Getting a account boost or account pilot for that is not the same a buying gold.
I was actually one of those players who waited for it to auto unlock as i didn’t like the grind. This time I grinded it out. My guild got sick of summoning me everyhwere when I did a raid with them. But yes I can confirm that it will auto unlock as I have done that.
Boost buying encourages buying gold. From Blizzard. Who officially sells gold.
Even saying that you defend PF…smh…
Flight restrictions existed in WoD because of control. That’s an explicit reason they gave for them in the lead up to WoD. It wasn’t “we want you to appreciate virtual trees from the ground for 8 months,” it was because they wanted to control our ability to avoid danger and how we approached quest objectives (i.e. they didn’t want us flying to top the tower, they wanted us going through the front door and killing our way to the top of the tower), and they didn’t want to spend the time and energy to bring danger to us in the air.
When their flightless future plan blew up in their face, they didn’t just go back to what they were doing before. They invented a whole new system to control access to flight and take it out of players hands for the first time in the history of the franchise.
If the developers are suffering through their own creation maybe they should make something better.
So let’s break reasonably priced flight for everybody to stop a couple of gold buyers from potentially buying gold to purchase flight, in an expansion where garrisons rained gold from the skies (and still, to an extent, can) for doing absolutely nothing. What a great plan.
I did it with zero gold buying. No tokens used for it. Just an extremely long, boring, unfun, painful grind that I hated all the way through up until the end.
Boosting? If it was not fun why did you do it?
Because if flying is allowed from the start of an expac… they might as well just add portals to all the locations and and leave the world a flat 2D Minecraft level.
Not enough people would actually groundpound to locations to make it worth the art assets.
Flying is a blessing and a curse in an MMO.
The way they have it now (content gated) minimizes the curse and increases appreciation of the blessing.
Not sure, kinda sucks but I’m in the small minority that doesn’t care either way
It’s a compromise on their part to allow us to continue flying after their content is used up to death because they want to get rid of flying and pathfinder also acts as a reward that is earned through a long grind.
The part that sucks is that their zone design… while absolutely gorgeous…. Is made up in layers now more than ever so we often find ourselves traveling long ways to get where we need to go and it becomes tiresome on top of stuffing world quests in every pocket of the zone so if you decide to not use a road you will probably be knocked off your mount getting there if you are able to even find a path.
It’s a little inconvenient. And doing it over and over and over and over… it adds up to a annoying time.
I don’t have flying in bfa still and am reminded when I have to go there just how silly some of the paths are.
Money and lack of good ideas for content. Taking away existing features and making players ‘earn’ them back is not real content blizz.
Stop wasting our time.
They used to at least try to explain it though. We flew in TBC and in WotLK we had to wait and buy “cold weather flying,” implying that it took some sort of time for our mounts to adapt to the cold.
Wrong. It was never a problem back when wow was most successful and fun.
Yea, nobody appreciated Outland or Northrend…
No, it’s more of a “I finally have flying, boy the game sure would have been MUCH more fun if I had this 9 months ago…”
I think it’s mostly about how they want to build worlds.
In a modern map a 100 square meters probably has more decoration than an entire vanilla zone, and they don’t want to spend that level of money and effort to build large flying friendly zones.
It appears they want to build smaller tightly packed story maze maps instead of worlds. And when a 15 minute slog down a mob filled windy road can be overcome with a 10 second flight it reveals that.
Makes as much sense as leveling through an expansion and being able to easily solo dungeon bosses by the end but when the next one comes out you have to heal halfway through fighting a deer.
I haven’t seen any valid evidence to suggest they make us re-learn flying for any reason other than to slow us down/give us something else to grind. Something they KNOW people want. If you hide a transmog or a mount behind a grind, meh. Maybe I get it, maybe not. But put FLYING behind a grind? Now you’ve gottem.
I got a free character level boost to 58 when I bought something from Blizzard so I wasted it on this toon. All my 60s and 70s were leveled without a boost and this toon will always stay a level 58 and I will never play it. I wasted my free boost that Blizzard gave us on a toon I never planned to play so I made this toon and named it that for that reason.
Swing and a miss. I’m talking about retail. I’m talking about players paying 100k+ gold for M +15. I’m talking about players paying 200k+ for full heroic raid clears plus additional gold for “funnelers”. Nobody is talking about classic when talking about boosting.
Every MMO has this problem. It makes the companies real life money so it will be here forever and will never change unfortunately.
Peter Pan forgot how to fly , it happens.
Every MMO doesn’t have the company that made it selling currency. The shady gold sellers of the past in wow don’t hold a candle to the sheer amount of gold selling Blizzard itself is doing.