Why do Troll Headhunters say "Vengeance for Zul'jin"

In Warcraft 3, the Troll Headhunter unit says “Vengeance for Zul’jin” when they spawn, but what I am confused is that these are Darkspear Trolls which are an off shoot of Gurubashi. Zul’jin is an Amani Forest Troll.

So why do they acknowledge Zul’jin at all?


He was a legendary troll figure and, evidently, trolls of other tribes had heard of him. Trolls ingame say “For Zul’jin!” when they /charge, so that cements it.


Before BC most trolls saw Zul’jin as a hero of the trollish people. Times have changed, and I’m not even sure if it’s still true anymore. Playable Darkspear still say “For Zul’jin!” when they /charge as an artifact of this.

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Burning Crusade was actually the start of the Horde hero massacre we see continued to this day. Zul’jin, Kargath, Kael’thas… all important heroes to their respective races that could’ve done well as leaders of the Horde (some who might’ve even been Warchief candidates had they survived to this day). But no. Kargath got killed in a dungeon, Zul’jin got killed in a raid, and Kael’thas got killed in both… wasteful.


Gotta feed the PvE “content” beast.


Isn’t Zul’jin also a title and not just a name?

Really bummed me for what they did to Kael’Thas.

I do not care how stupid that ret-con is. Bring that dude back.


Some people have suggested him for the San’layn racial lead… dunno how I feel about it as a whole, but I’d accept it.

It would be no worse than us bringing back and teaming up with Illidan, at this point.


The thing is with Illidan even back in the day with War of the Ancients novel
I saw Illidan behaving the exact same way as he did in Legion.
He joined the Legion to beat the Legion.

I really do not understand why some people were skeptical about joining Illidan’s side.


Cause of Burning Crusade. Not only did it massacre a bunch of solid Horde folks, but it also arbitrarily turned Illidan into a fullblown villainous tyrant rather than a rough-edged anti-hero.


Zul’jin got done dirtier than anyone in BC.
Killed by treasure hunters… Not saying he could have joined the horde, but he could have joined the horde.


Ok but speaks nothing about how Illidan is going to kill or enslave us all.
All i got from BC is Illidan rules outland… stop him?

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He started hardcore slaving broken and stuff. Really messed up stuff they explain away in the book by branding him an absentee leader who did his own thing while the council tried to figure it all out on their own.


So? And we take kobold candles.
Did we really cross into outland to save the broken?

Illidan has always been the ends justify the means type of guy.

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Zul and Jin are separate meanings, it seems that Jin is a title, while Zul is a signifier of something of Importance (hence all the cities with the “Zul” name, perhaps even simply meaning “The Great”. It would make sense, as the Zulian Empire, or “The Great Empire”, Zul the Prophet “The Great Prophet” etc)

I found the opposite to be true, that it was weird that we even fought him.

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Primarily because the retcon of Burning Crusade seemed ham fisted. Especially with Xe’ra preaching about it. Partly because some of my characters don’t agree his ends justified the particular means.

But like I said, Kael’thas coming back couldn’t be much worse than that. No worse than Maiev either. His own actions were (at least pre-Sunwell) for his people.

The Darkspear were established by the Frozen Throne expansion.

I’m not certain how it would’ve been improved. :thinking:

There’s no racism among the alliance stuck in outland so would he remain with the alliance?

Yeah but the ends they portrayed in TBC was that illidan was insane and evil. That he didn’t want to fight the legion and thought he won vs arthas. It was changed in the illidan book to make it so that the ends were the defeat of the legion.

Yeah, because all the proper lore of him encountering Xe’ra was in the book. Like why he was evil in outland. And why kael went evil. All the reasons that TBC did not have.

He nuked an alliance town just for being kirintor.