not an involved party. Not great evidence considering we dont know the details.

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Blizzard has said time and again that killing NPCs isn’t griefing and while reportable nothing will likely be done unless it is an on going thing (we are talking days) and that would be considered zone disruption. It may be angering and a trolling thing to do, but it really isn’t against the rules (as per Blue posts).

It also has nothing to do with WarMode, killing NPCs has been around since launch and was able to be done on all realms no matter if they were PvP or Normal. You are flagged as PvP if you kill NPCs, even if you aren’t in WarMode.


I didn’t say it did and I wasn’t talking to you. I was replying to someone who insinuated that the toxicity from people has gotten worse over the years. In this particular circumstance, people have been doing it for over a decade.

Please read and understand a bit better before you get all snappy and defensive.

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You got some sources to back that statement up, because I am telling you that the situation thus suggested above is indeed griefing especially if they are not in warmode.


Per Blue posts it has to do with time and how much disruption is happening. They call it zone disruption and will usually warn those involved or port offending characters before taking account actions. The Blues have said that the time on it would have to be measured in hours or days before they will take action, unless the action is way to big of a disruption (think people kitting Elites into the middle of Org. back in the day.)


And that is exactly what i have been talkin about… the guards are a perfect example… for the longest time they were pretty much the biggest threat in the entire game and for many expansions in stayed that way or close to it… then all of a sudden they became punching bags, i just figured it was like the rest of the game that has gonethat way and that blizz just forgot about it(which i find almost impossible to believe) or they just don’t care.

I have been saying blizz will get to it or they are just dealing with more importanr stuff etc for to long… after so long you start to feel very dumb for being so blind

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Why isn’t my alternative
5 - Enjoy the game I am paying to play.

Look at it this way… You go to the movies, get your popcorn and soft drink, and find a seat. The minute the show starts, the people behind you start talking and laughing loudly. No they aren’t directly targeting you, but their actions are stopping you from hearing the movie you just paid to see.

So you go to the theater manager and ask that he do something about the disruptive patrons. His reply? “You can always go to a different theater.” “You can stay and hope you can hear part of the dialogue.” “You can just go home and watch tv.”

Would any of these be acceptable to you? Should disruptive patrons be tolerated by the theater management? Should it be tolerated in WoW?