Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Which you mean every single alts I do can’t get flying until I don’t really need it anymore? Sounds great! /s

You should really learn what MAU means before using it as a typical buzzword.

I like to pretend I get into a sap fight with another rogue at the end of every expansion that results in temporary vertigo so my flying license gets suspended

repeated head injuries also helps explain some of the decisions the player character makes in the story

How does his comment not show understanding of what a “MAU” is?

You do understand that “engagement” and forcing players to keep paying and playing (mobile game style/Korean grind style) is starting to now have the opposite effect, right?


Because you use it wrong. MAU literally stands for monthly active users. What sense does it make to delay flying to increase MAUs, what does that even mean? You’d still connect at least once a month even if you could fly day 1 no?

Forcing grinds means players have to play longer and more frequently. That means that their monthly logins increase, because they don’t drop or pause their sub when doing grinds.

And as I said, this is backfiring.


And that’s not what MAU stands for. MAU doesn’t care if you’ve connected once a month or once a day.

And, you misunderstand, probably intentionally.

They are subbed for more months. Thus your MAU is counted.

And what the hell would having flying day 1 or not change about it? You’d still connect at least once a month for multiple months no?

Or are you saying you wouldn’t connect at least once a month if pathfinder wasn’t a thing, to which I say… why the hell would Blizzard remove it then? Seems like it’s doing its job at keeping you, even if you hate it.

They hope to make you sub longer, because they stretched the grind for something you might want - flying.

What is so hard for you to understand?

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I know exactly what it means. And it is a metric that has very little to do directly with a subscription-based business model but is used as a corporate-wide measuring stick to allow investors to judge a game’s potential for growth.

Problem with it is, much of WoW is now designed to continually increase it, at the expense of actual player enjoyment. Because adding even a few minutes each session — say by forcing travel through mob packs or inserting invisible walls — increases the metric significantly when multiplied by hundreds of thousands of players. Remember when sticking to roads used to keep you away from hostiles? Well now they are more likely to funnel you directly into them. Why? Because it adds to the time you spend getting to your destination.

So it’s working then, since you’re still here, among every other complaining about it. Wouldn’t it be stupid for blizzard to remove it?

That is TOTALLY irrelevant to MAU!!!

Don’t think anyone has said they’d be bothered by that.

I’m genuinely astonished that you would look at this game for longer than 5 seconds and conclude that it’s “story-based”.

So you are here, shilling for blizz - got it.

It’s dumb because it’s reducing engagement, not increasing it. Subs are dropping, and stuff like this is one reason.

It’s not rocket surgery.

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I don’t mind having to re-learn flying. Even if it doesn’t make sense and you have to fill it in like some Marvel no-prize to explain why. Like the you have to get permission to fly here excuse.

I just wish it were not a 8-9 month gate and that it was just explore the map and do the main story to unlock sort of thing. I don’t want to do renown and then wait for the unlock, because renown is just rep renamed. I don’t want to do rep, then have to wait for the unlock.

That doesn’t feel intuitive like I’m learning the area or getting permission. It just feels exactly like a gate to prevent people from flying. Because Blizz could not accept that people didn’t want to go without flying in WoD. And are bitter about it.


If it really was, and provable that it’s a main cause of subs dropping, then Blizzard would have changed it.

Unless you’re saying that Blizzard is tanking WoW on purpose.

And rocket surgery what?

A padded mobile game just to unlock flying is not meaningful content.

It’ll be at least double that for literally no reason other than padding out played time.

How is flying a hack? What exactly do we miss by flying?

Keep changing the goal posts.

But are you saying that blizz hasn’t made a bunch of mistakes that have tanked subs recently?

Let me introduce you to the PVP situation, one of the most active threads for a long time, and a topic that still spawns multiple threads today about how bad it is, and why gearing is broken.

Just like they continued the trend of making content that’s two expansions old “legacy content” with a huge buff to make it easily soloable? Sure I believe that…