Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Back then they had devs capable of creating. Now its all by spreadsheet.

You know, id take 60% flying in a zone like nazjatar on day one, over being stuck in it on the ground. Because it was designed to be a PITA on the ground. Even 60% flying would be enough to get around, and buy faster flying at a later time.


Didn’t you know? Blizzard does all this on purpose to make less cash.

Most are going let us skip the trash once we have completed the story in a patch and explored all of the areas in the patch .

There is no reason to grounded until the next patch when people have dailies and wqs that are current.

Back in BfA I had this toon finished with BfA Pathfinder part 1 after launch and waited almost a year to get part 2 and that is what most of us did . Not only that we get multiple alts through during that period.

How much do we have to see of the same exact things over and over and over until we have seen everything they want us to see after we have already seen it.

Path Finder has nothing to do with them wanting us to see what they created because if they did they would give us actual things to do besides passive tree borrowed systems, rep grinds that are so you can play new races and obstacle courses to allow you to finally fly after a year.

PF is just another way to get people to log on and jack the MAU numbers up for the Acti-Blizz investors.


It is a Quality of life aspect of the game


That’s not what MAU is.

But let’s pretend it does jack MAU. That means having flying earlier would make you not connect at least once a month, why would Blizzard allow you to fly earlier?

They wanna do feet exercise for some patches to get in shape again

I’ve often thought that they should make all the anti flyers have to RP walk to earn normal walking while we have to earn flying .


If it takes months to get and people keep logging on month after month to get it done , it shows how engaged players are each month.

Everything since Legion has been a system to get people to log on every month because of FOMO or falling behind . All ways to up the MAUs for the investors .

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You’re arguing something else now. MAU doesn’t care if you connect once a month or 31. Could stuff be quicker to acquire? Sure. But stop blaming MAU numbers for what Blizzard is doing, that’s irrelevant and just shows ignorance as what MAU actually is.

I go online once a week. I count as 1 MAU.
My friend is on 4 hours a day. Still just 1 MAU.

It’s all stupidity that revolves around the idea that flying is a privilege and not a right. I think any capped character should be able to fly, I hit the goal posts in this expansion but never completed a pathfinder in WoD, Legion, or BfA. Whether I fly in 9.2 will depend entirely on how much of it flows as a natural consequence of progressing my character vs how much of it is pointless side-quest.

Farm rep for flying? Nope, won’t do it. Complete every quest in any given zone? Never bowed to that neither. The best way to handle flying nowadays is to make it a more-or-less natural consequence of playing your character, not engaging in more wasted time in pointless activities than you’d save if you didn’t have it and just focused on what was important. Which is to say how I’ve pretty much seen things since pathfinder was introduced in WoD, that it was better to do what was fun and just eff flying, why do every damned thing until you’re bored just for flying? It never made sense to me personally.

I’m not sure we’re out the woods yet with 9.2 but I truly appreciate that they made flying in 9.1 something I didn’t need to hate myself for a month to attain.

Its the most cost efficient way to stop players from running thru new expansion content. Sadly, the folks that made this decision did not weigh the cost of lost subscriptions due to Pathfinder vs the profit from finding a better way, to design expansions, that could keep players entertained/immersed longer. I believe they could do this…they have the talent !!
/wonders to self: “only if”


Man id love to see that.


Only because Ion hates it and the playerbase. He’s been trying to remove it for years, but decided to spite the players and create pathfinder and timegate them because he gets backlash every time. He wants to force the game to be what he wants, even if it clashes against the vast majority of the players.


I like pathfinder because it lets me fly on all my alts at minimum levels for no additionnal cost. Could it be improved or made available earlier? Sure. Removed? Hell to the no.

Some people keep talking about MAU as the root of the problem. Well I tell you one thing, if pathfinder wasn’t a thing, I wouldn’t be playing right now. At all. So no MAU from me.

I can’t be alone.


Still trying to claim that flying isn’t delayed due to blizz trying to make WoW a mobile game grind?

Shillin’ for blizz.

Time to just put you on forum ignore.


Feel free to.

Im convinced its so he can point at a spreadsheet some day and say “SEE, ONLY 60% got it last time, and ONLY 73% got it THIS TIME, THAT MEANS NO ONE REALLLLLLLY WANTS IT!” And then remove it completely from all zones.

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THey didn’t get removed until Shadowlands. PF should be removed once an expansion has ended .


You have a very strange perception of what waste means. If you earned flight through pathfinder and then 2+ years down the road they make it free, those 2 years you spent flying wasn’t wasted now was it.

No Hierlooms pre Shadowlands did that