Why do we even have a GD?

Half the people on these forums probably spend more time posting here than playing the game.

I post while playing.

but even weirder are the people who don’t play at all and just sub to post on the forums. or the ones who have quit, but are still posting.

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So the LGBTQ crowd has a place to spam posts.

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It’s the only social interaction I get!


where else am i going to link delicious recipes and talk about how fluffi i am

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General Discussion is Blizzard’s first and best e-sport.


It’s more balanced than PvP!!

It is the abyss into which we scream.

Well, a CM just responded to a thread like 30 minutes ago so…

GD is the catch all for anything that doesnt have a section on the forums already. If you want to submit feedback on or discuss PvP, it should go in the appropriate PvP section. Same for dungeons/raids, classes, and so on. Players usually ignore that or dont realize because everyone flocks to GD to begin with, but I have a theory that the specific sections probably get more blue eyes than GD does, so GD may be great for getting more players involved, but could be counter productive when it comes to blues seeing it. Just my personal theory.

Then again, I think they stick to their VIP forums.

Anyway, the idea is that if the topic doesnt have a section then it belongs in GD. No, CMs dont do much, but whatever they do I guess is good enough for HQ. They dont tangle with angry people on GD. Theres probably a policy.

Wait? Whut?

Paying to play and to post isn’t enough to be VIP?

Someone on Twitter claimed that there is a secret forum that is invite only. Sounded like it is meant for testers/feedback for players they deem “worthy”. It was sort of corroborated by them sharing a screen shot of a post from a dev from the forum, and other VIP players who also spoke about it. Naturally, I dont think Blizz has commented.

Also, streamers have access to Blizz that general players do not, for the record. Like getting invited to HQ to test classic a week or so before it was even announced. They have employees I think specifically for working with streamers.

So… Yeah. Not great to hear if you are just a player.

I come to laugh at the stupidity of people’s first world problems in a video game. I have fun in the game or I wouldn’t be here

Probably a discord server

I dont know. I just know it’s probably not what the general public experiences.

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As far as I know, this official forum is the only place online where WoW is discussed, praised, or criticized among only those who are actually paying money to play the game. Anyone and everyone–including those who have never even installed WoW–can post their opinions on the game on Reddit, Usenet, private sites, etc.

I’d imagine that kind of discussion among actual paying customers is valuable to Blizzard (as a fly on the wall) even if changes to the game in response to such discussions are very rare.

That being said, WoW GD is like my primary news site for whatever the latest announcement, change, or scandal in WoW Retail might be. I typically scan it before I login to the game every day.


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Blizz nvr reads this so does it matter?

Just like most forums, people who like to trash the game, gather in a circle and meet like minded individuals to trash the game together.

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Not really all of them and not sure why you felt the need to make said reply but w.e.

Point still stands.

OP confused why forums are here is a testament to OP not know that forums are mostly made for banter.