Haven’t been on the forums in a week. I see Surrender is still holding the Alliance torch.
Okay dude.
I m not sure you know what AV is about and what the objectives of the game are. The goal is to accomplish PVE Objectives, while keeping your own bases.
You are placed in a raid group when you enter, this is meant to be played as a team.
Horde players don’t know how many ally players are in one location before we get there, could be 1 or 30.
In most good Horde groups, we aim for perfect games, players know what the plan his, read the map and react to the situations that develop.
Exactly, while this is IMPOSSIBLE with Alliance PUGS because half are afk/bots/don’t care because queue times are <5 minutes.
What did the Alliance come up with? Premades.
What happened - Blizzard removed premades because their own programming errors, Alliance freaking out (starting games without sufficient players) and Horde freaking out on the forums.
Now we are stuck with some sh*tty system that benefits one side.
Until the premade changes to AV, every horde would either face a pug that started with half the players and was an easy gentle win, or they were a premade and you rushed LT’s to get some honor in before they kill Drek in 6-7 minutes.
Premades are good and the only time even a big recall worked was for the low ranked premades, so horde got used to either fighting a half empty BG, or having 7 minutes to maximize honor
AM horde is what alliance is almost all the time.
We try and avoid the AM. :’)
dude were you not there for the 3-4 weeks of pm’s finishing hundreds of games a day in 6mins? the horde are just terrified with the mental warfare we created in their minds, i miss ending the game in 6mins with 20 horde trying to stop us, my best games were knowing these plebs waited an hour for less then 1.5k honor lmao.
Horde honor isn’t weighted against ally honor, the entire horde getting less honor just meant you had to farm less honor for every rank. It wasn’t a few horde making less honor, it was the faction, so in the end its a wash, every horde game went the same, you keep queueing and grinding because thats how rank works.
Now that you are r14 or w/e, you can finally pvp though.
Its impossible even with a premade of elites if the horde are geared even half as well. i mean come on- the fight start on our side of the map horde take sh now and we cant even reenforce it because of yet another 100% choke at the n bunker where horde have the high ground and can easily reenforce from IB. Where on the horde map can you not defend horde assets because we can cut you out 100%? Every change blizzard makes has made it worse now too. On top of all your advantages horde still insist on exploting everything they can like the DB backdoor and shooting through the terrain at SPGY. WSG unplayable 100% premades and every horde team is all warlords. AV just depressing… horde are their own worst enemy. Your queues are so long because noone wants to play anymore. Your queues are so long because you turn a 20 minute game into a 1 hour game. Soon your queues will be infinity because every single person i know who is pvping alot is fed up and quitting. GL pvping yourself enjoy the free gear.
I haven’t seen anything about rushing drek lately. Instead, it’s “wipe them at Bal… hold SHGY and rush IBGY!!!”
I haven’t seen anything beyond that. The current strategy is pretty much roll over and be farmed until the Horde get bored and start pushing our base.
In a BG with even numbers if you are outnumbered 10-1 that means elsewhere on the field your team has a 39-30 advantage. Assuming 9 of them aren’t afk.
Figure the folks ninja’ing lts south are worth a lot of honor, since very few hordes are present to leech honor.
That and bc alliance cannot simply be left unmolested in our own backyard. Yesterday we reset vann at 30 mins so our bois could get IBT back for max honor.
So much cringe in this OP.
The funny thing is that players like this both imagine that “horde send” groups of their numbers in a coordinated counter-action, yet they themselves cannot manage to act as a unit, DESPITE the fact that they gloated about being able to steamroll horde with discord premades made up of random players from random servers. The double standard view of the 2 sides is comically cringe.
Boycott BG’s: