Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

I love flight but I can also appreciate how much fun the first month of Korthia was with everyone on ground mounts riding together to Hunter rares and complete quest.

2 weeks without flight in the new zone is not gonna stress me out.

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I actually agree with the devs. I rarely fly, even after I’ve unlocked it. Flying over everything just makes me feel disconnected from the virtual world.

However, that’s me. Players that want to fly over all the content immediately doesn’t affect my play.


There’s still no flying there. No flying forever there. What are you talking about?

Two weeks? LOL it’ll be more than that…

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You’re one of the good ones sir!


More like way more annoying. Especially with so much useless trash everywhere in the world.


I know how to fly. That my flying mounts selectively forget how to fly based on where they are is immersion-breaking and dumb.


Try to remember back in TBC and WoTLK when it would take the average casual months to get flying on all of their toons to grind out all that gold on multiple toons. Now you do it in about the same amount of time but this time all your toons get it if one does. It is account bound. Might even be battlent account bound too.


Because they think it puts them in control.

Pathfinder exists to show who is in control, not because it’s better or worse for the game.


I don’t mind having to do it once every expac, but having to do it more than once in the same expansion is just stupid

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No. Some of us actually like the challenge and the grind is fine with us. It also now stopped a lot of gold buying as many people would buy gold for it. I can get a million gold faster in retail than I could get 1,000 gold back in TBC.

Blizzard knows this and they know no one in their right mind would pay a million gold to unlock flying so they instead lock it behind a large grind of having you unlock things.

If you dont want to do the grind then wait until the prepatch of the next xpac where it will become auto unlcocked and everyone who unlocked it gets legacy achievements for it. I think.

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It doesn’t matter if you’re fine with it.

It wasn’t created to satisfy your need for a grind. It was created for them to satisfy their need to show that we weren’t in charge after WoD’s flightless future went over like a fart in church.

And, no, I don’t think Pathfinder is saving us from the scourge of gold buying or hypothetically having to pay a million gold to unlock flight.


it’s more of a toll fee for flying in a new expansion

Stop with the conspiracies. Blizard is not doing this to spite you. Believe it or not, many of the people who make these changes have to suffer through the exact same thing as they have to unlock it as well. And yes it does help stop gold buying as multiple people would buy gold to unlock flying back in the day. Thats a fact.

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Because you flew drunk and crashed. Your mount left you for someone better. Now you are confused, sitting in shame and wondering how you are going to get home. Drink responsible.


So does the ground, what’s your point? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

PF is NOT a challenge. It’s just a list of chores with the longest time gate in the entire game attached to it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Boosting says hello. Boost sales make flying gold buying look like an ant from space.

Yeah that was terrible too. Making it account wide was a step in the right direction and then time gating when we could obtain it was two steps backward.

What? Gold buying is more rampant than it’s ever been lmao.

We’re just making things up now?


Yea I did that. I got tired of unlocking flying so I waited and it now will auto unlock whether or not you did the grind for it.

I’m pretty sure you still have to unlock Pathfinding for BFA unless they very recently patched that. People that wait will either be waiting a looooong time, or they will get the achievement mostly done just by playing the game.

In my opinion the requirements for Pathfinder achievements are not the issue, it’s the timegating. You can complete “Pathfinder 1” but then have to wait for the next patch or two for “Pathfinder 2” and now we are getting “Pathfinder 3” in Shadowlands. Laaaaaame!


Yeah for WoD and Legion. The most recent xpac is not auto unlocked not like this is even an argument. You waited 7 years for flying to unlock in WoD and that’s some type of solution to you?