Why do we have this garbage auction house

the AH is fine but the 30k people running ah scanners plus the amount of scammers and people posting 1 item at a time instead of stacks…

it smells like a player created issue

Retail AH would be nice tho

Why not use Auctionator ?


scanners are the reason the AH is grinded to a halt during near and peak hours

I do agree with OP. Classic AH is garbage. Whether you’re running TSM or auctioneer you still have delays with the AH.

Don’t get me started with the players that scam people through AH. We know who they are, my question is why are they still here!

It’s the same thing with duping. Idk if it ever left or whatever but the amount of items you can find through the AH that are duped is absolutely pathetic.

Or the new one I’ve been seeing lately is your buying an item, can be anything on the AH and you go check your mail and it’s not the item you bought. It’s vendor food or drink, or common grey trash. So you go buy it again and same thing. It doesn’t matter if your AH addon is active or not.

Oh the people who post stacks of 1 but hundreds of them should lose their AH privs for 3 days. That crap is childish

Megaserver problems

If you use TSM it fixes this issue 100% by collapsing every linen auction into 1 page and you can just click on the stack size that you want then buy the cheapest of the stacks.

That said, idk what the retail version of the AH is. I’m 100% happy with the style of AH that Classic has? I just wish it wasn’t so laggy. There’s times I have a solid 10-15 second delay to buy a single item or to search a new item. It’s dumb as heck and blizzard needs to fix it.

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It’s really, really good. Better than TSM.

A lot of people say that about a lot of retail things. But retail is a bad game. Lol

To be fair.

We are not talking about the entire game, just the AH. And the AH in retail is far, far superior.

The only people who don’t think the current AH is a problem are the ones using addons.


Is this for real?

retail AH is in fact much better than old AH.

And yes, I mean old as in old and obsolete.
You pretty much have to use TSM or any other AH Addon to navigate it. Unless you enjoy scrolling through 100’s of pages of 1c bids.

The only people who don’t retail AH are those who are scam artists, as retail AH prevents that from happening.


or…remove BIDDING.

When I was using the Retail AH to try to get gold for a token so I wouldn’t have to pay for a transfer what I noticed is that almost nothing sells. Even if you undercut you have to list most stuff like 50+ times. Whereas on TBCC I sell 95% of anything I list on the first try. Maybe that’s just the games though. The core of the Retail AH is ok.

Mega server problems though for real.

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Not sure how the retail AH is the reason for the lack of a market for whatever it is you are selling. Unless you think people are accidentally buying mass quantities of stuff by mistake in classic because the AH UI is so bad?

I don’t know the reason, list anything, and good luck selling it. Shrouded cloth at 1.55g yep undercut it at 1.54g, didn’t sell, again. List it again. Never in my time playing WoW have I seen a market so absolutely trash and such a complete waste of time.

I said the core of the Retail AH is ok but maybe with how “good” it is more people try to sell their stuff or overall they have too many sellers. I don’t know. I just associate it with terrible sales but that’s probably because it’s the same way with the whole game.

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Although I am strongly opposed to updating mechanic / utility gameplay (like adding RDF), to keep the game a true rpg… I support updating in game service like the auction house, and even graphics and player customizations!

I stan this

yeah, but exactly same thing happens on normal AH.
With one exception - I’ve never had to use AH Addons on retail and I must use AH addons in classic.

My AH addon is set to undercut everything automatically. You can do the same with retail too with addons.

The issue with old AH, and yes, OLD AH, is that you have to use to navigate it, unless you enjoy scrolling through 100’s of pages of 1c bid listings in order to scam players into accidently buying Line Cloth for 35g/stack, instead of usual 15s/stack.

Right, you can use addons in both.

I was kind of venting. I have zero problems selling anything in TBCC where I don’t have to list stuff more than once or twice. Maybe there are more people flipping on TBCC and that’s the reason. I don’t know.

The Classic AH really is ok even by default when you don’t have 5k+ people on one side of a server. Once you do it is a mess so at that point sure the Retail one is better. Since Blizzard decided to allow these massive servers sure maybe you’ve got to go to another model.

I’d be fine with it if I can actually sell my stuff and not have to relist dozens of times. Logically you’d think that would work the same but in practice who knows? I was annoyed so listened to a youtuber and he said some stuff on Retail has a 0.1% or less sell rate on certain things so this isn’t just coming from me. If they brought the Retail AH in I wouldn’t fight it but just hope it doesn’t lead to the same annoying problem. Maybe it’s just that Retail has item bloat.

AH code needs updating for sure if they are going to use these megaservers.

retail ah eliminates the need for auctionator and the mass listing of one item at a time