Why do tanks have such a big ego?

Yeah like if he said that, I wouldn’t even start an issue with him and just left peacefully because that’s not my preferred speed. I had a problem with it because multiple other people said the same thing to him, he just seemed to not care at all what anyone thinks because his spec is on a shortage and people need him.

That type of entitlement is frustrating.

Whatever help your tank ego rest easy at night I guess, the entire party dipped and had the same complaints as me so if 4 people are telling you that you’re wrong and you seem to think you’re right then this post makes even more sense in my mind because the entitlement is incredibly thick with tank players.

I do play tank on my main, I get some bad DPS and yes I have my issues with it as well. But I also am not the type of tank to not listen to my party or raid, if they are saying I need to do something better I will assess my skills instead of getting emotional and power tripping on people.

I understand as tank they need me more than I need them, but I don’t use that as leverage to do whatever I want.

Yes it had a 1 button “rotation” for its core but it wasent 1 button spec esp when learning it.

A new player that likly has yet to look up the “optimal” way to play will def see it as vastly more than spam shadow bolt.

Many players DO NOT look up there classes before hitting max level and many not even at max level.

As such it is quite reasonable esp in the case of pally that has alot going on possible button wise to take a bit to learn.

A tank honestly doesn’t have a right to choose the pace of the dungeon if everyone in the group is asking otherwise. In that case, you’re subject to be removed. A group is just that… it’s a group effort. not just the tank

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Apparently according to some people in this thread tha tank is the end all be all and everyone needs to bow down to them, like I said the entitlement is thick. It’s never their fault, they always place the blame on everyone else.

Yes your subject to removal I even out right said that.

But non the less the tank has the right to set the pace.

Just like the group leader has the right to remove them and the group has the right to not run with them.

But so long as they are tanking it is there right to set the pace.


You just explained why tanks have such a big ego.

The party sets the pace, not the tank.

If you want to set the pace as a tank go quest in the open world, you can set your own pace against open world mobs since you seem to not care about anyone but yourself.

Well, he could have been trolling or just didnt care to respond to such requests or idk lol but hey it is what it is. Just add him on the block list or whatever to avoid encountering the tank again and just move on to having fun :sweat_smile:

Unsure though of the tank being egotistical lol just the tank didnt say anything about wanting to take it slow and easy.

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As per blizzard itself no its part of the tanks role.

The group has input on the pace and a great tank will adapt the pace to them but it is the tanks job to set that pace.

In the end its the tanks job to set that pace.


Why on earth were you running that dungeon? If everyone was so over geared they were able to pull half the dungeon at a time, there was no value in running it. I think there is a lot missing from this story. You strike me as an unreliable narrator.


Blizzard didn’t invent tanks, they were around for ever and they are just the same importance as a DPS or healer.

Welcome to the dynamics of a party, this must be your first time learning what being a part of a team means.

Maybe he is new or something, just let him tank at his pace. Its a level 30 dungeon… maybe he just enjoys the classic experience… maybe he hasnt played the game in 15 years… who knows, maybe he clicks his abilities… if you wanted an AOE farming/speed clearing group, advertise that and pick up people who want that experience.


Play affliction and then talk. Or just play a warlock in general. Better yet, don’t talk at all.

LOL nope.

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I assume they wanted to complete quest(s) despite being overgeared and wanting that gold. Of course i could be wrong

They din’t need to invent tanks.

They made this game and this games rules and definitions. This is blizzards right to do as the games dev.

Which blizzard so kindly has defined tank and there roles as per as mentioned the summary on the role you get when picking it in retail. Which includes the responsibility to set the runs pace.

Being part of a team means each person has there role and you work together to meat a goal.

The tanks role is to set that pace among other things.

A great tank will adjust to the party pace wise. A good tank will only just not wipe the team. A bad tank will wipe the team.

sorry talking about the spec 95% of locks raid on, not the “look mom i buffed” spec

Doesn’t change the fact, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about…

Nothing worse than gogogogo dps. Especially the ones that start to wiggle with their WASD keys the moment combat stops.


Just to be clear, I agree the OP is at fault but in this case he did say it was a 3 button spec at that level which if we’re looking at SM is ~40s or so. Now, I will agree it’s been a decade since a leveled a pally in wrath but I’m pretty sure not all the tools for 69 are available at that level. He likely doesn’t have SoR or HoR, so it’s pretty close to 3 buttons.

If he said that, the it’s fine. He never said that, and I never called him out in a toxic way. He resorted to power tripping instead which escalated causing the rest of the party to disband.

Sorry but regardless of what Blizzard says they themselves don’t honor it and neither do any of the players.

In this case, the entire party disbanded because a single player decided he was above everyone else despite being told to do something that he was more than capable of doing.

Regardless of your position on the team, being a team player is far more important than waving around a tank spec thinking people owe you anything.

Nothing worse than tank who also doesn’t care what the party wants and does whatever he wants despite it slowing down the party and making him a hindrance.

Just because you play tank doesn’t magically absolve you from being a bad player.