Completely untrue. You can still choose to use your ground mount. You just lack the self discipline to do so.
Tbh, I liked the WotLK excuse in that our mounts needed to be conditioned for the extreme cold. In MoP it was due to the…extreme winds…I think? Cataclysm I think it was because your faction leaders wanted you to become licensed to fly around Azeroth freely. Outside those reasons, no, there isn’t a good lore excuse provided.
Dumbass devs can’t see beyond time played to where flight is awesome. I am jazzed as opposed to cautiously curious about completing dailies when I can fly. I get a lot more done when I can fly. I am no uber or breaking the game’s constructs in any ways, I’m sure if I went in a RBG I’d still be free kills.
Flying has literally never been the problem. Wanting to create a half-sized world for half the money and wanting it to still seem big seems far more likely.
They are always completlely useless for me because I only use a handful of mounts whether or not I can fly. If I’m leveling a new alt and don’t have flying yet I’m still going to use Sky-Golem, I’m not going to spend the time picking out some ground mount I don’t care about only to have to replace it again when I get flying
In wrath i recall we had to learn “cold weather flying” but that was the last time i even attempted to explain why we couldnt fly. At this point they should just come to terms with the fact they added it, and can not take it away again thanks to items like store mounts and just build the zones around it.
Ya know the zones look better from above anyway.
Because it’s like riding a bike. You never for… err… hmm… bad example.
It’s like renewing a license for limited use of microsoft office. Yeah, there we go.
not true at all, you would still be limted to ground mounts inside instanced content like PvP and dungeons or any events like island expeditions etc.
Meanwhile you have no issue with our flying mounts being completely useless at max level every xpac until they decided to grace us with flying, which usually comes after the content isnt relevant anymore.
I can see that stinging
New player buys World of Warcraft Shadowlands Heroic or Epic
Uses boost because it comes with the game
Sees flying mount on store and buys it “Cool I’ll be able to fly on this awesome mount”
Creates character, logs in, mounts up and jumps!
/newPlayerChat: “Hey how do you fly?”
Think of it as buying a license or paying a tax. You actually aren’t relearning anything. You are buying permission to do it.
It’s a general lack of intelligence, willful ignorance, and childish spite on the part of certain employees of ActiBlizz. Why else would they insist on pathfinder other than continuing to seek vengeance against the player-base for getting spanked for trying to get rid of flying in WoD? Here’s an idea, all those that don’t like having to re-earn flight every expac just don’t buy the next expac until flight is enabled. AND BE SURE TO TELL ACTIBLIZZ THE REASON YOU AREN’T BUYING THE NEXT EXPAC!
Semper Fi!
I mean, yeah. If I were designing areas spending 100s of hours on the art of it, I’d be more than a little peeved if people just flew over it right away and didn’t get to see the nuances and details I added.
So after the main story quest for that zone, but without any other grinds?
By the way, flying gives you a better view of the scenery. And if they want to do something else they could put it under ground or under water.
I guarantee I would spend more time in your creation with flight, seeing what there is to see, than I would if I were stuck on the ground dodging hostile mobs. Much in the same way I don’t gawk at scenery while I’m trying to keep idiots in cars from killing me on the highway, on the ground in WoW, staying alive is more important than art appreciation.
Sure, but you definitely wouldn’t be enjoying the scenery on the ground if you had a plane. You’d still fly over it and go straight to wherever you are going.
This is a dishonest take and you know it.
I do this too. When I am getting from place to place on the ground I am mostly just running through trying to aggro as little as possible. Sometimes I will make notes of places I want to go back to when I get flying. The second I get flying the first thing I do is go back to the zones and explore everything from the air. I get to take in the sights without being attacked, and a bird’s eye view gives me a much better perspective of the things I found interesting enough to check out.
Edit: Flying also makes the incredibly awful gathering system in WoW slightly less of a chore. Though only slightly.
Lazy developers.
While I’m fine with aimlessly wandering around and do it from time to time, the game world isn’t inherently valuable just because it exists. It still has to serve a purpose to drive the bulk of engagement. I bought a video game not a forest simulator. Even your peeved artist would understand that.
Nah, it’s a 100% honest take.
Prior to flight, did you or did you not triage which world quests you would do, in part, by how much of a pain they would be to get to with the available transport you had? Did you ever do a world quest where you were driven by the desire to see the area where it was vs. the reward it offered?
Because they still maintain that they want you to experience the world from the ground first. I think they fail to realize that just because I am somewhere or I did something that I’m not having the experience they believe I’m having.
You always say Semper Fi in your posts, well when I was an active duty lance cooly the NCO above me made me come to his house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I didn’t want to, I wanted to sit in the barracks and play Wow but in his mind I wasn’t going to be happy alone, because he thinks you should spend time with family and people that care about you. No, you’re just annoying me, I’m going to sit there pissed off until I can get back to playing Wow.
Everyone doesn’t view things the same way, being stuck on the ground is just annoying for me. But, Blizzard knows best, apparently I don’t know what I enjoy in a video game despite being a gamer for 30 years.
thats weird because Icecrown was literally designed as if players had flying
I think its ironic that Blizz timegates flying so players can experience world content a particular way only to have players avoid world content because they don’t feel like navigating their cliff-mazes filled with mobs for 150 anima
timegating flying is Blizz’s version of the ‘mandatory fun’ in the Marine Corps lol