Why do tanks have such a big ego?

It is better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.

Seriously though, I understand most of this is just venting. I have played this game off an on since 2007 and have played with some pretty awesome players, and some pretty bad players. I hardly remember 99.99999% of my interactions though either way.

You mentioned that you called out the tank. I’m not a psychologist but this seems counter productive to getting the intended results. Asking why someone does something the way they do, such as tanking one pack at a time, is and was taking as a hostile comment.

I’m not here to criticize you or your approach, god knows I have done the same once or twice in the 15 years I have played. Life went on for me and it will go on for you.

What happens when you anger a tank at 30, what do you think happens at max level, when you want a tank? That’s one less tank that will level for you.

On a mega server that’s less of an issue, but if you anger enough of us on a medium server, you won’t get to play any longer.

Most of us are generous gods though, as long as you dps don’t drop our palanquin, and remember to bring your palm frond.

Who said I can’t take criticism? I was sharing my enjoyment in another persons actions mr troll.

You said you are a tank in SWP? Post on your main then. Until then you are just trolling.

Nah I like the way my dwarf shaman looks on the forums and anyone that needs to looks to validate an opinion based on a forum character has proven their thoughts are not valid.

Enjoy celebrating people griefing dungeons because their feelings got hurt.

I agree, I honestly moved on from the situation and at this point just responding to the ridiculous pedestal people put tank players on simply for picking that role.

I assume most of these people are trolling me but some people actually believe by picking up a tank role it absolves so you from all criticism.

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Tanks have big egos because they have equally large… shields

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So what you are saying is you can’t handle criticism?


I did enjoy it, and got another group immediately that went perfectly smooth

You never gave me criticism, telling someone to post on a different toon or their opinion doesn’t matter isn’t criticism that’s a mental health issue.

Good for you, the tank in my scenario caused the rest of us to leave and we found a group right after. Makes sense why you play Classic, your type of mentality would blacklist you from every mythic group since no one wants to play with a man child who can’t take criticism.

You can only survive in Classic with your mentality because the people in this community are just as immature and low skill so they’ll support your delusions.

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so I should accept someone yelling at me, calling me names, and pulling ahead for me when the healer is running oom?

Somehow I feel like that would be unacceptable in mythic dungeons

Sounds like your tank had a chip on his soldier… but also having tanked before, specifically as a warrior, I entirely get it. Its one of the most difficult and entirely thankless jobs in the game

Are we pretending that the tank shortage is not just as intense in retail?

Its adorable that you really think this is a thing. Ive run Mythic pugs for the last month and a half and never recognized the same name twice. The idea that there’s some sort of blacklist on retail, or that there ever could be, is beyond laughable.

Im successfully timing +20+ keys as a holy priest and still have yet to find this “retail community.” It doesn’t exist. Retail might as well be a single player game

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Literally none of that happened, why are you so dramatic? All I asked him was why he pulled a single pack, the healer and other DPS also called him out and his only response was to powertrip and act like he owns the place.

Everyone left and whispered me saying the tank was being the aggressor but apparently in your twisted narrative you want to always paint as the tank being right and everyone else as being wrong.

guys I’m like 99% sure this is a troll post referencing this reddit post (link)

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Funny enough I don’t remember the names of anyone I do dungeons with on Classic either, this game is equally as dead socially as Retail.

If anything that post only lends more validity to my argument that tank players are mostly man children who power trip, that poster got downvoted a million times in the comment section because he had the same toxic logic as the rest of the people posting on this thread.

You might actually wanna get that checked out

Except he actually has a positive upvote score so… cool story? You were only off by a million

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Except if you scroll by controversial and actually read the real opinions that aren’t sugarcoated to farm likes from naive people like you then you’ll see that the OP is massively downvoted for acting like the world owes him something for being a tank.

Bad tanks can exist, simply playing a tank doesn’t make you immune to criticism. Grow up and learn to be a part of a team or get dumped like the tank did in my SM run.

Cool story. His 1st comment has 400+ upvotes and I scrolled for 100 posts and didnt find another. How far down do I have to scroll to find the one post that totally shows youre not making stuff up?

Doesnt sound like “the tank got dropped.” It sounds like you threw a tantrum and left the group causing it to ultimately disband. Maybe you should “grow up and learn to be a part of a team.” :man_shrugging:

But sure… Tell me again how it was the TANK with the insufferable ego.

You don’t have to scroll at all, just sort by controversial. Do you not know how Reddit works?

Nah multiple people in the group called him out and the tank defaulted to acting like a diva and thinking he runs the show, people left after I did and whispered me saying the tank was the problem.

We found another group pretty quickly, and I even added the healer who ran with me later.

Looks like people can unite over dealing with horrible players who think they’re above all criticism

I know this is a troll post, but you’re more than welcome to roll a tank and set your own pace :hugs: