Why do the horde assume every AV is the Alliance rushing to Drek?

I haven’t played in a few days, but I’m just wondering. The past few weeks I was part of maybe 2 queues where the Alliance rushed all the way to Drek and won in 7 minutes. All my other games were still 35 minute games because we capped all towers and killed all LTs… Even in losses.

I’m wondering, just because it happened on the first week when everyone was rushing to get rep, why do you guys assume every single game is a premade that is rushing to end the game in 7 minutes? Most people just want the most amount of honor.

I see a lot of Horde around here talking about how the Alliance are condoning in toxic behavior… But I just don’t understand it, the Horde go out of their way to make AV the most toxic environment out there. Like the horde will go out of their way and send 20 Horde to stop 7 Alliance players trying to get honor. It just discourages people from wanting to play the game.

This version of AV was never designed for PVP anyways. It’s more PVE than anything… Just let everyone get their 3k honor and move on. You guys still get honor in 35 minute losses.

You do realize you get more honor if your objectives (towers/lts/cos) are still up when you end the game right?


Why do Alliance assume that every horde assumes that all alliance rush to drek?


Did you just assume my assumptions?


i may have assumed as much.

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Horde doesn’t care about alliance getting honor. What Horde does care though is about Horde not getting honor, especially after 1+ hour queue. You can kill LTs all you like, nobody cares. But trying to take a tower reduces Horde bonus honor gain and that will quickly incur the wrath of the entire raid.
Most of Horde strategies right now revolve around minimizing chances for losing towers/Galv and maximizing Horde bonus honor gain. That’s why most of the time Horde will take Snowfall and drag the game to 30 minute mark even if there’s an opening to win quicker.
This is reminiscent of premade meta when Horde was desperately rushing to kill Balinda/Lts as quickly as possible to salvage at least some honor from a guaranteed loss. Now the roles not only have reversed but Horde is also extremely vary of any Alliance getting south of Snowfall out fear of losing honor and will try to stop any runners (whereas Alliance premades tried to avoid fighting as much as possible). Conversely, the best strategy for Alliance (unless you built a solid presence south) is to stay low and covertly kill as many LTs as you can, only assaulting towers when no more targets are available or when Horde is committed in Dun Baldar (for example, started on Vann).

If you think for a second that they don’t send 5 people after 1 person trying to solo LTs you are mistaken. I’m one of the people who constantly tries to get by the blockade at SHGY just to get 1 or 2 LTs to have more than 0 bonus honor. Hunters will track down anyone as soon as they see 1 LT die and then 5 people come after them.

The horde players are PvP oriented after waiting an hour and a half. No casual player waits an hour and a half for a queue. You have 40 people who think alike and work together. Alliance has short queues, so we only have about 10-15 people who think alike in our queues. The rest have no idea what they are doing, are bots, or just rep farm. At least premades evened the playing field.

Im not doubting you… I’ve had 6 horde come after me and a warlock BEHIND galv killing one of the LTs.

I call absolute bs…cant even kill luets behind galv without 10 horde coming after you. Youre completely full of it.

This. xxxxxxxxx

Trust me, nobody is watching Alliance scoreboard to see if you’re killing LTs. However, the moment are are noticed south, you’re identified as a threat to towers and will be hunted for that and for that only.

The Alliance just won the first slow-paced game ever this morning at like 6am. It was a 40 min match and we somehow worked together to get every tower and kill Drek, while also denying the Horde Stonehearth. It was a freak occurrence I’ll likely never see again but my oh my was it glorious.

And this is the problem right here. This perception the alliance has is at the heart of everything and sets the expectation. And horde knows it and is proving you wrong spanking us every single game.

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They are doing it on purpose because the have to wait an hour to get into their next game. If a 10v1 is considered good PVP count me out. No measure of skill. The objective of AV to win is PVE. The horde purposely create these long, drawn out games where they end up farming Alliance for literally 0 honor because that’s what most of them are end up worth after you kill them 15 times.
Don’t argue that once they have SHGY it’s basically game over because you’ll have 4 mages and a hunter waiting there for the entire game not allowing a single person past, because of poor map design that is favored towards the Horde.

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Well from start of queue to end of bg is 2 hours given a 30 minute AV match. I can get 4k~ from HK farming and another 5k from solid map control and bonus honor end of match. A match not drawn out, where we dodge eachother will be 1 hour and… say… 40 minutes total wait for a short match nets us 2.5k honor and way less in HKs. Sorry. I will take the former.

AVs will be drawn out so long as we have long queue times. Not going to change, really.

Release AB.

Can’t speak for everybody but usually the plan is the match to last 30 minutes for bonus honor. Enough turn ins for us to summon ice daddy, and then we go get back any towers you guys capped.

We’re going to make that hour and a half count by squeezing out as much honor as possible. Even vs premades, my pugs go hard and don’t go down without a fight

Zug Zug


Zug Zug

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Faction imbalance is the true part of the problem.

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At this point what would be your solution? I don’t see them opening faction changes really.

Currently there’s no incentive for horde to roll alliance either :confused:

They should, this game is broken.