Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Useless comment. Now don’t do it any more.

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It’s easy to forget. I have to relearn walking every half year.

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So having to re learn it in those expansions doesn’t count because, reasons?

Re-learning it isn’t a good thing or “feature” that should be embraced. Most players don’t want long grinds to learn flying.

Devs kept on doing it anyway.



Blizzard has failed miserably, like they do with so many things (ie achievements, bonus objective, pop-up heads) to make it an immersive part of your in-game experience.

And the stupid thing is it would have taken the addition of ONE NPC each expansion to do it. ONE!

Unfortunately, Blizzard does not care that you have an immersive experience anymore; they only care that you keep grinding numbers.

Although, if truth be told, when I read the complaints about flying I don’t get the idea the players care about having an immersive experience either.

There are also more recent comments from Ion embedded in various interviews on youtube (but they pretty much say the same thing just in lawyer-speak with a condescending edge).

There are three main reasons.

  1. Blizz hates flight.

  2. Blizz hates fun.

  3. Blizz hates having fun while flying.


While I can agree we should reach max level before flying, I’ve always played more when flying was enabled with each patch.


Idk but this is why the current dev team is terrible. They keep doing terrible things and put their foot down.

I think they are dumb. If flying was available me and way more people would spend way more time doing way more stuff…

It’s crazy too how they don’t listen to anyonr about flying and they think the cc is going to work out… Lol


The current dev team didn’t come up with the concept of re-learning flight each expansion. We’ve been doing that since Wrath. Even Cata we had to purchase a separate license before we could flight in the new zones.

I prefer the current method for unlocking flight. Pathfinders better then running to a vendor every expansion for every single character. One and done for free is better and more rewarding then getting to max lvl then having to grind out gold to go click a button.

oddly enough though, this wasn’t the reasoning or answer when flying was first introduced when BC arrived. You capped level, paid for training bought your mount and you took off to parts you always wanted to visit.

sadly, the argument became an issue sometime after LK, right around the time Ion got promoted. Afterwards, I believe it was hinted flying was to be removed when WoD arrived and the forums exploded! And thus the required achievements & time-gates were created.

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We want you to experience the game from the ground first


“We don’t care how you enjoy playing, play the way we want you to play”


Because the current design team are uninspired and lazy. Just look at how tiny all the new zones have been. More people would realize this if they didn’t gate flying and Blizz’d get even more flack, which seems to be where they’re spending all of their money these days…the PR department.

Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of people making the claim the art team is carrying the franchise…y’all never played Allods or Torchlight then, because the vast majority of the art this expansion was “inspired” by those titles…and I use the term “inspired” loosely.


There is so little content they have to pad out every possible thing they can. I also truly believe it’s leftover spite from not allowing the devs to removing flying in WoD.

There’s literally no excuse to withhold flying once we completed the zone’s story and explored it. Literally none. Pure spite.


Such a terrible excuse. I’m so sick of hearing it.


Yeah taking longer to get places and having a horde of mobs constantly slowing you is peak engagement.

I would totally be fine with this if it was done properly. Flying should be one of the rewards for completing all the story chapters in a zone. Once you finish the content there, boom you can fly. Account wide of course.

I feel like that’s a reasonable middle ground.


It probably irritates you as much as it undoubtedly irritates them to hear players insist on needing a lore reason for a well stated game mechanic. Not every mechanic has to have a lore justification. It’s just a game

This is asinine.

Opens map.
Sees path.
Follows path to destination.

Not difficult at all but incredibly tedious after the first 47 times.


Way to be completely disingenuous.

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That’s exactly how it’s done in another certain game. Well go grab these nodes in a zone, do a few quests then the last story quest of the zone will give you the last node you need and boom flying. I’ve played the new expansion for about 2 weeks now and I have flying unlocked in all the zones for the rest of the expansion.

Blizzard is so stingy it honestly FEELS spiteful.


(Replying to this post for its tangential relevance; feel free to ignore me.)

Since the game does lack an official lore reason for grounding us, I’ve used a headcanon that in new zones, the Alliance and Horde are still scouting the area during the first patch, so flying would/could be “too dangerous.” Once we know it’s safe, or have ensured that it will be, then we adventurers can “renew our fliers’ license” in those zones, justifying the payment.
(We may as well even still call it the DMV - the Department of Mounts and Vehicles! :laughing: )

…Not that this placates the most vocal of my companions, who always complains (a lot) about not being able to fly right away.