Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Rewriting history. It was a problem as soon as it came out.

That, now we need a second achievement to fly Zereth Mortis.

They didn’t really learn anything from their mistakes, they complained so much about the reason that we have to fly once since wotLK time that we need to spend 1k gold to fly in Northend.

It really is ridiculous and monotonous the same thing to do the same throughout the game as if it were a theory of insanity according to Farcry 3 and that simple while the community and the Devs blame other types of RNG as it was with titanforging without knowing that the real problem is doing the same thing we did in the same expansion.

It’s really sad, but let’s hope it’s just a PTR error.

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THis is also from a company that once said that they didn’t care if people took breaks to do other games. I believe it was Ion who said it in one of the Legion Q&A s . Might have been WoD or BfA .

Ok found it and it was from an interview during WoD

Losing three million subscribers? That might be a big thing to some people, but for World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, it was to be expected.

In an interview with VentureBeat, Hazzikostas attributed the drop to the cyclical pattern of MMOs and gamers. “Especially nowadays, players aren’t necessarily viewing World of Warcraft as a year-round lifestyle so much as a game that they love,” he said. “And to some extent, that’s OK. We don’t want to prevent people from enjoying the game that way. Part of the cyclical nature is that, yes, when we have a large upsurge, it’s not surprising that there’s a bit of a dip after that.”

Everything they have done since then is contrary to them being fine with players being cyclical and doing everything to get them to constantly log on and things that get them to constantly log on month after month like Pathfinder grinds increases the number of MAUs over a period of time like a financial quarter .

It is not 1 month people are talking about when they say MAUs in this thread they are referring to an accumulation of months over time .

I already have all of my PFs since WoD and got them all when current but yet this is my least played xpac outside of another toon I am using and raid logging for the most part with . I really wish the investors could see what the DAUs were because I think those would tell the true story of how Activision-Blizzard and even more so BLizzard Entertainment itself is really doing .

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i have no argument here as I like the pathfinder then release flying aspect. But, I do miss the Mechagon anti aircraft, the jetrocket pack, and the fact that flying opened up new experience rather escape experience

Well, it didn’t work.

There are people in this thread who had completed all four zone stories and hit level cap, the point at which they could finally select their covenant, by day 3 of the expansion.

Flight restrictions didn’t even save Blizzard a week.

Covenant renown, Maw and Torghast throttling did more to slow players down than flight restrictions.

(Maybe if covenants, the Maw and Torghast hadn’t all been saved for level cap, players wouldn’t have blitzed through the story to get to those other parts.)

Flying was never pre leveling. It was ALWAYS top level. Then Ion got angry that we werent spending more time in game. Pathfinder is a fine alternative, but not GATED a year or more out.

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I keep saying do it by patches or zones if back to back patches in the same zone .

1: Starts at expansion launch
2: Abilty to fly in zones at max level
3: Requirements are Lore Master and Explorer.

If other zones are added during an expansion then Lore Master and Explorer for those zones to be able to fly .

If players have donje the story and explored the zones what really do they have to see that makes such a delay in flying make sense ?

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I wish they could too, might give another image, as I’m sure many still playing are raid logging, or doing their 1 15s a week and done.

I liked all pathfinder except Legion’s. Legion had such a fast patch cycle (due in part to WoD cutting board), by the time we finally unlocked flying after weeks of gated weekly broken shore quests, it was almost time to go to Argus where we were back on the ground. My favorite iteration was BFA because after we unlocked it, we never were on the ground.

Though the concept of pathfinder could be refined, I like it all the same. I would spend far less times on alts if I had to level them all on the ground.

Yes and it shouldn’t of taken 10 months from the time most gat part 1 completed to the time most got part 2 and flying in BfA .

Part 1 should of opened it up for people in Zandalar and Boralus with part 2 opening it for Mechagon and Najatar.

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That’s what I always say. If they could drop us from the air in Mists (going to Timeless), they could still allow us to fly in Kul Tiras and drop us if we get at the borders of Mechagon.

I will still allow some kind of delays, for exploration, treasures, playing the game the way it was designed etc, but yeah, not 10 months. That’s just too long.

How does it feel to always be wrong?

cause you guys keep doing it hahaha

this is prob 20% game play time metrics, 40% buying time to patch over and under tuned things and 30% Standard procedure that is expected. like a essay structure. header Body Closing with 4-5 lines per paragraph and 3 main talking points in the body.

the last 10% is because of other reasons.

the game is an mmo rpg, but certain systems would do better if they were treated like a single player game.

but one thing time gating can do is allow people to keep up with less play time. and when player power is involved that is needed at the start or day one a pvp player could get a full 40 ilvl advantage. or a raid difficulty would be trivialized in a day. which would in turn force the tuning to be around having max everything and virtually impossible with anything less.

isn’t 2 lego crafting unlocked via Cypher or is that something else?

I disagree, I am way more inclined to explore more when I’m flying around. To me everything looks a lot cooler up in the air and I feel more immersed. When I’m only able to travel on foot, I feel restricted.


It is cypher but apparently the unlock is accountwide. Or so I heard. So it is linked to player power, but only once per account.

I agree. The only time it made sense, was with Cold Weather Flying in WotLK, but even then, it should have been purchasable right away.

On the other hand, no other MMO I play has flying, and I don’t miss it. So, you know. Whatever.

I love being on the ground, I have a lot more unique mounts. The only issue I have is that the map design (while more detailed) seems to have more nooks and crannies and layers in a smaller space that make moving around irritating in some circumstances.

Our ground mounts would be completely useless at max level if ppl got their way with flying.

Not player power .

Player power would be opening all of your attributes on your Artifact weapon and Nether light Crucible during Legion or opening all of your Azerite Gear and Essences in BfA and in SL it would be opening all of your Soulbind/conduit slots and upgrading them all .

I don’t even know what this means. Mounts are a means for travel, how does your ground mount become useless if other people are flying? What they’re doing doesn’t effect you at all lol