Why do some abuse victims/survivors identify with Sylvanas?

The issue is that Anduin was doing it a bit too late and it wasn’t long enough imo. It was basically like 2-3 cutscenes and that was it. Suddenly he is now a mindless puppet that Sylvanas willingly made him become.

We assume that because we didn’t see what happened. Maybe Anduin joined her willingly.

The Sylvanas book synopsys implies there will be more context given to how Anduin was turned. We may get hints about the other times she talked to him.

Anduin makes it clear that it is up to her to make that decision for him.

And at the end of the day, she had no other choice. It was either her way with compassion for him or the Jailer’s way by brute force. I don’t think people realize how powerless Sylvanas was in that moment.

Anduin says “you hold all the power Sylvanas” but that was a lie. She’s powerless against the Jailer.

And that was the point. To show that while Sylvanas believes she is on equal footing with Zovaal, she is just as much as a slave to him as he will be. Which is why it is comical that she finally puts the pieces together when Zovaal says, “serve” in the SoD finale. Like everyone was saying he enslaves people either through force or by giving them a “choice”. Hell, Sylvanas had that happen to her in the now retconned Edge of Night. Either serve the Jailer willingly or be tortured forever. Yet some posters think that she because she was never mind controlled into siding with Uncle Z, she was never a “slave”. And she believed in that too. I think that is why Azshara stands out as a better written villain. She was in that same situation with N’zoth following the WotA but she had the balls to actually choose death unless she got her way. N’zoth needed Azshara which is why he caved only a few seconds before Azshara would’ve drowned just to show who is the boss still.

I’m all for characters who went on a negative character arc to realize it and change to a positive one. But that happened way too late for Sylvanas. I think it would’ve just been better if Zovaal just left her to die regardless after he got want he wanted. Just like he was going to do with Denathrius.


Anyway if you people decide to redeem Sylvanas
than lets agree that Arthas will be redeemed also…

Arthas also is a victim here, hello…

P.S. imagine a drama when Sylvanas will join our forces, and will see that Arthas is also togeather with us. :grimacing:


Arthas and Sylvanas take down the Jailor together! Then we find them both at diner.
Telling funny stories about memories and laughing outloud.

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Derek Proudmoore.

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No you haven’t. At all

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Yes, she could’ve just not commited genocide and obliterate the souls etc. She betrayed the jailer in 9.1 so why not do it sooner :woman_shrugging:

You know, before you become an even more evil version of arthas.


Derek Proudmoore is a special case where blizzard has bent the physical and metaphysical rules of their world to bring him into existence for shock value. Much like teldrassil.

Godfrey and his croneys acknowledge the nature of the ‘valkyries gift’ as does Sira Moonwarden in darkshore.

Derek was also supposedly flashfried by a dragon. Blizzard not adhering to there own lore shouldn’t come as a suprise to anyone on this board.

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He’s also a case of Sylvanas raising someone against his will.

I now have absolute proof a mod is abusing power. Thank you for removing my non offensive and relevant reply to this thread.

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I think my point still stands. They went so far as to change questing in darkshore to demonstrate someone could not be raised against their will, because of an outcry. Derek is an aberration to the rules.

I’m thinking specifically of the revamped Andorhal quests, where Sylvanas sends her val’kyr to raise the Alliance troops and civilians fighting in the city. They were forced into undeath and used against their former comrades, and there was nothing - at least in game - to indicate they were given any sort of agency at all.

While I’m not a big fan of Garrosh, I’ll give him credit for questioning what the difference between Sylvanas and the Lich King really was by that point.


The night elves had the choice between Irwich and undead, this was not a choice that arose because of the Val’kyr, but a choice due to the fact that they were night elves, no one else had this choice. e.g. the undead in Kul’Tiras did not have this choice, to simply reject it.

Like who?


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sounds reasonable…yeah, only to harm the sylvanas fan boys…jop…jop…no other reason… :rofl:

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The entire Hillsbrad questline was about Forsaken finding the living and then raising them again as forsaken.
In a desperate move to avoid being turned into undead they became Worgen to fight against the Forsaken.

This whole Forsaken choose to be raised and made to serve is a really really grey area.
Now we learn these Valkyr are related to a guy with domination magic… so mind control is really not outside of the realm of possibility.
